blob: b68b782e70f883bfe65f3bd965b72cc9eb244f3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef BIN_SOCKET_H_
#define BIN_SOCKET_H_
#include "bin/builtin.h"
#include "bin/utils.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/thread.h"
// Declare the OS-specific types ahead of defining the generic class.
#if defined(TARGET_OS_ANDROID)
#include "bin/socket_android.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_OS_LINUX)
#include "bin/socket_linux.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_OS_MACOS)
#include "bin/socket_macos.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_OS_WINDOWS)
#include "bin/socket_win.h"
#error Unknown target os.
class Socket {
enum SocketRequest {
kLookupRequest = 0,
static bool Initialize();
static intptr_t Available(intptr_t fd);
static int Read(intptr_t fd, void* buffer, intptr_t num_bytes);
static int Write(intptr_t fd, const void* buffer, intptr_t num_bytes);
static intptr_t CreateConnect(const char* host, const intptr_t port);
static intptr_t GetPort(intptr_t fd);
static bool GetRemotePeer(intptr_t fd, char* host, intptr_t* port);
static void GetError(intptr_t fd, OSError* os_error);
static int GetType(intptr_t fd);
static intptr_t GetStdioHandle(int num);
static void Close(intptr_t fd);
static bool SetNonBlocking(intptr_t fd);
static bool SetBlocking(intptr_t fd);
static bool SetNoDelay(intptr_t fd, bool enabled);
// Perform a IPv4 hostname lookup. Returns the hostname string in
// IPv4 dotted-decimal format.
static const char* LookupIPv4Address(char* host, OSError** os_error);
static Dart_Port GetServicePort();
static Dart_Handle SetSocketIdNativeField(Dart_Handle socket, intptr_t id);
static Dart_Handle GetSocketIdNativeField(Dart_Handle socket, intptr_t* id);
static dart::Mutex mutex_;
static int service_ports_size_;
static Dart_Port* service_ports_;
static int service_ports_index_;
class ServerSocket {
static const intptr_t kTemporaryFailure = -2;
static intptr_t Accept(intptr_t fd);
// Returns a positive integer if the call is successful. In case of failure
// it returns:
// -1: system error (errno set)
// -5: invalid bindAddress
static intptr_t CreateBindListen(const char* bindAddress,
intptr_t port,
intptr_t backlog);
#endif // BIN_SOCKET_H_