blob: 467d998d3db5a79a8caf9e9ba30545e2ba1c5b3b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of html;
_serialize(var message) {
return new _JsSerializer().traverse(message);
class _JsSerializer extends _Serializer {
visitSendPortSync(SendPortSync x) {
if (x is _JsSendPortSync) return visitJsSendPortSync(x);
if (x is _LocalSendPortSync) return visitLocalSendPortSync(x);
if (x is _RemoteSendPortSync) return visitRemoteSendPortSync(x);
throw "Unknown port type $x";
visitJsSendPortSync(_JsSendPortSync x) {
return [ 'sendport', 'nativejs', x._id ];
visitLocalSendPortSync(_LocalSendPortSync x) {
return [ 'sendport', 'dart',
ReceivePortSync._isolateId, x._receivePort._portId ];
visitSendPort(SendPort x) {
throw new UnimplementedError('Asynchronous send port not yet implemented.');
visitRemoteSendPortSync(_RemoteSendPortSync x) {
return [ 'sendport', 'dart', x._isolateId, x._portId ];
_deserialize(var message) {
return new _JsDeserializer().deserialize(message);
class _JsDeserializer extends _Deserializer {
static const _UNSPECIFIED = const Object();
deserializeSendPort(List x) {
String tag = x[1];
switch (tag) {
case 'nativejs':
num id = x[2];
return new _JsSendPortSync(id);
case 'dart':
num isolateId = x[2];
num portId = x[3];
return ReceivePortSync._lookup(isolateId, portId);
throw 'Illegal SendPortSync type: $tag';
// The receiver is JS.
class _JsSendPortSync implements SendPortSync {
num _id;
callSync(var message) {
var serialized = _serialize(message);
var result = _callPortSync(_id, serialized);
return _deserialize(result);
bool operator==(var other) {
return (other is _JsSendPortSync) && (_id == other._id);
int get hashCode => _id;
// TODO(vsm): Differentiate between Dart2Js and Dartium isolates.
// The receiver is a different Dart isolate, compiled to JS.
class _RemoteSendPortSync implements SendPortSync {
int _isolateId;
int _portId;
_RemoteSendPortSync(this._isolateId, this._portId);
callSync(var message) {
var serialized = _serialize(message);
var result = _call(_isolateId, _portId, serialized);
return _deserialize(result);
static _call(int isolateId, int portId, var message) {
var target = 'dart-port-$isolateId-$portId';
// TODO(vsm): Make this re-entrant.
// TODO(vsm): Set this up set once, on the first call.
var source = '$target-result';
var result = null;
window.on[source].first.then((Event e) {
result = json.parse(_getPortSyncEventData(e));
_dispatchEvent(target, [source, message]);
return result;
bool operator==(var other) {
return (other is _RemoteSendPortSync) && (_isolateId == other._isolateId)
&& (_portId == other._portId);
int get hashCode => _isolateId >> 16 + _portId;
// The receiver is in the same Dart isolate, compiled to JS.
class _LocalSendPortSync implements SendPortSync {
ReceivePortSync _receivePort;
callSync(var message) {
// TODO(vsm): Do a more efficient deep copy.
var copy = _deserialize(_serialize(message));
var result = _receivePort._callback(copy);
return _deserialize(_serialize(result));
bool operator==(var other) {
return (other is _LocalSendPortSync)
&& (_receivePort == other._receivePort);
int get hashCode => _receivePort.hashCode;
// TODO(vsm): Move this to dart:isolate. This will take some
// refactoring as there are dependences here on the DOM. Users
// interact with this class (or interface if we change it) directly -
// new ReceivePortSync. I think most of the DOM logic could be
// delayed until the corresponding SendPort is registered on the
// window.
// A Dart ReceivePortSync (tagged 'dart' when serialized) is
// identifiable / resolvable by the combination of its isolateid and
// portid. When a corresponding SendPort is used within the same
// isolate, the _portMap below can be used to obtain the
// ReceivePortSync directly. Across isolates (or from JS), an
// EventListener can be used to communicate with the port indirectly.
class ReceivePortSync {
static Map<int, ReceivePortSync> _portMap;
static int _portIdCount;
static int _cachedIsolateId;
num _portId;
Function _callback;
StreamSubscription _portSubscription;
ReceivePortSync() {
if (_portIdCount == null) {
_portIdCount = 0;
_portMap = new Map<int, ReceivePortSync>();
_portId = _portIdCount++;
_portMap[_portId] = this;
static int get _isolateId {
// TODO(vsm): Make this coherent with existing isolate code.
if (_cachedIsolateId == null) {
_cachedIsolateId = _getNewIsolateId();
return _cachedIsolateId;
static String _getListenerName(isolateId, portId) =>
String get _listenerName => _getListenerName(_isolateId, _portId);
void receive(callback(var message)) {
_callback = callback;
if (_portSubscription == null) {
_portSubscription = window.on[_listenerName].listen((Event e) {
var data = json.parse(_getPortSyncEventData(e));
var replyTo = data[0];
var message = _deserialize(data[1]);
var result = _callback(message);
_dispatchEvent(replyTo, _serialize(result));
void close() {
if (_portSubscription != null) _portSubscription.cancel();
SendPortSync toSendPort() {
return new _LocalSendPortSync._internal(this);
static SendPortSync _lookup(int isolateId, int portId) {
if (isolateId == _isolateId) {
return _portMap[portId].toSendPort();
} else {
return new _RemoteSendPortSync(isolateId, portId);
get _isolateId => ReceivePortSync._isolateId;
void _dispatchEvent(String receiver, var message) {
var event = new CustomEvent(receiver, canBubble: false, cancelable:false,
detail: json.stringify(message));
String _getPortSyncEventData(CustomEvent event) => event.detail;