blob: f851959d6158d15ed8d22ab24db6311d0ee50c78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library entry;
import 'dart:io';
import 'archive.dart' as archive;
import 'entry_request.dart';
import 'read_request.dart' as read;
import 'utils.dart';
* A single file in an archive.
* This is accessible via [ArchiveInputStream.onEntry].
class ArchiveEntry {
* The various properties of this archive entry, as sent over from the C
* extension.
final List _properties;
* The id of the archive to which this entry belongs. Used to read the entry
* data. This will be set to null once there's no longer data available to be
* read for this entry.
int _archiveId;
* The input stream being used to read data from this entry. This is null
* until [openInputStream] is called.
InputStream _input;
// TODO(nweiz): Get rid of this once issue 4202 is fixed.
* A future that only exists once [openInputStream] is called, and completes
* once the input stream is closed.
* For internal use only.
Future inputComplete;
ArchiveEntry.internal(this._properties, this._archiveId) {
attachFinalizer(this, (id) => call(FREE, id), _id);
/** Create a new [ArchiveEntry] with default values for all of its fields. */
static Future<ArchiveEntry> create() {
return call(NEW).then((properties) {
return new archive.ArchiveEntry.internal(properties, null);
/** The id of the underlying archive entry. */
int get _id => _properties[0];
/** If this entry is a hardlink, this is the destination. Otherwise, null. */
String get hardlink => _properties[1];
set hardlink(String value) => _set(SET_HARDLINK, 1, value);
/** The path to this entry in the archive. */
String get pathname => _properties[2];
set pathname(String value) => _set(SET_PATHNAME, 2, value);
/** The path to this entry on disk, */
String get sourcepath => _properties[3];
/** If this entry is a symlink, this is the destination. Otherwise, null. */
String get symlink => _properties[4];
set symlink(String value) => _set(SET_SYMLINK, 4, value);
/** The group identifier for this entry. */
int get gid => _properties[5];
set gid(int value) => _set(SET_GID, 5, value);
/** The user identifier for this entry. */
int get uid => _properties[6];
set uid(int value) => _set(SET_UID, 6, value);
/** The permissions bitmask for this entry. */
int get perm_mask => _properties[7];
set perm_mask(int value) => _set(SET_PERM, 7, value);
* The String representation of the permissions for this entry.
* Note that if you set [perm_mask], this value will not change.
String get strmode => _properties[8];
/** The name of the group this entry belongs to. */
String get gname => _properties[9];
set gname(String value) => _set(SET_GNAME, 9, value);
/** The name of the user this entry belongs to. */
String get uname => _properties[10];
set uname(String value) => _set(SET_UNAME, 10, value);
* The file flag bits that should be set for this entry.
* Note that if you set [fflags_text], this value will not change, and vice
* versa.
int get fflags_set => _properties[11];
set fflags_set(int value) => _set(SET_FFLAGS_SET, 11, value);
* The file flag bits that should be cleared for this entry.
* Note that if you set [fflags_text], this value will not change, and vice
* versa.
int get fflags_clear => _properties[12];
set fflags_clear(int value) => _set(SET_FFLAGS_CLEAR, 12, value);
* The textual representation of the file flags for this entry.
* Note that if you set [fflags_set] or [fflags_clear], this value will not
* change, and vice versa.
String get fflags_text => _properties[13];
/** The filetype bitmask for this entry. */
int get filetype_mask => _properties[14];
set filetype_mask(int value) => _set(SET_FILETYPE, 14, value);
/** The filetype and permissions bitmask for this entry. */
int get mode_mask => _properties[15];
set mode_mask(int value) => _set(SET_MODE, 15, value);
/** The size of this entry in bytes, or null if it's unset. */
int get size => _properties[16];
set size(int value) => _set(SET_SIZE, 16, value);
/** The ID of the device containing this entry, or null if it's unset. */
int get dev => _properties[17];
set dev(int value) => _set(SET_DEV, 17, value);
/** The major number of the ID of the device containing this entry. */
int get devmajor => _properties[18];
set devmajor(int value) => _set(SET_DEVMAJOR, 18, value);
/** The minor number of the ID of the device containing this entry. */
int get devminor => _properties[19];
set devminor(int value) => _set(SET_DEVMINOR, 19, value);
/** The inode number of this entry, or null if it's unset. */
int get ino => _properties[20];
set ino(int value) => _set(SET_INO, 20, value);
/** The number of references to this entry. */
int get nlink => _properties[21];
set nlink(int value) => _set(SET_NLINK, 21, value);
/** The device ID of this entry. */
int get rdev => _properties[22];
set rdev(int value) => _set(SET_RDEV, 22, value);
/** The major number of the device ID of this entry. */
int get rdevmajor => _properties[23];
set rdevmajor(int value) => _set(SET_RDEVMAJOR, 23, value);
/** The minor number of the device ID of this entry. */
int get rdevminor => _properties[24];
set rdevminor(int value) => _set(SET_RDEVMINOR, 24, value);
/** The last time this entry was accessed, or null if it's unset. */
Date get atime => _fromMs(_properties[25]);
set atime(Date value) => _set(SET_ATIME, 25, _toMs(value));
/** The time this entry was created, or null if it's unset. */
Date get birthtime => _fromMs(_properties[26]);
set birthtime(Date value) => _set(SET_BIRTHTIME, 26, _toMs(value));
* The last time an inode property of this entry was changed, or null if it's
* unset.
Date get ctime => _fromMs(_properties[27]);
set ctime(Date value) => _set(SET_CTIME, 27, _toMs(value));
/** The last time this entry was modified, or null if it's unset. */
Date get mtime => _fromMs(_properties[28]);
set mtime(Date value) => _set(SET_MTIME, 28, _toMs(value));
/** Whether [openInputStream] has been called. */
bool get isInputOpen => _input != null;
/** Create a deep copy of this [ArchiveEntry]. */
Future<ArchiveEntry> clone() {
return call(CLONE, _id).
transform((array) => new archive.ArchiveEntry.internal(array, null));
* Consumes the entire contents of this entry at once and returns it wrapped
* in a [CompleteArchiveEntry]. All metadata fields in the returned entry are
* copies of the fields in this entry.
* This may not be called if [openInputStream] is called, and vice versa.
Future<CompleteArchiveEntry> readAll() {
var stream = openInputStream();
var buffer = <int>[];
var completer = new Completer<List<int>>();
stream.onData = () => buffer.addAll(;
stream.onError = completer.completeError;
stream.onClosed = () => completer.complete(buffer);
return Future.wait([call(CLONE, _id), completer.future])
.then((list) => new CompleteArchiveEntry._(list[0], list[1]));
* Set a property value with index [value] on the local representation of the
* archive entry and on the native representation.
void _set(int requestType, int index, value) {
_properties[index] = value;
// Since the native code processes messages in order, the SET_* messages
// will be received and processed before any further messages.
call(requestType, _id, [value]).then((_) {});
* Converts [ms], the (possibly null) number of milliseconds since the epoch
* into a Date object (which may also be null).
Date _fromMs(int ms) {
if (ms == null) return null;
return new Date.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(ms);
* Converts [date], which may be null, into the number of milliseconds since
* the epoch (which may also be null).
int _toMs(Date date) {
if (date == null) return null;
return date.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
* Creates a new input stream for reading the contents of this entry.
* The contents of an entry must be consumed before the next entry is read
* from the parent [ArchiveInputStream]. This means that [openInputStream]
* must be called from the [ArchiveInputStream.onEntry] callback, or before
* the future returned by that callback completes. Once the next entry has
* been read, calling [openInputStream] will throw an [ArchiveException].
* Only one input stream may be opened per entry.
InputStream openInputStream() {
if (_archiveId == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot open input stream for "
"archive entry $pathname.");
} else if (_input != null) {
throw new UnsupportedError("An input stream has already been"
"opened for archive entry $pathname.");
var inputCompleter = new Completer();
inputComplete = inputCompleter.future;
_input = new ListInputStream();
// TODO(nweiz): Report errors once issue 3657 is fixed
var future = _consumeInput().then((_) {
if (!_input.closed) _input.markEndOfStream();
// Asynchronously complete to give the InputStream callbacks a chance to
// fire.
return async();
}).then((_) => inputCompleter.complete(null));
future.handleException((e) {
return _input;
* Close this entry so that its input stream no longer produces data.
* In addition to closing the associated input stream, this will prevent new
* input streams from being opened.
void close() {
_archiveId = null;
if (_input != null) _input.close();
* Read all data from the archive and write it to [_input]. Returns a future
* that completes once this is done.
* This assumes that both [_input] and [_archiveId] are non-null and that
* [_input] is open, although if that changes before this completes it will
* handle it gracefully.
Future _consumeInput() {
var data;
return call(read.DATA_BLOCK, _archiveId).then((_data) {
data = _data;
// TODO(nweiz): This async() call is only necessary because of issue 4222.
return async();
}).then((_) {
if (_input.closed || _archiveId == null || data == null) {
return new Future.immediate(null);
return _consumeInput();
* An [ArchiveEntry] that contains the complete decompressed contents of the
* file.
class CompleteArchiveEntry extends ArchiveEntry {
/** The contents of the entry as bytes. */
final List<int> contentBytes;
/** The contents of the entry as a string. */
String get contents => new String.fromCharCodes(contentBytes);
CompleteArchiveEntry._(List properties, this.contentBytes)
: super.internal(properties, null);