blob: fe8c9101f9b971e282902f50bfe2476b468f3ac2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'parser_helper.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/tree/tree.dart';
void testNode(Node node, String expected, String text, [bool hard = true]) {
var debug = 'text=$text,expected=$expected,node:${node}';
Expect.isNotNull(node, debug);
Token beginToken = node.getBeginToken();
Expect.isNotNull(beginToken, debug);
Token endToken = node.getEndToken();
Expect.isNotNull(endToken, debug);
int begin = beginToken.charOffset;
int end = endToken.charOffset + endToken.slowCharCount;
Expect.isTrue(begin <= end, debug);
if (hard) {
Expect.stringEquals(expected, text.substring(begin, end), debug);
Node testExpression(String text, [String alternate]) {
var node = parseStatement('$text;').expression;
testNode(node, alternate == null ? text : alternate, text);
return node;
void testUnaryExpression() {
void testAssignment() {
Expression node;
SendSet sendSet;
String text;
text = "a = b";
node = testExpression(text);
text = "a = b = c";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: a = (b = c).
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
testNode(sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet(), 'b = c', text);
text = "a = b = c = d";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: a = (b = (c = d)).
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
testNode(sendSet = sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet(), 'b = c = d', text);
testNode(sendSet = sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet(), 'c = d', text);
text = "a.b = c";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: receiver = a, selector = b, arguments = c.
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", "a.b = c");
testNode(sendSet.selector, "b", "a.b = c");
testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "c", "a.b = c");
text = "a.b = c.d";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: a.b = (c.d).
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
Expect.stringEquals("a", sendSet.receiver.toString());
Expect.stringEquals("b", sendSet.selector.toString());
Expect.stringEquals("c.d", sendSet.arguments.head.toString());
text = "a.b = c.d = e.f";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: a.b = (c.d = (e.f)).
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
testNode(sendSet.selector, "b", text);
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = sendSet.arguments.head.asSendSet());
testNode(sendSet.receiver, "c", text);
testNode(sendSet.selector, "d", text);
testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "e.f", text);
void testIndex() {
Expression node;
Send send;
SendSet sendSet;
String text;
text = "a[b]";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: (a)[b].
Expect.isNotNull(send = node.asSend());
testNode(send.receiver, "a", text);
// TODO(johnniwinther): [selector] is the synthetic [] Operator which doesn't
// return the right begin/end tokens. In the next line we should have expected
// "[b]" instead of "[b".
testNode(send.selector, "[b", text);
testNode(send.arguments.head, "b", text);
text = "a[b] = c";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: (a)[b] = c.
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
testNode(sendSet.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "=", text);
testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "b", text);
testNode(sendSet.arguments.tail.head, "c", text);
text = "a.b[c]";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: (a.b)[c].
Expect.isNotNull(send = node.asSend());
testNode(send.receiver, "a.b", text);
testNode(send.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
testNode(send.arguments.head, "c", text);
text = "a.b[c] = d";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: (a.b)[] = (c, d).
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
Expect.isNotNull(send = sendSet.receiver.asSend());
testNode(send, "a.b", text);
testNode(sendSet.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "=", text);
testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "c", text);
testNode(sendSet.arguments.tail.head, "d", text);
void testPostfix() {
Expression node;
SendSet sendSet;
String text;
text = "a.b++";
node = testExpression(text);
// Should parse as: (a.b)++.
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
testNode(sendSet.selector, "b", text);
testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "++", text);
text = "++a[b]";
// TODO(johnniwinther): SendSet generates the wrong end token in the following
// line. We should have [:testExpression(text):] instead of
// [:testExpression(text, "++a"):].
node = testExpression(text, "++a");
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
testNode(sendSet.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "++", text);
testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "b", text);
text = "a[b]++";
node = testExpression(text);
Expect.isNotNull(sendSet = node.asSendSet());
testNode(sendSet.receiver, "a", text);
testNode(sendSet.selector, "[]", text, false); // Operator token is synthetic.
testNode(sendSet.assignmentOperator, "++", text);
testNode(sendSet.arguments.head, "b", text);
void main() {