blob: 549508cff7d95ffc56f1580ca19c3f921c02a781 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library browser;
import "dart:async";
import "dart:core";
import "dart:io";
/** Class describing the interface for communicating with browsers. */
class Browser {
// Browsers actually takes a while to cleanup after itself when closing
// Give it sufficient time to do that.
static final Duration killRepeatInternal = const Duration(seconds: 10);
static final int killRetries = 5;
StringBuffer _stdout = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer _stderr = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer _usageLog = new StringBuffer();
// This function is called when the process is closed.
// This is extracted to an external function so that we can do additional
// functionality when the process closes (cleanup and call onExit)
Function _processClosed;
// This is called after the process is closed, after _processClosed has
// been called, but before onExit. Subclasses can use this to cleanup
// any browser specific resources (temp directories, profiles, etc)
Function _cleanup;
/** The version of the browser - normally set when starting a browser */
String version = "";
* The underlying process - don't mess directly with this if you don't
* know what you are doing (this is an interactive process that needs
* special threatment to not leak).
Process process;
* Id of the browser
String id;
/** Callback that will be executed when the browser has closed */
Function onClose;
/** Print everything (stdout, stderr, usageLog) whenever we add to it */
bool debugPrint = true;
void _logEvent(String event) {
String toLog = "$this ($id) - ${new}: $event \n";
if (debugPrint) print("usageLog: $toLog");
void _addStdout(String output) {
if (debugPrint) print("stdout: $output");
void _addStderr(String output) {
if (debugPrint) print("stderr: $output");
// Kill the underlying process using the supplied kill function
// If there is a alternativeKillFunction we will use that after trying
// the default killFunction.
Future _killIt(killFunction, retries, [alternativeKillFunction = null]) {
Completer<bool> completer = new Completer<bool>();
// To capture non successfull attempts we set up a timer that will
// trigger a retry (using the alternativeKillFunction if supplied).
Timer timer = new Timer(killRepeatInternal, () {
// Remove the handler, we will set this again in the call to killIt
// below
if (retries <= 0) {
_logEvent("Could not kill the process, not trying anymore");
// TODO(ricow): Should we crash the test script here and
// write out all our log. This is basically not a situation
// that we want to ignore. We could potentially have a handler we
// can call if this happens, which will shutdown the main process
// with info that people should contact [ricow,kustermann,?]
_logEvent("Could not kill the process, retrying");
var nextKillFunction = killFunction;
if (alternativeKillFunction != null) {
nextKillFunction = alternativeKillFunction;
_killIt(nextKillFunction, retries - 1).then((success) {
// Make sure we intercept onExit calls and eliminate the timer.
_processClosed = () {
_logEvent("Proccess exited, cancel timer in kill loop");
_processClosed = null;
process = null;
_logEvent("calling kill function");
if (killFunction()) {
// We successfully sent the signal.
_logEvent("killing signal sent");
} else {
_logEvent("The process is already dead, kill signal could not be send");
return completer.future;
/** Close the browser */
Future<bool> close() {
_logEvent("Close called on browser");
if (process == null) {
_logEvent("No process open, nothing to kill.");
return new Future.immediate(true);
var killFunction = process.kill;
// We use a SIGKILL signal if we don't kill the process in the first go.
var alternativeKillFunction =
() { return process.kill(ProcessSignal.SIGKILL);};
return _killIt(killFunction, killRetries, alternativeKillFunction);
* Start the browser using the supplied argument.
* This sets up the error handling and usage logging.
Future<bool> startBrowser(String command, List<String> arguments) {
return Process.start(command, arguments).then((startedProcess) {
process = startedProcess;
process.stdout.transform(new StringDecoder()).listen((data) {
}, onError: (error) {
// This should _never_ happen, but we really want this in the log
// if it actually does due to dart:io or vm bug.
"An error occured in the process stdout handling: $error");
process.stderr.transform(new StringDecoder()).listen((data) {
}, onError: (error) {
// This should _never_ happen, but we really want this in the log
// if it actually does due to dart:io or vm bug.
"An error occured in the process stderr handling: $error");
process.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
_logEvent("Browser closed with exitcode $exitCode");
if (_processClosed != null) _processClosed();
if (_cleanup != null) _cleanup();
if (onClose != null) onClose(exitCode);
return true;
}).catchError((error) {
_logEvent("Running $binary $arguments failed with $error");
return false;
* Get any stdout that the browser wrote during execution.
String get stdout => _stdout.toString();
String get stderr => _stderr.toString();
String get usageLog => _usageLog.toString();
String toString();
/** Starts the browser loading the given url */
Future<bool> start(String url);
class Chrome extends Browser {
* The binary used to run chrome - changing this can be nececcary for
* testing or using non standard chrome installation.
const String binary = "google-chrome";
Future<bool> start(String url) {
_logEvent("Starting chrome browser on: $url");
// Get the version and log that.
return, ["--version"]).then((var versionResult) {
if (versionResult.exitCode != 0) {
_logEvent("Failed to chrome get version");
_logEvent("Make sure $binary is a valid program for running chrome");
return new Future.immediate(false);
version = versionResult.stdout;
_logEvent("Got version: $version");
return new Directory('').createTemp().then((userDir) {
_cleanup = () { userDir.delete(recursive: true); };
var args = ["--user-data-dir=${userDir.path}", url,
"--disable-extensions", "--disable-popup-blocking",
"--bwsi", "--no-first-run"];
return startBrowser(binary, args);
}).catchError((e) {
_logEvent("Running $binary --version failed with $e");
return false;
String toString() => "Chrome";
class Firefox extends Browser {
* The binary used to run firefox - changing this can be nececcary for
* testing or using non standard firefox installation.
const String binary = "firefox";
const String enablePopUp =
"user_pref(\"dom.disable_open_during_load\", false);";
Future _createPreferenceFile(var path) {
var file = new File("${path.toString()}/user.js");
var randomFile = file.openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
Future<bool> start(String url) {
_logEvent("Starting firefox browser on: $url");
// Get the version and log that.
return, ["--version"]).then((var versionResult) {
if (versionResult.exitCode != 0) {
_logEvent("Failed to firefox get version");
_logEvent("Make sure $binary is a valid program for running firefox");
return new Future.immediate(false);
version = versionResult.stdout;
_logEvent("Got version: $version");
return new Directory('').createTemp().then((userDir) {
_cleanup = () { userDir.delete(recursive: true); };
var args = ["-profile", "${userDir.path}",
"-no-remote", "-new-instance", url];
return startBrowser(binary, args);
}).catchError((e) {
_logEvent("Running $binary --version failed with $e");
return false;
String toString() => "Firefox";
* Describes the current state of a browser used for testing.
class BrowserTestingStatus {
// TODO(ricow): Add prefetching to the browsers. We spend a lot of time waiting
// for the next test. Handling timeouts is the hard part of this!
Browser browser;
BrowserTest currentTest;
// This is currently not used for anything except for error reporting.
// Given the usefulness of this in debugging issues this should not be
// removed even when we have really stable system.
BrowserTest lastTest;
bool timeout = false;
BrowserTestingStatus(Browser this.browser);
* Describes a single test to be run int the browser.
class BrowserTest {
// TODO(ricow): Add timeout callback instead of the string passing hack.
Function doneCallback;
String url;
int timeout;
// We store this here for easy access when tests time out (instead of
// capturing this in a closure)
Timer timeoutTimer;
// Used for debugging, this is simply a unique identifier assigned to each
// test.
int id;
static int _idCounter = 0;
BrowserTest(this.url, this.doneCallback, this.timeout) {
id = _idCounter++;
* Encapsulates all the functionality for running tests in browsers.
* The interface is rather simple. After starting the runner tests
* are simply added to the queue and a the supplied callbacks are called
* whenever a test completes.
class BrowserTestRunner {
int maxNumBrowsers;
String browserName;
bool underTermination = false;
List<BrowserTest> testQueue = new List<BrowserTest>();
Map<String, BrowserTestingStatus> browserStatus =
new Map<String, BrowserTestingStatus>();
// This cache is used to guarantee that we never see double reporting.
// If we do we need to provide developers with this information.
// We don't add urls to the cache until we have run it.
Map<int, String> testCache = new Map<int, String>();
List<int> doubleReportingTests = new List<int>();
BrowserTestingServer testingServer;
BrowserTestRunner(String this.browserName, int this.maxNumBrowsers);
Future<bool> start() {
testingServer = new BrowserTestingServer();
return testingServer.start().then((_) {
testingServer.testDoneCallBack = handleResults;
testingServer.nextTestCallBack = getNextTest;
var futures = [];
for (int i = 0; i < maxNumBrowsers; i++) {
var browser = getInstance();
var id = "BROWSER$i";
// We store this in case we need to kill the browser. = id;
var future =
browser.start(testingServer.getDriverUrl(id)).then((success) {
if (success) {
browserStatus[id] = new BrowserTestingStatus(browser);
return success;
return Future.wait(futures).then((values) {
return !values.contains(false);
var timedOut = [];
void handleResults(String browserId, String output, int testId) {
var status = browserStatus[browserId];
if (testCache.containsKey(testId)) {
if (status.timeout) {
// We don't do anything, this browser is currently being killed and
// replaced.
} else if (status.currentTest != null) {
if ( != testId) {
print("Expected test id ${} for"
print("Got test id ${testId}");
print("Last test id was ${} for "
throw("This should never happen, wrong test id");
testCache[testId] = status.currentTest.url;
status.lastTest = status.currentTest;
status.currentTest = null;
} else {
print("\nThis is bad, should never happen, handleResult no test");
print("URL: ${status.lastTest.url}");
terminate().then((_) {
void handleTimeout(BrowserTestingStatus status) {
// We simply kill the browser and starts up a new one!
// We could be smarter here, but it does not seems like it is worth it.
status.timeout = true;
var id =;
status.browser.close().then((closed) {
if (!closed) {
// Very bad, we could not kill the browser.
print("could not kill browser $id");
// Start the new browser first
var browser = getInstance();
browser.start(testingServer.getDriverUrl(id)).then((success) {
// We may have started terminating in the mean time.
if (underTermination) {
browser.close().then((success) {
// We should never hit this, print it out.
if (!success) {
print("Could not kill browser ($id) started due to timeout");
if (success) { = id;
status.browser = browser;
status.timeout = false;
} else {
// TODO(ricow): Handle this better.
print("This is bad, should never happen, could not start browser");
status.currentTest = null;
BrowserTest getNextTest(String browserId) {
if (testQueue.isEmpty) return null;
var status = browserStatus[browserId];
if (status == null) return null;
// We are currently terminating this browser, don't start a new test.
if (status.timeout) return null;
BrowserTest test = testQueue.removeLast();
if (status.currentTest == null) {
status.currentTest = test;
} else {
// TODO(ricow): Handle this better.
print("This is bad, should never happen, getNextTest all full");
print("Old test was: ${status.currentTest.url}");
print("Timed out tests:");
for (var v in timedOut) {
print(" $v");
Timer timer = new Timer(new Duration(seconds: test.timeout),
() { handleTimeout(status); });
status.currentTest.timeoutTimer = timer;
return test;
void queueTest(BrowserTest test) {
void printDoubleReportingTests() {
if (doubleReportingTests.length == 0) return;
// TODO(ricow): die on double reporting.
// Currently we just report this here, we could have a callback to the
// encapsulating environment.
print("Double reporting tests");
for (var id in doubleReportingTests) {
print(" ${testCache[id]}");
Future<bool> terminate() {
var futures = [];
underTermination = true;
testingServer.underTermination = true;
for (BrowserTestingStatus status in browserStatus.values) {
return Future.wait(futures).then((values) {
return !values.contains(false);
Browser getInstance() {
if (browserName == "chrome") {
return new Chrome();
} else if (browserName == "ff") {
return new Firefox();
throw "Non supported browser for browser controller";
class BrowserTestingServer {
const String server = "";
/// Interface of the testing server:
/// GET /driver/BROWSER_ID -- This will get the driver page to fetch
/// and run tests ...
/// GET /next_test/BROWSER_ID -- returns "WAIT" "TERMINATE" or "url#id"
/// where url is the test to run, and id is the id of the test.
/// If there are currently no available tests the waitSignal is send
/// back. If we are in the process of terminating the terminateSignal
/// is send back and the browser will stop requesting new tasks.
/// POST /report/BROWSER_ID?id=NUM -- sends back the dom of the executed
/// test
const String driverPath = "/driver";
const String nextTestPath = "/next_test";
const String reportPath = "/report";
const String waitSignal = "WAIT";
const String terminateSignal = "TERMINATE";
var testCount = 0;
var httpServer;
bool underTermination = false;
Function testDoneCallBack;
Function nextTestCallBack;
Future start() {
return HttpServer.bind(server, 0).then((createdServer) {
httpServer = createdServer;
void handler(HttpRequest request) {
if (request.uri.path.startsWith(reportPath)) {
var browserId = request.uri.path.substring(reportPath.length + 1);
var testId = int.parse(request.queryParameters["id"].split("=")[1]);
handleReport(request, browserId, testId);
// handleReport will asynchroniously fetch the data and will handle
// the closing of the streams.
var textResponse = "";
if (request.uri.path.startsWith(driverPath)) {
var browserId = request.uri.path.substring(driverPath.length + 1);
textResponse = getDriverPage(browserId);
} else if (request.uri.path.startsWith(nextTestPath)) {
var browserId = request.uri.path.substring(nextTestPath.length + 1);
textResponse = getNextTest(browserId);
} else {
// We silently ignore other requests.
request.listen((_) {}, onDone: request.response.close);
request.response.done.catchError((error) {
if (!underTermination) {
print("URI ${request.uri}");
print("Textresponse $textResponse");
throw("Error returning content to browser: $error");
void errorHandler(e) {
if (!underTermination) print("Error occured in httpserver: $e");
httpServer.listen(handler, onError: errorHandler);
return true;
void handleReport(HttpRequest request, String browserId, var testId) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
request.transform(new StringDecoder()).listen((data) {
}, onDone: () {
String back = buffer.toString();
testDoneCallBack(browserId, back, testId);
}, onError: (error) { print(error); });
String getNextTest(String browserId) {
var nextTest = nextTestCallBack(browserId);
if (underTermination) {
// Browsers will be killed shortly, send them a terminate signal so
// that they stop pulling.
return terminateSignal;
} else if (nextTest == null) {
// We don't currently have any tests ready for consumption, wait.
return waitSignal;
} else {
return "${nextTest.url}#id=${}";
String getDriverUrl(String browserId) {
if (httpServer == null) {
print("Bad browser testing server, you are not started yet. Can't "
"produce driver url");
// This should never happen - exit immediately;
return "http://$server:${httpServer.port}/driver/$browserId";
String getDriverPage(String browserId) {
String driverContent = """
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<title>Driving page</title>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var number_of_tests = 0;
var current_id;
var testing_window;
var last_reported_id;
function newTaskHandler() {
if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
if (this.status == 200) {
if (this.responseText == '$waitSignal') {
setTimeout(getNextTask, 500);
} else if (this.responseText == '$terminateSignal') {
// Don't do anything, we will be killed shortly.
} else {
// TODO(ricow): Do something more clever here.
if (nextTask != undefined) alert('This is really bad');
// The task is send to us as:
var split = this.responseText.split('#');
var nextTask = split[0];
current_id = split[1];
} else {
// We are basically in trouble - do something clever.
function getNextTask() {
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
client.onreadystatechange = newTaskHandler;'GET', '$nextTestPath/$browserId');
function run(url) {
document.getElementById('number').innerHTML = number_of_tests;
if (testing_window == undefined) {
testing_window =;
} else {
testing_window.location = url;
function reportMessage(msg) {
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
function handleReady() {
if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
if (current_id != last_reported_id) {
last_reported_id = current_id;
client.onreadystatechange = handleReady;'POST', '$reportPath/${browserId}?id=' + current_id);
// TODO(ricow) add error handling to somehow report the fact that
// we could not send back a result.
function messageHandler(e) {
var msg =;
if (typeof msg != 'string') return;
window.addEventListener('message', messageHandler, false);
waitForDone = false;
Dart test driver, number of tests: <div id="number"></div>
return driverContent;