blob: 82a115bed1e643428412c7d84db4ccbd6276937e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Library used by debugger wire protocol tests (standalone VM debugging).
library DartDebugger;
import "dart:io";
import "dart:utf";
import "dart:json";
// TODO(hausner): need to select a different port number for each
// test that runs in parallel.
var debugPort = 5860;
// Whether or not to print debug target process on the console.
var showDebuggeeOutput = true;
// Whether or not to print the debugger wire messages on the console.
var verboseWire = false;
// Class to buffer wire protocol data from debug target and
// break it down to individual json messages.
class JsonBuffer {
String buffer = null;
append(String s) {
if (buffer == null || buffer.length == 0) {
buffer = s;
} else {
buffer = buffer.concat(s);
String getNextMessage() {
if (buffer == null) return null;
int msgLen = objectLength();
if (msgLen == 0) return null;
String msg = null;
if (msgLen == buffer.length) {
msg = buffer;
buffer = null;
} else {
assert(msgLen < buffer.length);
msg = buffer.substring(0, msgLen);
buffer = buffer.substring(msgLen);
return msg;
// Returns the character length of the newxt json message in the
// buffer, or 0 if there is only a partial message in the buffer.
// The object value must start with '{' and continues to the
// matching '}'. No attempt is made to otherwise validate the contents
// as JSON. If it is invalid, a later JSON.parse() will fail.
int objectLength() {
int skipWhitespace(int index) {
while (index < buffer.length) {
String char = buffer[index];
if (char != " " && char != "\n" && char != "\r" && char != "\t") break;
return index;
int skipString(int index) {
assert(buffer[index - 1] == '"');
while (index < buffer.length) {
String char = buffer[index];
if (char == '"') return index + 1;
if (char == r'\') index++;
if (index == buffer.length) return index;
return index;
int index = 0;
index = skipWhitespace(index);
// Bail out if the first non-whitespace character isn't '{'.
if (index == buffer.length || buffer[index] != '{') return 0;
int nesting = 0;
while (index < buffer.length) {
String char = buffer[index++];
if (char == '{') {
} else if (char == '}') {
if (nesting == 0) return index;
} else if (char == '"') {
// Strings can contain braces. Skip their content.
index = skipString(index);
return 0;
getJsonValue(Map jsonMsg, String path) {
List properties = path.split(new RegExp(":"));
assert(properties.length >= 1);
var node = jsonMsg;
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
if (node == null) return null;
String property = properties[i];
var index = null;
if (property.endsWith("]")) {
var bracketPos = property.lastIndexOf("[");
if (bracketPos <= 0) return null;
var indexStr = property.substring(bracketPos + 1, property.length - 1);
try {
index = int.parse(indexStr);
} on FormatException {
print("$indexStr is not a valid array index");
return null;
property = property.substring(0, bracketPos);
if (node is Map) {
node = node[property];
} else {
return null;
if (index != null) {
if (node is List && node.length > index) {
node = node[index];
} else {
return null;
return node;
// Returns true if [template] is a subset of [map].
bool matchMaps(Map template, Map msg) {
bool isMatch = true;
template.forEach((k, v) {
if (msg.containsKey(k)) {
var receivedValue = msg[k];
if ((v is Map) && (receivedValue is Map)) {
if (!matchMaps(v, receivedValue)) isMatch = false;
} else if (v == null) {
// null in the template matches everything.
} else if (v != receivedValue) {
isMatch = false;
} else {
isMatch = false;
return isMatch;
class BreakpointEvent {
String functionName;
var template = { "event": "paused", "params": { "reason": "breakpoint" }};
BreakpointEvent({String function: null}) {
functionName = function;
void match(Debugger debugger) {
var msg = debugger.currentMessage;
if (!matchMaps(template, msg)) {
debugger.error("message does not match $template");
var name = getJsonValue(msg, "params:callFrames[0]:functionName");
if (name == "main") {
// Extract script url of debugged script.
var scriptUrl = getJsonValue(msg, "params:callFrames[0]:location:url");
assert(scriptUrl != null);
debugger.scriptUrl = scriptUrl;
if (functionName != null) {
var name = getJsonValue(msg, "params:callFrames[0]:functionName");
if (functionName != name) {
debugger.error("expected function name $functionName but got $name");
Breakpoint({String function}) {
return new BreakpointEvent(function: function);
class Matcher {
void match(Debugger debugger);
class FrameMatcher extends Matcher {
int frameIndex;
List<String> functionNames;
FrameMatcher(this.frameIndex, this.functionNames);
void match(Debugger debugger) {
var msg = debugger.currentMessage;
List frames = getJsonValue(msg, "params:callFrames");
assert(frames != null);
if (frames.length < functionNames.length) {
debugger.error("stack trace not long enough "
"to match ${functionNames.length} frames");
for (int i = 0; i < functionNames.length; i++) {
var idx = i + frameIndex;
var property = "params:callFrames[$idx]:functionName";
var name = getJsonValue(msg, property);
if (name == null) {
debugger.error("property '$property' not found");
if (name != functionNames[i]) {
debugger.error("call frame $idx: "
"expected function name '${functionNames[i]}' but found '$name'");
MatchFrame(int frameIndex, String functionName) {
return new FrameMatcher(frameIndex, [ functionName ]);
MatchFrames(List<String> functionNames) {
return new FrameMatcher(0, functionNames);
class Command {
var template;
Command.resume() {
template = {"id": 0, "command": "resume", "params": {"isolateId": 0}};
Command.step() {
template = {"id": 0, "command": "stepOver", "params": {"isolateId": 0}};
Map makeMsg(int cmdId, int isolateId) {
template["id"] = cmdId;
if ((template["params"] != null)
&& (template["params"]["isolateId"] != null)) {
template["params"]["isolateId"] = isolateId;
return template;
void send(Debugger debugger) {
template["id"] = debugger.seqNr;
template["params"]["isolateId"] = debugger.isolateId;
void matchResponse(Debugger debugger) {
Map response = debugger.currentMessage;
var id = template["id"];
assert(id != null && id >= 0);
if (response["id"] != id) {
debugger.error("Expected messaged id $id but got ${response["id"]}.");
Resume() => new Command.resume();
Step() => new Command.step();
class SetBreakpointCommand extends Command {
int line;
SetBreakpointCommand(int this.line) {
template = {"id": 0,
"command": "setBreakpoint",
"params": { "isolateId": 0,
"url": null,
"line": null }};
void send(Debugger debugger) {
assert(debugger.scriptUrl != null);
template["params"]["url"] = debugger.scriptUrl;
template["params"]["line"] = line;
SetBreakpoint(int line) => new SetBreakpointCommand(line);
// A debug script is a list of Event, Matcher and Command objects.
class DebugScript {
List entries;
int currentIndex;
DebugScript(List this.entries) : currentIndex = 0;
get currentEntry {
if (currentIndex < entries.length) return entries[currentIndex];
return null;
advance() {
class Debugger {
// Debug target process properties.
Process targetProcess;
int portNumber;
Socket socket;
OutputStream to;
StringInputStream from;
JsonBuffer responses = new JsonBuffer();
DebugScript script;
int seqNr = 0; // Sequence number of next debugger command message.
Command lastCommand = null; // Most recent command sent to target.
List<String> errors = new List();
// Data collected from debug target.
Map currentMessage = null; // Currently handled message sent by target.
String scriptUrl = null;
bool shutdownEventSeen = false;
int isolateId = 0;
Debugger(this.targetProcess, this.portNumber) {
var targetStdout = new StringInputStream(targetProcess.stdout);
targetStdout.onLine = () {
var s = targetStdout.readLine();
if (showDebuggeeOutput) {
print("TARG: $s");
var targetStderr = new StringInputStream(targetProcess.stderr);
targetStderr.onLine = () {
var s = targetStderr.readLine();
if (showDebuggeeOutput) {
print("TARG: $s");
// Handle debugger events for which there is no explicit
// entry in the debug script, for example isolate create and
// shutdown events, breakpoint resolution events, etc.
bool handleImplicitEvents(Map<String,dynamic> msg) {
if (msg["event"] == "isolate") {
if (msg["params"]["reason"] == "created") {
isolateId = msg["params"]["id"];
assert(isolateId != null);
print("Debuggee isolate id $isolateId created.");
} else if (msg["params"]["reason"] == "shutdown") {
print("Debuggee isolate id ${msg["params"]["id"]} shut down.");
shutdownEventSeen = true;
if (script.currentEntry != null) {
error("Premature isolate shutdown event seen.");
return true;
} else if (msg["event"] == "breakpointResolved") {
// Ignore the event. We may want to maintain a table of
// breakpoints in the future.
return true;
return false;
// Handle one JSON message object and match it to the
// expected events and responses in the debugging script.
void handleMessage(Map<String,dynamic> receivedMsg) {
currentMessage = receivedMsg;
var isHandled = handleImplicitEvents(receivedMsg);
if (isHandled) return;
if (receivedMsg["id"] != null) {
// This is a response to the last command we sent.
assert(lastCommand != null);
lastCommand = null;
if (errorsDetected) {
error("Error while matching response to debugger command");
error("Response received from debug target: $receivedMsg");
// This message must be an event that is expected by the script.
assert(receivedMsg["event"] != null);
if ((script.currentEntry == null) || (script.currentEntry is Command)) {
// Error: unexpected event received.
error("unexpected event received: $receivedMsg");
} else {
// Match received message with expected event.
if (errorsDetected) return;
while (script.currentEntry is Matcher) {
if (errorsDetected) return;
// Send next debugger command in the script, if a response
// form the last command has been received and processed.
void sendNextCommand() {
if (lastCommand == null) {
if (script.currentEntry is Command) {
lastCommand = script.currentEntry;
// Handle data received over the wire from the debug target
// process. Split input from JSON wire format into individual
// message objects (maps).
void handleMessages() {
var msg = responses.getNextMessage();
while (msg != null) {
if (verboseWire) print("RECV: $msg");
var msgObj = JSON.parse(msg);
if (errorsDetected) {
error("Error while handling script entry ${script.currentIndex}");
error("Message received from debug target: $msg");
if (shutdownEventSeen) {
msg = responses.getNextMessage();
runScript(List entries) {
script = new DebugScript(entries);
// Send a debugger command to the target VM.
void sendMessage(Map<String,dynamic> msg) {
String jsonMsg = JSON.stringify(msg);
if (verboseWire) print("SEND: $jsonMsg");
to.writeString(jsonMsg, Encoding.UTF_8);
bool get errorsDetected => errors.length > 0;
// Record error message.
void error(String s) {
void openConnection() {
socket = new Socket("", portNumber);
to = socket.outputStream;
from = new StringInputStream(socket.inputStream, Encoding.UTF_8);
from.onData = () {
try {
} catch(e, trace) {
print("Unexpected exception:\n$e\n$trace");
from.onClosed = () {
print("Connection closed by debug target");
from.onError = (e) {
print("Error '$e' detected in input stream from debug target");
void close() {
if (errorsDetected) {
for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) print(errors[i]);
print("Target process killed");
bool RunScript(List script) {
var options = new Options();
if (options.arguments.contains("--debuggee")) {
return false;
showDebuggeeOutput = options.arguments.contains("--verbose");
verboseWire = options.arguments.contains("--wire");
var targetOpts = [ "--debug:$debugPort" ];
if (showDebuggeeOutput) targetOpts.add("--verbose_debug");
Process.start(options.executable, targetOpts).then((Process process) {
print("Debug target process started");
process.stdout.onData =;
process.stderr.onData =;
process.onExit = (int exitCode) {
print("Debug target process exited with exit code $exitCode");
var debugger = new Debugger(process, debugPort);
stdin.onClosed = () => debugger.close();
stdin.onError = (error) => debugger.close();
return true;