blob: 03ce1120a06314a4f32b8ba8c6eed7ee692f4618 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// A test to compare the results of the fixnum library with the Dart VM
library int64vmtest;
import 'dart:math' as math;
part '../lib/src/int32.dart';
part '../lib/src/int64.dart';
part '../lib/src/intx.dart';
final random = new math.Random();
void main() {
int64VMTest test = new int64VMTest();
test.doTestBinary(new BinaryOp("&", (a, b) => a & b));
test.doTestBinary(new BinaryOp("|", (a, b) => a | b));
test.doTestBinary(new BinaryOp("^", (a, b) => a ^ b));
test.doTestBinary(new BinaryOp("+", (a, b) => a + b));
test.doTestBinary(new BinaryOp("-", (a, b) => a - b));
test.doTestBinary(new BinaryOp("*", (a, b) => a * b));
test.doTestUnary(new UnaryOp("-", (a) => -a));
test.doTestUnary(new UnaryOp("~", (a) => ~a));
test.doTestShift(new ShiftOp("<<", (a, n) => a << (n & 63)));
test.doTestShift(new ShiftOp(">>", (a, n) => a >> (n & 63)));
test.doTestBoolean(new BooleanOp("compareTo", (a, b) => a.compareTo(b)));
test.doTestBoolean(new BooleanOp("==", (a, b) => a == b));
test.doTestBoolean(new BooleanOp("!=", (a, b) => a != b));
test.doTestBoolean(new BooleanOp("<", (a, b) => a < b));
test.doTestBoolean(new BooleanOp("<=", (a, b) => a <= b));
test.doTestBoolean(new BooleanOp(">", (a, b) => a > b));
test.doTestBoolean(new BooleanOp(">=", (a, b) => a >= b));
test.doTestBinary(new BinaryOp("%", (a, b) => a % b));
test.doTestBinary(new BinaryOp("~/", (a, b) => a ~/ b));
test.doTestBinary(new BinaryOp("remainder", (a, b) => a.remainder(b)));
const int DISCARD = 0;
int64 _randomInt64() {
int i = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < 64; b++) {
double rand = random.nextDouble();
for (int j = 0; j < DISCARD; j++) {
rand = random.nextDouble();
i = (i << 1) | ((rand > 0.5) ? 1 : 0);
return new int64.fromInt(i);
int _randomInt(int n) {
double rand = random.nextDouble();
for (int i = 0; i < DISCARD; i++) {
rand = random.nextDouble();
return (rand * n).floor().toInt();
class Op {
String name;
Function op;
Op(String, Function this.op);
// Truncate x to a value in the range [-2^63, 2^63 - 1]
int trunc64(int x) {
int trunc = x & 0xffffffffffffffff;
if ((trunc & 0x8000000000000000) != 0) {
trunc -= 18446744073709551616; // 2^64
return trunc;
class UnaryOp extends Op {
UnaryOp(String name, Function op) : super(name, op);
int ref(int val) => trunc64(op(val));
int64 test(int64 val) => op(val);
class BinaryOp extends Op {
BinaryOp(String name, Function op) : super(name, op);
int ref(int val0, int val1) => trunc64(op(val0, val1));
int64 test(int64 val0, int64 val1) => op(val0, val1);
class BooleanOp extends Op {
BooleanOp(String name, Function op) : super(name, op);
bool ref(int val0, int val1) => op(val0, val1);
bool test(int64 val0, int64 val1) => op(val0, val1);
class ShiftOp extends Op {
ShiftOp(String name, Function op) : super(name, op);
int ref(int val0, int shift) => trunc64(op(val0, shift));
int64 test(int64 val0, int shift) => op(val0, shift);
class int64VMTest {
static const int BASE_VALUES = 32;
static const int RANDOM_TESTS = 32;
List<int64> TEST_VALUES;
int64VMTest() {
Set<int64> testSet = new Set<int64>();
for (int i = 0; i < BASE_VALUES; i++) {
testSet.add(new int64.fromInt(i));
testSet.add(new int64.fromInt(-i));
testSet.add(int64.MIN_VALUE + i);
testSet.add(int64.MAX_VALUE - i);
testSet.add(new int64.fromInt(i << int64._BITS ~/ 2));
testSet.add(new int64.fromInt(i << int64._BITS));
testSet.add(new int64.fromInt(i << (3 * int64._BITS) ~/ 2));
testSet.add(new int64.fromInt(i << 2 * int64._BITS));
testSet.add(new int64.fromInt(i << (5 * int64._BITS) ~/ 2));
int64 one = new int64.fromInt(1);
int64 three = new int64.fromInt(3);
int64 ones = int64.parseHex("1111111111111111");
int64 tens = int64.parseHex("1010101010101010");
int64 oh_ones = int64.parseHex("0101010101010101");
int64 digits = int64.parseHex("123456789ABCDEFF");
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
testSet.add(ones * i);
testSet.add(~(ones * i));
testSet.add(-(ones * i));
testSet.add(tens * i);
testSet.add(~(tens * i));
testSet.add(-(tens * i));
testSet.add(oh_ones * i);
testSet.add(~(oh_ones * i));
testSet.add(-(oh_ones * i));
testSet.add(digits * i);
testSet.add(~(digits * i));
testSet.add(-(digits * i));
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 4) {
testSet.add(one << i);
testSet.add(~(one << i));
testSet.add(digits >> i);
testSet.add(-(digits >> i));
// Powers of two and nearby numbers
testSet.add(one << i);
for (int j = 1; j <= 16; j++) {
testSet.add((one << i) + j);
testSet.add(-((one << i) + j));
testSet.add(~((one << i) + j));
testSet.add((one << i) - j);
testSet.add(-((one << i) - j));
testSet.add(~((one << i) - j));
testSet.add((three << i) + j);
testSet.add(-((three << i) + j));
testSet.add(~((three << i) + j));
testSet.add((three << i) - j);
testSet.add(-((three << i) - j));
testSet.add(~((three << i) - j));
for (int a = 0; a < 19; a++) {
// Math.pow(10, a)
int pow = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < a; j++) {
pow *= 10;
testSet.add(new int64.fromInt(pow));
TEST_VALUES = new List<int64>.fixedLength(testSet.length);
int index = 0;
for (int64 val in testSet) {
TEST_VALUES[index++] = val;
print("VALUES.length = $index");
void _doTestUnary(UnaryOp op, int64 val) {
int ref = op.ref(val.toInt());
int64 result64 = op.test(val);
int result = result64.toInt();
if (ref != result) {"${}: val = $val");
void doTestUnary(UnaryOp op) {
print("Testing operator ${}");
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_VALUES.length; i++) {
_doTestUnary(op, TEST_VALUES[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_TESTS; i++) {
int64 randomLong = _randomInt64();
_doTestUnary(op, randomLong);
void _doTestBinary(BinaryOp op, int64 val0, int64 val1) {
// print("Test val0 = $val0, val1 = $val1");
var refException = null;
int ref = -1;
try {
ref = op.ref(val0.toInt(), val1.toInt());
} on Exception catch (e) {
refException = e;
var testException = null;
int result = -2;
int64 result64;
try {
int64 val0_save = new int64._copy(val0);
int64 val1_save = new int64._copy(val1);
result64 = op.test(val0, val1);
result = result64.toInt();
if (val0 != val0_save) {
"Test altered first argument val0 = $val0, val0_save = $val0_save");
if (val1 != val1_save) {
print("Test altered second argument");
} on Exception catch (e) {
testException = e;
if (testException is IntegerDivisionByZeroException &&
refException is IntegerDivisionByZeroException) {
} else if (testException != null || refException != null) {"${}: val0 = $val0, val1 = $val1, "
"testException = $testException, refException = $refException");
} else if (ref != result) {
if ("%" == && ref < 0) {
// print("Dart VM bug: ${}: val0 = $val0, val1 = $val1, "
// "ref = $ref, result64 = $result64, result = $result");
} else {"${}: val0 = $val0, val1 = $val1, "
"ref = $ref, result64 = $result64, result = $result");
void doTestBinary(BinaryOp op) {
print("Testing operator ${}");
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_VALUES.length; i++) {
int64 randomLong = _randomInt64();
_doTestBinary(op, TEST_VALUES[i], randomLong);
_doTestBinary(op, randomLong, TEST_VALUES[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < TEST_VALUES.length; j++) {
_doTestBinary(op, TEST_VALUES[i], TEST_VALUES[j]);
for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_TESTS; i++) {
int64 longVal0 = _randomInt64();
int64 longVal1 = _randomInt64();
if (_randomInt(20) == 0) {
if (_randomInt(2) == 0) {
longVal1 = longVal0;
} else {
longVal1 = -longVal0;
_doTestBinary(op, longVal0, longVal1);
void _doTestBoolean(BooleanOp op, int64 val0, int64 val1) {
bool ref = op.ref(val0.toInt(), val1.toInt());
bool result = op.test(val0, val1);
if (ref != result) {"${}: val0 = $val0, val1 = $val1");
void doTestBoolean(BooleanOp op) {
print("Testing operator ${}");
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_VALUES.length; i++) {
int64 randomLong = _randomInt64();
_doTestBoolean(op, TEST_VALUES[i], randomLong);
_doTestBoolean(op, randomLong, TEST_VALUES[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < TEST_VALUES.length; j++) {
_doTestBoolean(op, TEST_VALUES[i], TEST_VALUES[j]);
for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_TESTS; i++) {
int64 longVal0 = _randomInt64();
int64 longVal1 = _randomInt64();
if (_randomInt(20) == 0) {
if (_randomInt(2) == 0) {
longVal1 = longVal0;
} else {
longVal1 = -longVal0;
_doTestBoolean(op, longVal0, longVal1);
void _doTestShift(ShiftOp op, int64 val, int shift) {
int ref = op.ref(val.toInt(), shift);
int64 result64 = op.test(val, shift);
int result = result64.toInt();
if (ref != result) {"${}: val = $val, shift = $shift");
void doTestShift(ShiftOp op) {
print("Testing operator ${}");
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_VALUES.length; i++) {
for (int shift = -64; shift <= 64; shift++) {
_doTestShift(op, TEST_VALUES[i], shift);
for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_TESTS; i++) {
int64 randomLong = _randomInt64();
for (int shift = -64; shift <= 64; shift++) {
_doTestShift(op, randomLong, shift);