blob: 4a1f6cd178e301c99fee80b3865262a0233ada66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This provides the class IntlMessage to represent an occurence of
* [Intl.message] in a program. It is used when parsing sources to extract
* messages or to generate code for message substitution.
library intl_message;
* Represents an occurence of Intl.message in the program's source text. We
* assemble it into an object that can be used to write out some translation
* format and can also print itself into code.
class IntlMessage {
* This holds either Strings or ints representing the message. Literal
* parts of the message are stored as strings. Interpolations are represented
* by the index of the function parameter that they represent. When writing
* out to a translation file format the interpolations must be turned
* into the appropriate syntax, and the non-interpolated sections
* may be modified. See [fullMessage].
// TODO(alanknight): This will need to be changed for plural support.
List messagePieces;
String description;
/** The examples from the Intl.message call */
String examples;
* The name, which may come from the function name, from the arguments
* to Intl.message, or we may just re-use the message.
String _name;
/** The arguments parameter from the Intl.message call. */
List<String> arguments;
* A placeholder for any other identifier that the translation format
* may want to use.
String id;
* When generating code, we store translations for each locale
* associated with the original message.
Map<String, String> translations = new Map();
* If the message was not given a name, we use the entire message string as
* the name.
String get name => _name == null ? computeName() : _name;
void set name(x) {_name = x;}
String computeName() => name = fullMessage((msg, chunk) => "");
* Return the full message, with any interpolation expressions transformed
* by [f] and all the results concatenated. The argument to [f] may be
* either a String or an int representing the index of a function parameter
* that's being interpolated. See [messagePieces].
String fullMessage([Function f]) {
var transform = f == null ? (msg, chunk) => chunk : f;
var out = new StringBuffer(); => transform(this, chunk)).forEach(out.write);
return out.toString();
* The node will have the attribute names as strings, so we translate
* between those and the fields of the class.
void operator []=(attributeName, value) {
switch (attributeName) {
case "desc" : description = value; return;
case "examples" : examples = value; return;
case "name" : name = value; return;
// We use the actual args from the parser rather than what's given in the
// arguments to Intl.message.
case "args" : return;
default: return;
* Record the translation for this message in the given locale, after
* suitably escaping it.
String addTranslation(locale, value) =>
translations[locale] = escapeAndValidate(locale, value);
* Escape the string and validate that it doesn't contain any interpolations
* more complex than including a simple variable value.
String escapeAndValidate(String locale, String s) {
const escapes = const {
r"\" : r"\\",
'"' : r'\"',
"\b" : r"\b",
"\f" : r"\f",
"\n" : r"\n",
"\r" : r"\r",
"\t" : r"\t",
"\v" : r"\v"
_escape(String s) => (escapes[s] == null) ? s : escapes[s];
// We know that we'll be enclosing the string in double-quotes, so we need
// to escape those, but not single-quotes. In addition we must escape
// backslashes, newlines, and other formatting characters.
var escaped = s.splitMapJoin("", onNonMatch: _escape);
// We don't allow any ${} expressions, only $variable to avoid malicious
// code. Disallow any usage of "${". If that makes a false positive
// on a translation that legitimate contains "\\${" or other variations,
// we'll live with that rather than risk a false negative.
var validInterpolations = new RegExp(r"(\$\w+)|(\${\w+})");
var validMatches = validInterpolations.allMatches(escaped);
escapeInvalidMatches(Match m) {
var valid = validMatches.any((x) => x.start == m.start);
if (valid) {
} else {
return "\\${}";
return escaped.replaceAllMapped("\$", escapeInvalidMatches);
* Generate code for this message, expecting it to be part of a map
* keyed by name with values the function that calls Intl.message.
String toCode(String locale) {
var out = new StringBuffer();
// These are statics because we want to closurize them into a map and
// that doesn't work for instance methods.
out.write('static $name(');
out.write(arguments.join(", "));
out.write(') => Intl.message("${translations[locale]}");');
return out.toString();
* Escape the string to be used in the name, as a map key. So no double quotes
* and no interpolation. Assumes that the string has no existing escaping.
String escapeForName(String s) {
var escaped1 = s.replaceAll('"', r'\"');
var escaped2 = escaped1.replaceAll('\$', r'\$');
return escaped2;
String toString() =>
"Intl.message(${fullMessage()}, $name, $description, $examples, "