blob: 213917fb6967c5eb80b75c38a2a6546bc13497b9 [file] [log] [blame]
library webdriver_test;
import 'package:webdriver/webdriver.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:unittest/vm_config.dart';
WebDriver web_driver;
* These tests are not expected to be run as part of normal automated testing,
* as they are slow and they have external dependencies.
main() {
var web_driver = new WebDriver('localhost', 4444, '/wd/hub');
var session = null;
var exceptionHandler = (e) {
if (e.error is TestFailure) {, e.stackTrace.toString());
} else {
currentTestCase.error("Unexpected error: ${e.error}",
if (session != null) {
var s = session;
session = null;
group('Sessionless tests', () {
test('Get status', () {
return web_driver.getStatus()
.then((status) {
expect(status['sessionId'], isNull);
group('Basic session tests', () {
test('Create session/get capabilities', () {
return web_driver.newSession('chrome')
.then((_session) {
expect(_session, isNotNull);
session = _session;
return session.getCapabilities();
.then((capabilities) {
expect(capabilities, isNotNull);
expect(capabilities['browserName'], equals('chrome'));
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
test('Create and get multiple sessions', () {
var session2 = null;
return web_driver.newSession('chrome')
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
return web_driver.newSession('chrome');
.then((_session) {
session2 = _session;
return web_driver.getSessions();
.then((sessions) {
expect(sessions.length, greaterThanOrEqualTo(2));
return session2.close();
.then((_) {
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
test('Set/get url', () {
return web_driver.newSession('chrome')
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
return session.setUrl('');
.then((_) {
return session.getUrl();
.then((u) {
expect(u, equals(''));
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
test('Navigation', () {
return web_driver.newSession('chrome')
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
return session.setUrl('');
.then((_) {
return session.setUrl('');
.then((_) {
return session.navigateBack();
.then((_) {
return session.getUrl();
.then((u) {
expect(u, equals(''));
return session.navigateForward();
.then((_) {
return session.getUrl();
.then((url) {
expect(url, equals(''));
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
test('Take a Screen shot', () {
return web_driver.newSession('chrome')
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
return session.setUrl('');
.then((_) {
return session.getScreenshot();
.then((image) {
expect(image.length, greaterThan(10000));
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
group('Window tests', () {
test('Window position and size', () {
// We don't validate the results. Setting size and position is flaky.
// I tried with the Selenium python client code and found it had the
// same issue, so this is not a bug in the Dart code.
var window;
return web_driver.newSession('chrome')
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
return session.getWindow();
.then((_window) {
window = _window;
return window.setSize(220, 400);
.then((_) {
return window.getSize();
.then((ws) {
return window.setPosition(100, 80);
.then((_) {
return window.getPosition();
.then((wp) {
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
group('Cookie tests', () {
test('Create/query/delete', () {
var window;
var numcookies;
return web_driver.newSession('chrome')
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
// Must go to a web page first to set a cookie.
return session.setUrl('');
.then((_) {
return session.getCookies();
.then((cookies) {
numcookies = cookies.length;
return session.setCookie({ 'name': 'foo', 'value': 'bar'});
.then((_) {
return session.getCookies();
.then((cookies) {
expect(cookies.length, equals(numcookies + 1));
expect(cookies, someElement(allOf(
containsPair('name', 'foo'),
containsPair('value', 'bar'))));
return session.deleteCookie('foo');
.then((_) {
return session.getCookies();
.then((cookies) {
expect(cookies.length, numcookies);
expect(cookies, everyElement(isNot(containsPair('name', 'foo'))));
return session.deleteCookie('foo');
.then((_) {
return session.getCookies();
.then((cookies) {
expect(cookies.length, numcookies);
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
group('Storage tests', () {
test('Local Storage Create/query/delete', () {
var window;
var numkeys;
return web_driver.newSession('firefox', { 'webStorageEnabled': true })
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
return session.getCapabilities();
.then((capabilities) {
expect(capabilities, isNotNull);
expect(capabilities['webStorageEnabled'], isTrue);
// Must go to a web page first.
return session.setUrl('');
.then((_) {
return session.getLocalStorageKeys();
.then((keys) {
numkeys = keys.length;
return session.setLocalStorageItem('foo', 'bar');
.then((_) {
return session.getLocalStorageKeys();
.then((keys) {
expect(keys.length, equals(numkeys + 1));
expect(keys, someElement(equals('foo')));
return session.getLocalStorageCount();
.then((count) {
expect(count, equals(numkeys + 1));
return session.getLocalStorageValue('foo');
.then((value) {
expect(value, equals('bar'));
return session.setLocalStorageItem('bar', 'foo');
.then((_) {
return session.getLocalStorageKeys();
.then((keys) {
expect(keys.length, equals(numkeys + 2));
expect(keys, someElement(equals('bar')));
expect(keys, someElement(equals('foo')));
return session.deleteLocalStorageValue('foo');
.then((_) {
return session.getLocalStorageKeys();
.then((keys) {
expect(keys.length, equals(numkeys + 1));
expect(keys, everyElement(isNot(equals('foo'))));
return session.setLocalStorageItem('foo', 'bar');
.then((_) {
return session.clearLocalStorage();
.then((_) {
return session.getLocalStorageKeys();
.then((keys) {
expect(keys.length, isZero);
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
test('Session Storage Create/query/delete', () {
var window;
var numkeys;
return web_driver.newSession('chrome', { 'webStorageEnabled': true })
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
// Must go to a web page first.
return session.setUrl('');
.then((_) {
return session.getSessionStorageKeys();
.then((keys) {
numkeys = keys.length;
return session.setSessionStorageItem('foo', 'bar');
.then((_) {
return session.getSessionStorageKeys();
.then((keys) {
expect(keys.length, equals(numkeys + 1));
expect(keys, someElement(equals('foo')));
return session.getSessionStorageCount();
.then((count) {
expect(count, equals(numkeys + 1));
return session.getSessionStorageValue('foo');
.then((value) {
expect(value, equals('bar'));
return session.deleteSessionStorageValue('foo');
.then((_) {
return session.getSessionStorageKeys();
.then((keys) {
expect(keys.length, equals(numkeys));
expect(keys, everyElement(isNot(equals('foo'))));
return session.setSessionStorageItem('foo', 'bar');
.then((_) {
return session.clearSessionStorage();
.then((_) {
return session.getSessionStorageKeys();
.then((keys) {
expect(keys.length, isZero);
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
group('Script tests', () {
// This test is just timing out eventually with a 500 response.
test('Sync script', () {
return web_driver.newSession('chrome')
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
return session.setUrl('');
.then((_) {
return session.execute('return arguments[0] * arguments[1];',
[2, 3]);
.then((value) {
expect(value, equals(6));
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
group('Element tests', () {
test('Elements', () {
var w;
return web_driver.newSession('chrome')
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
return session.setUrl('');
.then((_) {
return session.findElement('id', 'search_form_input_homepage');
.then((_w) {
w = _w['ELEMENT'];
return session.sendKeyStrokesToElement(w,
[ 'g', 'o', 'o', 'g', 'l', 'e' ]);
.then((_) {
return session.submit(w);
.then((_) {
return session.findElements('class name',
.then((divs) {
expect(divs.length, greaterThan(0));
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
group('Log tests', () {
// Currently, getLogTypes returns a 404, and attempts to get the
// logs either return 500 with 'Unknown log type' or 500 with
// 'Unable to convert logEntries'.
test('Log retrieval', () {
return web_driver.newSession('firefox')
.then((_session) {
session = _session;
return session.getLogTypes();
.then((logTypes) {
expect(logTypes, someElement(equals('client')));
expect(logTypes, someElement(equals('server')));
return session.getLogs('driver');
.then((logs) {
expect(logs.length, greaterThan(0));
return session.close();
.then((_) {
session = null;
group('Cleanup', () {
test('Cleanup', () {
web_driver = null;
if (session != null) {
var s = session;
session = null;