blob: 3257661e93ae9f514045b9bd150ecfe06901f54c [file] [log] [blame]
library TestUtils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
* Verifies that [actual] has the same graph structure as [expected].
* Detects cycles and DAG structure in Maps and Lists.
verifyGraph(expected, actual) {
var eItems = [];
var aItems = [];
message(path, reason) => path == ''
? reason
: reason == null ? "path: $path" : "path: $path, $reason";
walk(path, expected, actual) {
if (expected is String || expected is num || expected == null) {
expect(actual, equals(expected), reason: message(path, 'not equal'));
// Cycle or DAG?
for (int i = 0; i < eItems.length; i++) {
if (identical(expected, eItems[i])) {
expect(actual, same(aItems[i]),
reason: message(path, 'missing back or side edge'));
for (int i = 0; i < aItems.length; i++) {
if (identical(actual, aItems[i])) {
expect(expected, same(eItems[i]),
reason: message(path, 'extra back or side edge'));
if (expected is ArrayBuffer) {
expect(actual is ArrayBuffer, isTrue,
reason: '$actual is ArrayBuffer');
expect(expected.byteLength, equals(actual.byteLength),
reason: message(path, '.byteLength'));
// TODO(antonm): one can create a view on top of those
// and check if contents identical. Let's do it later.
if (expected is ArrayBufferView) {
expect(actual is ArrayBufferView, isTrue,
reason: '$actual is ArrayBufferView');
walk('$path/.buffer', expected.buffer, actual.buffer);
expect(expected.byteOffset, equals(actual.byteOffset),
reason: message(path, '.byteOffset'));
expect(expected.byteLength, equals(actual.byteLength),
reason: message(path, '.byteLength'));
// And also fallback to elements check below.
if (expected is List) {
expect(actual, isList, reason: message(path, '$actual is List'));
expect(actual.length, expected.length,
reason: message(path, 'different list lengths'));
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
walk('$path[$i]', expected[i], actual[i]);
if (expected is Map) {
expect(actual, isMap, reason: message(path, '$actual is Map'));
for (var key in expected.keys) {
if (!actual.containsKey(key)) {
expect(false, isTrue, reason: message(path, 'missing key "$key"'));
walk('$path["$key"]', expected[key], actual[key]);
for (var key in actual.keys) {
if (!expected.containsKey(key)) {
expect(false, isTrue, reason: message(path, 'extra key "$key"'));
expect(false, isTrue, reason: 'Unhandled type: $expected');
walk('', expected, actual);