blob: 750b60d928149cf45ca127c6f02ea92f05a9caf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart core library.
// VM implementation of DateTime.
patch class DateTime {
/* patch */ DateTime._internal(int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour,
int minute,
int second,
int millisecond,
bool isUtc)
: this.isUtc = isUtc,
this.millisecondsSinceEpoch = _brokenDownDateToMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, isUtc) {
if (millisecondsSinceEpoch == null) throw new ArgumentError();
if (isUtc == null) throw new ArgumentError();
/* patch */ DateTime._now()
: isUtc = false,
millisecondsSinceEpoch = _getCurrentMs() {
/* patch */ String get timeZoneName {
if (isUtc) return "UTC";
return _timeZoneName(millisecondsSinceEpoch);
/* patch */ Duration get timeZoneOffset {
if (isUtc) return new Duration();
int offsetInSeconds = _timeZoneOffsetInSeconds(millisecondsSinceEpoch);
return new Duration(seconds: offsetInSeconds);
/* patch */ int get year => _decomposeIntoYearMonthDay(_localDateInUtcMs)[0];
/* patch */ int get month => _decomposeIntoYearMonthDay(_localDateInUtcMs)[1];
/* patch */ int get day => _decomposeIntoYearMonthDay(_localDateInUtcMs)[2];
/* patch */ int get hour {
int valueInHours = _flooredDivision(_localDateInUtcMs,
return valueInHours % Duration.HOURS_PER_DAY;
/* patch */ int get minute {
int valueInMinutes = _flooredDivision(_localDateInUtcMs,
return valueInMinutes % Duration.MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
/* patch */ int get second {
// Seconds are unaffected by the timezone the user is in. So we can
// directly use the millisecondsSinceEpoch and not [_localDateInUtcMs].
int valueInSeconds =
return valueInSeconds % Duration.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
/* patch */ int get millisecond {
// Milliseconds are unaffected by the timezone the user is in. So we can
// directly use the value and not the [_localDateInUtcValue].
return millisecondsSinceEpoch % Duration.MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
/** Returns the weekday of [this]. In accordance with ISO 8601 a week
* starts with Monday. Monday has the value 1 up to Sunday with 7. */
/* patch */ int get weekday {
int daysSince1970 =
_flooredDivision(_localDateInUtcMs, Duration.MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
// 1970-1-1 was a Thursday.
return ((daysSince1970 + DateTime.THU - DateTime.MON) % DateTime.DAYS_IN_WEEK) +
/** The first list contains the days until each month in non-leap years. The
* second list contains the days in leap years. */
static const List<List<int>> _DAYS_UNTIL_MONTH =
const [const [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334],
const [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335]];
// Returns the UTC year, month and day for the corresponding
// [millisecondsSinceEpoch].
// Code is adapted from V8.
static List<int> _decomposeIntoYearMonthDay(int millisecondsSinceEpoch) {
// TODO(floitsch): cache result.
final int DAYS_IN_4_YEARS = 4 * 365 + 1;
final int DAYS_IN_100_YEARS = 25 * DAYS_IN_4_YEARS - 1;
final int DAYS_IN_400_YEARS = 4 * DAYS_IN_100_YEARS + 1;
final int DAYS_1970_TO_2000 = 30 * 365 + 7;
final int DAYS_OFFSET = 1000 * DAYS_IN_400_YEARS + 5 * DAYS_IN_400_YEARS -
final int YEARS_OFFSET = 400000;
int resultYear = 0;
int resultMonth = 0;
int resultDay = 0;
// Always round down.
int days = _flooredDivision(millisecondsSinceEpoch,
days += DAYS_OFFSET;
resultYear = 400 * (days ~/ DAYS_IN_400_YEARS) - YEARS_OFFSET;
days = days.remainder(DAYS_IN_400_YEARS);
int yd1 = days ~/ DAYS_IN_100_YEARS;
days = days.remainder(DAYS_IN_100_YEARS);
resultYear += 100 * yd1;
int yd2 = days ~/ DAYS_IN_4_YEARS;
days = days.remainder(DAYS_IN_4_YEARS);
resultYear += 4 * yd2;
int yd3 = days ~/ 365;
days = days.remainder(365);
resultYear += yd3;
bool isLeap = (yd1 == 0 || yd2 != 0) && yd3 == 0;
if (isLeap) days++;
List<int> daysUntilMonth = _DAYS_UNTIL_MONTH[isLeap ? 1 : 0];
for (resultMonth = 12;
daysUntilMonth[resultMonth - 1] > days;
resultMonth--) {
// Do nothing.
resultDay = days - daysUntilMonth[resultMonth - 1] + 1;
return <int>[resultYear, resultMonth, resultDay];
* Returns the amount of milliseconds in UTC that represent the same values
* as [this].
* Say [:t:] is the result of this function, then
* * [:this.year == new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(t, true).year:],
* * [:this.month == new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(t, true).month:],
* * [ == new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(t, true).day:],
* * [:this.hour == new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(t, true).hour:],
* * ...
* Daylight savings is computed as if the date was computed in [1970..2037].
* If [this] lies outside this range then it is a year with similar
* properties (leap year, weekdays) is used instead.
int get _localDateInUtcMs {
int ms = millisecondsSinceEpoch;
if (isUtc) return ms;
int offset =
_timeZoneOffsetInSeconds(ms) * Duration.MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
return ms + offset;
static int _flooredDivision(int a, int b) {
return (a - (a < 0 ? b - 1 : 0)) ~/ b;
// Returns the days since 1970 for the start of the given [year].
// [year] may be before epoch.
static int _dayFromYear(int year) {
return 365 * (year - 1970)
+ _flooredDivision(year - 1969, 4)
- _flooredDivision(year - 1901, 100)
+ _flooredDivision(year - 1601, 400);
static bool _isLeapYear(y) {
return (y.remainder(4) == 0) &&
((y.remainder(100) != 0) || (y.remainder(400) == 0));
static _brokenDownDateToMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond,
bool isUtc) {
// Simplify calculations by working with zero-based month.
// Deal with under and overflow.
year += (month / 12).floor().toInt();
month = month % 12;
// First compute the seconds in UTC, independent of the [isUtc] flag. If
// necessary we will add the time-zone offset later on.
int days = day - 1;
days += _DAYS_UNTIL_MONTH[_isLeapYear(year) ? 1 : 0][month];
days += _dayFromYear(year);
int millisecondsSinceEpoch = days * Duration.MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY +
// Since [_timeZoneOffsetInSeconds] will crash if the input is far out of
// the valid range we do a preliminary test that weeds out values that can
// not become valid even with timezone adjustments.
// The timezone adjustment is always less than a day, so adding a security
// margin of one day should be enough.
if (millisecondsSinceEpoch.abs() >
return null;
if (!isUtc) {
// Note that we need to remove the local timezone adjustement before
// asking for the correct zone offset.
int adjustment = _localTimeZoneAdjustmentInSeconds() *
int zoneOffset =
_timeZoneOffsetInSeconds(millisecondsSinceEpoch - adjustment);
millisecondsSinceEpoch -= zoneOffset * Duration.MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
if (millisecondsSinceEpoch.abs() > _MAX_MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH) {
return null;
return millisecondsSinceEpoch;
static int _weekDay(y) {
// 1/1/1970 was a Thursday.
return (_dayFromYear(y) + 4) % 7;
* Returns a year in the range 2008-2035 matching
* * leap year, and
* * week day of first day.
* Leap seconds are ignored.
* Adapted from V8's date implementation. See ECMA 262 -
static _equivalentYear(int year) {
// Returns the week day (in range 0 - 6).
// 1/1/1956 was a Sunday (i.e. weekday 0). 1956 was a leap-year.
// 1/1/1967 was a Sunday (i.e. weekday 0).
// Without leap years a subsequent year has a week day + 1 (for example
// 1/1/1968 was a Monday). With leap-years it jumps over one week day
// (e.g. 1/1/1957 was a Tuesday).
// After 12 years the weekdays have advanced by 12 days + 3 leap days =
// 15 days. 15 % 7 = 1. So after 12 years the week day has always
// (now independently of leap-years) advanced by one.
// weekDay * 12 gives thus a year starting with the wanted weekDay.
int recentYear = (_isLeapYear(year) ? 1956 : 1967) + (_weekDay(year) * 12);
// Close to the year 2008 the calendar cycles every 4 * 7 years (4 for the
// leap years, 7 for the weekdays).
// Find the year in the range 2008..2037 that is equivalent mod 28.
return 2008 + (recentYear - 2008) % 28;
* Returns the UTC year for the corresponding [secondsSinceEpoch].
* It is relatively fast for values in the range 0 to year 2098.
* Code is adapted from V8.
static int _yearsFromSecondsSinceEpoch(int secondsSinceEpoch) {
final int DAYS_IN_4_YEARS = 4 * 365 + 1;
final int DAYS_IN_100_YEARS = 25 * DAYS_IN_4_YEARS - 1;
final int DAYS_YEAR_2098 = DAYS_IN_100_YEARS + 6 * DAYS_IN_4_YEARS;
int days = secondsSinceEpoch ~/ Duration.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
if (days > 0 && days < DAYS_YEAR_2098) {
// According to V8 this fast case works for dates from 1970 to 2099.
return 1970 + (4 * days + 2) ~/ DAYS_IN_4_YEARS;
int ms = secondsSinceEpoch * Duration.MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
return _decomposeIntoYearMonthDay(ms)[0];
* Returns a date in seconds that is equivalent to the current date. An
* equivalent date has the same fields ([:month:], [:day:], etc.) as the
* [this], but the [:year:] is in the range [1970..2037].
* * The time since the beginning of the year is the same.
* * If [this] is in a leap year then the returned seconds are in a leap
* year, too.
* * The week day of [this] is the same as the one for the returned date.
static int _equivalentSeconds(int millisecondsSinceEpoch) {
final int CUT_OFF_SECONDS = 2100000000;
int secondsSinceEpoch = _flooredDivision(millisecondsSinceEpoch,
if (secondsSinceEpoch < 0 || secondsSinceEpoch >= CUT_OFF_SECONDS) {
int year = _yearsFromSecondsSinceEpoch(secondsSinceEpoch);
int days = _dayFromYear(year);
int equivalentYear = _equivalentYear(year);
int equivalentDays = _dayFromYear(equivalentYear);
int diffDays = equivalentDays - days;
secondsSinceEpoch += diffDays * Duration.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
return secondsSinceEpoch;
static int _timeZoneOffsetInSeconds(int millisecondsSinceEpoch) {
int equivalentSeconds = _equivalentSeconds(millisecondsSinceEpoch);
return _timeZoneOffsetInSecondsForClampedSeconds(equivalentSeconds);
static String _timeZoneName(int millisecondsSinceEpoch) {
int equivalentSeconds = _equivalentSeconds(millisecondsSinceEpoch);
return _timeZoneNameForClampedSeconds(equivalentSeconds);
// Natives
static int _getCurrentMs() native "DateNatives_currentTimeMillis";
static String _timeZoneNameForClampedSeconds(int secondsSinceEpoch)
native "DateNatives_timeZoneName";
static int _timeZoneOffsetInSecondsForClampedSeconds(int secondsSinceEpoch)
native "DateNatives_timeZoneOffsetInSeconds";
static int _localTimeZoneAdjustmentInSeconds()
native "DateNatives_localTimeZoneAdjustmentInSeconds";