blob: a5e021995ecdef653c913d2deb7cb41113e51420 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library utils;
import 'dart-ext:dart_archive';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'archive.dart' as archive;
/** The cache of the port used to communicate with the C extension. */
SendPort _port;
/** The port used to communicate with the C extension. */
SendPort get servicePort {
if (_port == null) _port = _newServicePort();
return _port;
/** Creates a new port to communicate with the C extension. */
SendPort _newServicePort() native "Archive_ServicePort";
* Send a message to the C extension.
* [requestType] is the specific request id to send. [id] is the id of the
* archive; it may be null for requests that don't operate on a specific
* archive. [args] are arguments that will be passed on to the extension. They
* should all be C-safe.
* Returns a future that completes with the C extension's reply.
Future call(int requestType, [int id, List args]) {
var fullArgs = [requestType, id];
if (args != null) fullArgs.addAll(args);
return {
var success = response[0];
var errno = response[1];
var message = response[2];
if (!success) throw new ArchiveException(message, errno);
return message;
/** Converts [input] to a fixed-length list which C can understand. */
List listForC(List input) {
var list = new List.fixedLength(input.length);
list.setRange(0, input.length, input);
return list;
/** Converts [input] to a [Uint8List] that C can process easily. */
Uint8List bytesForC(List<int> input) {
var list = new Uint8List(input.length);
list.setRange(0, input.length, input);
return list;
* Attaches [callback] as a finalizer for [object]. After [object] has been
* garbage collected, [callback] will be called and passed [peer] as an
* argument.
* Neither [callback] nor [peer] should contain any references to [object];
* otherwise, [object] will never be collected and [callback] will never be
* called.
void attachFinalizer(object, void callback(peer), [peer]) {}
// TODO(nweiz): re-enable this once issue 4378 is fixed.
// void attachFinalizer(object, void callback(peer), [peer])
// native "Archive_AttachFinalizer";
* A reference to a single value.
* This is primarily meant to be used when a finalizer needs to refer to a field
* on the object being finalized that may be set to null during the lifetime of
* the object. Since the object itself has been garbage collected once the
* finalizer runs, it needs a second-order reference to check if the field is
* null.
class Reference<E> {
E value;
* Returns a [Future] that completes immediately upon hitting the event loop.
Future async() {
var completer = new Completer();
new Timer(0, (_) => completer.complete(null));
return completer.future;
/** An error raised by the archive library. */
class ArchiveException implements archive.ArchiveException {
/** A description of the error that occurred. */
final String message;
/** The error code for the error, or null. */
final int errno;
ArchiveException(this.message, [this.errno]);
String toString() {
if (errno == null) return "Archive error: $message";
return "Archive error $errno: $message";