blob: 67ad01fffb237ac5718397f2659095a3552df56b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#error Do not include assembler_mips.h directly; use assembler.h instead.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/constants_mips.h"
// References to documentation in this file refer to:
// "MIPS® Architecture For Programmers Volume I-A:
// Introduction to the MIPS32® Architecture" in short "VolI-A"
// and
// "MIPS® Architecture For Programmers Volume II-A:
// The MIPS32® Instruction Set" in short "VolII-A"
namespace dart {
class Immediate : public ValueObject {
explicit Immediate(int32_t value) : value_(value) { }
Immediate(const Immediate& other) : ValueObject(), value_(other.value_) { }
Immediate& operator=(const Immediate& other) {
value_ = other.value_;
return *this;
int32_t value_;
int32_t value() const { return value_; }
friend class Assembler;
class Address : public ValueObject {
Address(Register base, int32_t offset = 0)
: ValueObject(), base_(base), offset_(offset) { }
Address(const Address& other)
: ValueObject(), base_(other.base_), offset_(other.offset_) { }
Address& operator=(const Address& other) {
base_ = other.base_;
offset_ = other.offset_;
return *this;
uint32_t encoding() const {
ASSERT(Utils::IsInt(16, offset_));
uint16_t imm_value = static_cast<uint16_t>(offset_);
return (base_ << kRsShift) | imm_value;
Register base_;
int32_t offset_;
class FieldAddress : public Address {
FieldAddress(Register base, int32_t disp)
: Address(base, disp - kHeapObjectTag) { }
FieldAddress(const FieldAddress& other) : Address(other) { }
FieldAddress& operator=(const FieldAddress& other) {
return *this;
class Label : public ValueObject {
Label() : position_(0) { }
~Label() {
// Assert if label is being destroyed with unresolved branches pending.
// Returns the position for bound and linked labels. Cannot be used
// for unused labels.
int Position() const {
return IsBound() ? -position_ - kWordSize : position_ - kWordSize;
bool IsBound() const { return position_ < 0; }
bool IsUnused() const { return position_ == 0; }
bool IsLinked() const { return position_ > 0; }
int position_;
void Reinitialize() {
position_ = 0;
void BindTo(int position) {
position_ = -position - kWordSize;
void LinkTo(int position) {
position_ = position + kWordSize;
friend class Assembler;
class CPUFeatures : public AllStatic {
static void InitOnce() { }
static bool double_truncate_round_supported() {
return false;
class Assembler : public ValueObject {
: buffer_(),
comments_() { }
~Assembler() { }
void PopRegister(Register r) {
void Bind(Label* label) {
// Misc. functionality
int CodeSize() const { return buffer_.Size(); }
int prologue_offset() const { return -1; }
const ZoneGrowableArray<int>& GetPointerOffsets() const {
return buffer_.pointer_offsets();
const GrowableObjectArray& object_pool() const { return object_pool_; }
void FinalizeInstructions(const MemoryRegion& region) {
// Set up a Dart frame on entry with a frame pointer and PC information to
// enable easy access to the RawInstruction object of code corresponding
// to this frame.
void EnterDartFrame(intptr_t frame_size) {
// Set up a stub frame so that the stack traversal code can easily identify
// a stub frame.
void EnterStubFrame() {
// Instruction pattern from entrypoint is used in dart frame prologs
// to set up the frame and save a PC which can be used to figure out the
// RawInstruction object corresponding to the code running in the frame.
static const intptr_t kOffsetOfSavedPCfromEntrypoint = -1; // UNIMPLEMENTED.
// Inlined allocation of an instance of class 'cls', code has no runtime
// calls. Jump to 'failure' if the instance cannot be allocated here.
// Allocated instance is returned in 'instance_reg'.
// Only the tags field of the object is initialized.
void TryAllocate(const Class& cls,
Label* failure,
bool near_jump,
Register instance_reg) {
// Debugging and bringup support.
void Stop(const char* message) { UNIMPLEMENTED(); }
void Unimplemented(const char* message);
void Untested(const char* message);
void Unreachable(const char* message);
static void InitializeMemoryWithBreakpoints(uword data, int length);
void Comment(const char* format, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2, 3);
const Code::Comments& GetCodeComments() const;
static const char* RegisterName(Register reg) {
return NULL;
static const char* FpuRegisterName(FpuRegister reg) {
return NULL;
// A utility to be able to assemble an instruction into the delay slot.
Assembler* delay_slot() {
ASSERT(buffer_.Load<int32_t>(buffer_.GetPosition() - sizeof(int32_t)) ==
delay_slot_available_ = false;
in_delay_slot_ = true;
return this;
// CPU instructions.
void addiu(Register rt, Register rs, const Immediate& imm) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsInt(16, imm.value()));
uint16_t imm_value = static_cast<uint16_t>(imm.value());
EmitIType(ADDIU, rs, rt, imm_value);
void addu(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
EmitRType(SPECIAL, rs, rt, rd, 0, ADDU);
void and_(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
EmitRType(SPECIAL, rs, rt, rd, 0, AND);
void andi(Register rt, Register rs, const Immediate& imm) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsUint(16, imm.value()));
uint16_t imm_value = static_cast<uint16_t>(imm.value());
EmitIType(ANDI, rs, rt, imm_value);
void break_(int32_t code) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsUint(20, code));
Emit(SPECIAL << kOpcodeShift |
code << kBreakCodeShift |
BREAK << kFunctionShift);
void clo(Register rd, Register rs) {
EmitRType(SPECIAL2, rs, rd, rd, 0, CLO);
void clz(Register rd, Register rs) {
EmitRType(SPECIAL2, rs, rd, rd, 0, CLZ);
void div(Register rs, Register rt) {
EmitRType(SPECIAL, rs, rt, R0, 0, DIV);
void divu(Register rs, Register rt) {
EmitRType(SPECIAL, rs, rt, R0, 0, DIVU);
void lb(Register rt, const Address& addr) {
EmitLoadStore(LB, rt, addr);
void lbu(Register rt, const Address& addr) {
EmitLoadStore(LBU, rt, addr);
void lh(Register rt, const Address& addr) {
EmitLoadStore(LH, rt, addr);
void lhu(Register rt, const Address& addr) {
EmitLoadStore(LHU, rt, addr);
void lui(Register rt, const Immediate& imm) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsUint(16, imm.value()));
uint16_t imm_value = static_cast<uint16_t>(imm.value());
EmitIType(LUI, R0, rt, imm_value);
void lw(Register rt, const Address& addr) {
EmitLoadStore(LW, rt, addr);
void mfhi(Register rd) {
EmitRType(SPECIAL, R0, R0, rd, 0, MFHI);
void mflo(Register rd) {
EmitRType(SPECIAL, R0, R0, rd, 0, MFLO);
void ori(Register rt, Register rs, const Immediate& imm) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsUint(16, imm.value()));
uint16_t imm_value = static_cast<uint16_t>(imm.value());
EmitIType(ORI, rs, rt, imm_value);
void jr(Register rs) {
ASSERT(!in_delay_slot_); // Jump within a delay slot is not supported.
EmitRType(SPECIAL, rs, R0, R0, 0, JR);
Emit(Instr::kNopInstruction); // Branch delay NOP.
delay_slot_available_ = true;
void sb(Register rt, const Address& addr) {
EmitLoadStore(SB, rt, addr);
void sh(Register rt, const Address& addr) {
EmitLoadStore(SH, rt, addr);
void sw(Register rt, const Address& addr) {
EmitLoadStore(SW, rt, addr);
void sll(Register rd, Register rt, int sa) {
EmitRType(SPECIAL, R0, rt, rd, sa, SLL);
// Macros.
void LoadImmediate(Register rd, int32_t value) {
lui(rd, Immediate((value >> 16) & 0xffff));
ori(rd, rd, Immediate(value & 0xffff));
AssemblerBuffer buffer_;
GrowableObjectArray& object_pool_; // Objects and patchable jump targets.
int prologue_offset_;
bool delay_slot_available_;
bool in_delay_slot_;
class CodeComment : public ZoneAllocated {
CodeComment(intptr_t pc_offset, const String& comment)
: pc_offset_(pc_offset), comment_(comment) { }
intptr_t pc_offset() const { return pc_offset_; }
const String& comment() const { return comment_; }
intptr_t pc_offset_;
const String& comment_;
GrowableArray<CodeComment*> comments_;
void Emit(int32_t value) {
// Emitting an instruction clears the delay slot state.
in_delay_slot_ = false;
delay_slot_available_ = false;
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
// Encode CPU instructions according to the types specified in
// Figures 4-1, 4-2 and 4-3 in VolI-A.
void EmitIType(Opcode opcode,
Register rs,
Register rt,
uint16_t imm) {
Emit(opcode << kOpcodeShift |
rs << kRsShift |
rt << kRtShift |
void EmitLoadStore(Opcode opcode, Register rt,
const Address &addr) {
Emit(opcode << kOpcodeShift |
rt << kRtShift |
void EmitRegImmType(Opcode opcode,
Register rs,
RtRegImm code,
uint16_t imm) {
Emit(opcode << kOpcodeShift |
rs << kRsShift |
code << kRtShift |
void EmitJType(Opcode opcode, Label* label) {
void EmitRType(Opcode opcode,
Register rs,
Register rt,
Register rd,
int sa,
SpecialFunction func) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsUint(5, sa));
Emit(opcode << kOpcodeShift |
rs << kRsShift |
rt << kRtShift |
rd << kRdShift |
sa << kSaShift |
func << kFunctionShift);
} // namespace dart