blob: 9a6dd3ed026aeb0df1ef8d59f3378c5eeb4169d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* Manages the collection of {@link SystemLibrary}s.
public class PackageLibraryManager {
public static class NotADartShortUriException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public NotADartShortUriException(String uriString) {
super("Expected dart:<short name>, got: " + uriString);
public NotADartShortUriException(URI uri) {
super("Expected dart:<short name>, got: " + uri.toString());
* The "any" platform is meant to have definitions for all known dart system libraries.
* Other implementations may only contain a subset.
public static final String DEFAULT_PLATFORM = "any";
public static final File DEFAULT_SDK_PATH = new File(System.getProperty(
"", "../"));
public static final File DEFAULT_PACKAGE_ROOT = new File("packages");
public static final List<File> DEFAULT_PACKAGE_ROOTS = Arrays.asList(new File[] {DEFAULT_PACKAGE_ROOT});
public static final String PACKAGE_SCHEME = "package";
public static final String PACKAGE_SCHEME_SPEC = "package:";
public static final String DART_SCHEME = "dart";
public static final String DART_SCHEME_SPEC = "dart:";
* Answer <code>true</code> if the string is a dart spec
public static boolean isDartSpec(String spec) {
return spec != null && spec.startsWith(DART_SCHEME_SPEC);
* Answer <code>true</code> if the specified URI has a "dart" scheme
public static boolean isDartUri(URI uri) {
return uri != null && DART_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme());
* Answer <code>true</code> if the string is a package spec
public static boolean isPackageSpec(String spec) {
return spec != null && spec.startsWith(PACKAGE_SCHEME_SPEC);
* Answer <code>true</code> if the specified URI has a "package" scheme
public static boolean isPackageUri(URI uri) {
return uri != null && PACKAGE_SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme());
private static SystemLibraryManager SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER;
private List<File> packageRoots = new ArrayList<File>();
private List<URI> packageRootsUri = new ArrayList<URI>();
public PackageLibraryManager() {
public PackageLibraryManager(File sdkPath, String platformName) {
this(new FileBasedSystemLibraryProvider(sdkPath));
public PackageLibraryManager(SystemLibraryProvider libraryProvider) {
protected void initLibraryManager(SystemLibraryProvider libraryProvider) {
if (SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER == null) {
SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER = new SystemLibraryManager(libraryProvider);
* Expand a relative or short URI (e.g. "dart:html") which is implementation independent to its
* full URI (e.g. "dart://html/com/google/dart/htmllib/html.dart").
* @param uri the relative URI
* @return the expanded URI
* or the original URI if it could not be expanded
* or null if the uri is of the form "dart:<libname>" but does not correspond to a system library
public URI expandRelativeDartUri(URI uri) throws AssertionError {
if (isDartUri(uri)) {
return SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER.expandRelativeDartUri(uri);
if (isPackageUri(uri)){
String host = uri.getHost();
if (host == null) {
String spec = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
if (!spec.startsWith("//")){
try {
if (spec.startsWith("/")){
// TODO(keertip): fix to handle spaces
uri = new URI(PACKAGE_SCHEME + ":/" + spec);
} else {
uri = new URI(PACKAGE_SCHEME + "://" + spec);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
return uri;
* Given an absolute file URI (e.g. "file:/some/install/directory/dart-sdk/lib/core/bool.dart"),
* answer the corresponding dart: URI (e.g. "dart://core/bool.dart") for that file URI,
* or <code>null</code> if the file URI does not map to a dart: URI
* @param fileUri the file URI
* @return the dart URI or <code>null</code>
public URI getRelativeUri(URI fileUri) {
// TODO (danrubel): does not convert dart: libraries outside the dart-sdk/lib directory
if (fileUri == null || !fileUri.getScheme().equals("file")) {
return null;
URI relativeUri = SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER.getRelativeUri(fileUri);
if (relativeUri != null){
return relativeUri;
for (URI rootUri : packageRootsUri){
relativeUri = rootUri.relativize(fileUri);
if (relativeUri.getScheme() == null) {
try {
return new URI(null, null, "package://" + relativeUri.getPath(), null, null);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
* Given a package URI (package:foo/foo.dart), convert it into a file system URI.
public URI resolvePackageUri(String packageUriRef) {
if (packageUriRef.startsWith(PACKAGE_SCHEME_SPEC)) {
String relPath = packageUriRef.substring(PACKAGE_SCHEME_SPEC.length());
if (relPath.startsWith("/")){
relPath = relPath.replaceAll("^\\/+", "");
for (URI rootUri : packageRootsUri){
URI fileUri = rootUri.resolve(relPath);
File file = new File(fileUri);
if (file.exists()){
try {
return file.getCanonicalFile().toURI();
} catch (IOException e) {
// don't return null for package scheme
return packageRootsUri.get(0).resolve(relPath);
return null;
* Answer the original "dart:<libname>" URI for the specified resolved URI or <code>null</code> if
* it does not map to a short URI.
public URI getShortUri(URI uri) {
URI shortUri = SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER.getShortUri(uri);
if (shortUri != null){
return shortUri;
shortUri = getRelativeUri(uri);
if (shortUri != null){
try {
return new URI(null, null, shortUri.getScheme() + ":" + shortUri.getHost() + shortUri.getPath(),null, null);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
* Expand a relative or short URI (e.g. "dart:html") which is implementation independent to its
* full URI (e.g. "dart://html/com/google/dart/htmllib/html.dart") and then translate that URI to
* a "file:" URI (e.g.
* "file:/some/install/directory/com/google/dart/htmllib/html.dart").
* @param uri the original URI
* @return the expanded and translated URI, which may be <code>null</code> and may not exist
* @exception RuntimeException if the URI is a "dart" scheme, but does not map to a defined system
* library
public URI resolveDartUri(URI uri) {
return translateDartUri(expandRelativeDartUri(uri));
public List<File> getPackageRoots(){
return packageRoots;
public void setPackageRoots(List<File> roots){
if (roots == null || roots.isEmpty()){
for (File file : roots){
for (File file : roots){
* Translate the URI from dart://[host]/[pathToLib] (e.g. dart://html/html.dart)
* to a "file:" URI (e.g. "file:/some/install/directory/html.dart")
* @param uri the original URI
* @return the translated URI, which may be <code>null</code> and may not exist
* @exception RuntimeException if the URI is a "dart" scheme,
* but does not map to a defined system library
public URI translateDartUri(URI uri) {
if (isDartUri(uri)) {
return SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER.translateDartUri(uri);
if (isPackageUri(uri)){
URI fileUri;
for (URI rootUri : packageRootsUri){
fileUri = getResolvedPackageUri(uri, rootUri);
File file = new File(fileUri);
if (file.exists()){
try {
return file.getCanonicalFile().toURI();
} catch (IOException e) {
return file.toURI();
// resolve against first package root
fileUri = getResolvedPackageUri(uri, packageRootsUri.get(0));
return fileUri;
return uri;
* Given a uri, resolve against the list of package roots, used to find generated files
* @return uri - resolved uri if file exists, else return given uri
public URI findExistingFileInPackages(URI fileUri){
URI resolvedUri = getRelativeUri(fileUri);
if (isPackageUri(resolvedUri)){
resolvedUri = resolvePackageUri(resolvedUri.toString());
return resolvedUri;
return fileUri;
* Resolves the given uri against the package root uri
private URI getResolvedPackageUri(URI uri, URI packageRootUri) {
URI fileUri;
// TODO(keertip): Investigate further
// if uri.getHost() returns null, then it is resolved right
// so use uri.getAuthority to resolve
// package://third_party/dart_lang/lib/unittest/unittest.dart
if (uri.getHost() != null){
fileUri = packageRootUri.resolve(uri.getHost() + uri.getPath());
} else {
fileUri = packageRootUri.resolve(uri.getAuthority() + uri.getPath());
return fileUri;
* Answer a collection of all bundled library URL specs (e.g. "dart:html").
* @return a collection of specs (not <code>null</code>, contains no <code>null</code>s)
public Collection<String> getAllLibrarySpecs() {
return SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER.getAllLibrarySpecs();
protected SystemLibrary[] getDefaultLibraries() {
return SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER.getDefaultLibraries();
public Collection<SystemLibrary> getSystemLibraries(){
return SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER.getAllSystemLibraries();
* Check if this URI denotes a patch file.
public static boolean isPatchFile(File file) {
return SDK_LIBRARY_MANAGER.isPatchFile(file.toURI());