blob: 9d7ca907ab2cc4a0362e3b834893b2d6ff61787a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library iterable_min_max_test;
import "dart:collection";
class C {
final x;
const C(this.x);
int get hashCode => x.hashCode;
bool operator==(var other) => other is C && x == other.x;
const inf = double.INFINITY;
var intList = const [0, 1, -1, -5, 5, -1000, 1000, -7, 7];
var doubleList = const [-0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1000.0, 1000.0, -inf, inf];
var stringList = const ["bbb", "bba", "bab", "abb", "bbc", "bcb", "cbb", "bb"];
var cList = const [const C(5), const C(3), const C(8),
const C(0), const C(10), const C(6)];
int compareC(C a, C b) => a.x.compareTo(b.x);
testMinMax(iterable, min, max) {
Expect.equals(min, iterable.min());
Expect.equals(min, iterable.min(;
Expect.equals(min, Collections.min(iterable));
Expect.equals(min, Collections.min(iterable,;
Expect.equals(max, iterable.min((a, b) =>, a)));
Expect.equals(max, iterable.max());
Expect.equals(max, iterable.max(;
Expect.equals(max, Collections.max(iterable));
Expect.equals(max, Collections.max(iterable,;
Expect.equals(min, iterable.max((a, b) =>, a)));
main() {
testMinMax(const [], null, null);
testMinMax([], null, null);
testMinMax(new Set(), null, null);
testMinMax(intList, -1000, 1000); // Const list.
testMinMax(new List.from(intList), -1000, 1000); // Non-const list.
testMinMax(new Set.from(intList), -1000, 1000); // Set.
testMinMax(doubleList, -inf, inf);
testMinMax(new List.from(doubleList), -inf, inf);
testMinMax(new Set.from(doubleList), -inf, inf);
testMinMax(stringList, "abb", "cbb");
testMinMax(new List.from(stringList), "abb", "cbb");
testMinMax(new Set.from(stringList), "abb", "cbb");
// Objects that are not Comparable.
Expect.equals(const C(0), cList.min(compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(0), Collections.min(cList, compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(0), new List.from(cList).min(compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(0), Collections.min(new List.from(cList), compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(0), new Set.from(cList).min(compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(0), Collections.min(new Set.from(cList), compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(10), cList.max(compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(10), Collections.max(cList, compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(10), new List.from(cList).max(compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(10), Collections.max(new List.from(cList), compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(10), new Set.from(cList).max(compareC));
Expect.equals(const C(10), Collections.max(new Set.from(cList), compareC));
bool checkedMode = false;
assert(checkedMode = true);
Expect.throws(cList.min, (e) => checkedMode ? e is TypeError
: e is NoSuchMethodError);
Expect.throws(cList.max, (e) => checkedMode ? e is TypeError
: e is NoSuchMethodError);