blob: a6960b8fc1ff8cacde87e29fa19608893cda4a95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of svg;
final _START_TAG_REGEXP = new RegExp('<(\\w+)');
class _SvgElementFactoryProvider {
static SvgElement createSvgElement_tag(String tag) {
final Element temp =
document.$dom_createElementNS("", tag);
return temp;
static SvgElement createSvgElement_svg(String svg) {
Element parentTag;
final match = _START_TAG_REGEXP.firstMatch(svg);
if (match != null && == 'svg') {
parentTag = new Element.tag('div');
} else {
parentTag = new SvgSvgElement();
parentTag.innerHtml = svg;
if (parentTag.children.length == 1) return parentTag.children.removeLast();
throw new ArgumentError(
'SVG had ${parentTag.children.length} '
'top-level children but 1 expected');
class _SvgSvgElementFactoryProvider {
static SvgSvgElement createSvgSvgElement() {
final el = new SvgElement.tag("svg");
// The SVG spec requires the version attribute to match the spec version
el.attributes['version'] = "1.1";
return el;