blob: eddc6a445b1086a196aee9d3974d6cfc7e9f2ef4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A set of utilities for use with the Chrome Extension APIs.
* Allows for easy access to required JS objects.
part of chrome;
* A dart object, that is convertible to JS. Used for creating objects in dart,
* then passing them to JS.
* Objects that are passable to JS need to implement this interface.
abstract class ChromeObject {
* Default Constructor
* Called by child objects during their regular construction.
ChromeObject() : _jsObject = JS('var', '{}');
* Internal proxy constructor
* Creates a new Dart object using this existing proxy.
* JS Object Representation
Object _jsObject;
* Useful functions for converting arguments.
* Converts the given map-type argument to js-friendly format, recursively.
* Returns the new Map object.
Object _convertMapArgument(Map argument) {
Map m = new Map();
for (Object key in argument.keys)
m[key] = convertArgument(argument[key]);
return convertDartToNative_Dictionary(m);
* Converts the given list-type argument to js-friendly format, recursively.
* Returns the new List object.
List _convertListArgument(List argument) {
List l = new List();
for (var i = 0; i < argument.length; i ++)
return l;
* Converts the given argument Object to js-friendly format, recursively.
* Flattens out all Chrome objects into their corresponding ._toMap()
* definitions, then converts them to JS objects.
* Returns the new argument.
* Cannot be used for functions.
Object convertArgument(var argument) {
if (argument == null)
return argument;
if (argument is num || argument is String || argument is bool)
return argument;
if (argument is ChromeObject)
return argument._jsObject;
if (argument is List)
return _convertListArgument(argument);
if (argument is Map)
return _convertMapArgument(argument);
if (argument is Function)
throw new Exception("Cannot serialize Function argument ${argument}.");
// TODO(sashab): Try and detect whether the argument is already serialized.
return argument;
/// Description of a declarative rule for handling events.
class Rule extends ChromeObject {
* Public (Dart) constructor
Rule({String id, List conditions, List actions, int priority}) { = id;
this.conditions = conditions;
this.actions = actions;
this.priority = priority;
* Private (JS) constructor
Rule._proxy(_jsObject) : super._proxy(_jsObject);
* Public accessors
String get id => JS('String', '', this._jsObject);
void set id(String id) {
JS('void', ' = #', this._jsObject, id);
// TODO(sashab): Wrap these generic Lists somehow.
List get conditions => JS('List', '#.conditions', this._jsObject);
void set conditions(List conditions) {
JS('void', '#.conditions = #', this._jsObject, convertArgument(conditions));
// TODO(sashab): Wrap these generic Lists somehow.
List get actions => JS('List', '#.actions', this._jsObject);
void set actions(List actions) {
JS('void', '#.actions = #', this._jsObject, convertArgument(actions));
int get priority => JS('int', '#.priority', this._jsObject);
void set priority(int priority) {
JS('void', '#.priority = #', this._jsObject, priority);
* The Event class.
* Chrome Event classes extend this interface.
* e.g.
* //
* class Event_ChromeAppRuntimeOnLaunched extends Event {
* // constructor, passing the arity of the callback
* Event_ChromeAppRuntimeOnLaunched(jsObject) :
* super._(jsObject, 1);
* // methods, strengthening the Function parameter specificity
* void addListener(void callback(LaunchData launchData))
* => super.addListener(callback);
* void removeListener(void callback(LaunchData launchData))
* => super.removeListener(callback);
* bool hasListener(void callback(LaunchData launchData))
* => super.hasListener(callback);
* }
class Event {
* JS Object Representation
Object _jsObject;
* Number of arguments the callback takes.
int _callbackArity;
* Private constructor
Event._(this._jsObject, this._callbackArity);
* Methods
/// Registers an event listener <em>callback</em> to an event.
void addListener(Function callback) =>
convertDartClosureToJS(callback, this._callbackArity)
/// Deregisters an event listener <em>callback</em> from an event.
void removeListener(Function callback) =>
convertDartClosureToJS(callback, this._callbackArity)
/// Returns True if <em>callback</em> is registered to the event.
bool hasListener(Function callback) =>
convertDartClosureToJS(callback, this._callbackArity)
/// Returns true if any event listeners are registered to the event.
bool hasListeners() =>
/// Registers rules to handle events.
/// [eventName] is the name of the event this function affects and [rules] are
/// the rules to be registered. These do not replace previously registered
/// rules. [callback] is called with registered rules.
void addRules(String eventName, List<Rule> rules,
[void callback(List<Rule> rules)]) {
// proxy the callback
void __proxy_callback(List rules) {
if (?callback) {
List<Rule> __proxy_rules = new List<Rule>();
for (Object o in rules)
__proxy_rules.add(new Rule._proxy(o));
'#.addRules(#, #, #)',
convertDartClosureToJS(__proxy_callback, 1)
/// Returns currently registered rules.
/// [eventName] is the name of the event this function affects and, if an array
/// is passed as [ruleIdentifiers], only rules with identifiers contained in
/// this array are returned. [callback] is called with registered rules.
void getRules(String eventName, [List<String> ruleIdentifiers,
void callback(List<Rule> rules)]) {
// proxy the callback
void __proxy_callback(List rules) {
if (?callback) {
List<Rule> __proxy_rules = new List<Rule>();
for (Object o in rules)
__proxy_rules.add(new Rule._proxy(o));
'#.getRules(#, #, #)',
convertDartClosureToJS(__proxy_callback, 1)
/// Unregisters currently registered rules.
/// [eventName] is the name of the event this function affects and, if an array
/// is passed as [ruleIdentifiers], only rules with identifiers contained in
/// this array are unregistered. [callback] is called when the rules are
/// unregistered.
void removeRules(String eventName, [List<String> ruleIdentifiers,
void callback()]) =>
'#.removeRules(#, #, #)',
convertDartClosureToJS(callback, 0)