blob: ad3864f1354f37d0346d232491c62732832f3478 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
patch class ReceivePort {
/* patch */ factory ReceivePort() {
return new _ReceivePortImpl();
class _ReceivePortImpl implements ReceivePort {
factory _ReceivePortImpl() native "ReceivePortImpl_factory";
receive(void onMessage(var message, SendPort replyTo)) {
_onMessage = onMessage;
close() {
SendPort toSendPort() {
return new _SendPortImpl(_id);
/**** Internal implementation details ****/
// Called from the VM to create a new ReceivePort instance.
static _ReceivePortImpl _get_or_create(int id) {
if (_portMap != null) {
_ReceivePortImpl port = _portMap[id];
if (port != null) {
return port;
return new _ReceivePortImpl._internal(id);
_ReceivePortImpl._internal(int id) : _id = id {
if (_portMap == null) {
_portMap = new Map();
_portMap[id] = this;
// Called from the VM to dispatch to the handler.
static void _handleMessage(int id, int replyId, var message) {
assert(_portMap != null);
ReceivePort port = _portMap[id];
SendPort replyTo = (replyId == 0) ? null : new _SendPortImpl(replyId);
(port._onMessage)(message, replyTo);
// Call into the VM to close the VM maintained mappings.
static _closeInternal(int id) native "ReceivePortImpl_closeInternal";
final int _id;
var _onMessage;
// id to ReceivePort mapping.
static Map _portMap;
class _SendPortImpl implements SendPort {
/*--- public interface ---*/
void send(var message, [SendPort replyTo = null]) {
this._sendNow(message, replyTo);
void _sendNow(var message, SendPort replyTo) {
int replyId = (replyTo == null) ? 0 : replyTo._id;
_sendInternal(_id, replyId, message);
Future call(var message) {
final completer = new Completer();
final port = new _ReceivePortImpl();
send(message, port.toSendPort());
port.receive((value, ignoreReplyTo) {
if (value is Exception) {
} else {
return completer.future;
bool operator==(var other) {
return (other is _SendPortImpl) && _id == other._id;
int get hashCode {
return _id;
/*--- private implementation ---*/
const _SendPortImpl(int id) : _id = id;
// _SendPortImpl._create is called from the VM when a new SendPort instance is
// needed by the VM code.
static SendPort _create(int id) {
return new _SendPortImpl(id);
// Forward the implementation of sending messages to the VM. Only port ids
// are being handed to the VM.
static _sendInternal(int sendId, int replyId, var message)
native "SendPortImpl_sendInternal_";
final int _id;
_getPortInternal() native "isolate_getPortInternal";
ReceivePort _portInternal;
patch ReceivePort get port {
if (_portInternal == null) {
_portInternal = _getPortInternal();
return _portInternal;
patch spawnFunction(void topLevelFunction()) native "isolate_spawnFunction";
patch spawnUri(String uri) native "isolate_spawnUri";
patch class Timer {
/* patch */ factory Timer(int milliseconds, void callback(Timer timer)) {
if (_TimerFactory._factory == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Timer interface not supported.");
return _TimerFactory._factory(milliseconds, callback, false);
* Creates a new repeating timer. The [callback] is invoked every
* [milliseconds] millisecond until cancelled.
/* patch */ factory Timer.repeating(int milliseconds,
void callback(Timer timer)) {
if (_TimerFactory._factory == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Timer interface not supported.");
return _TimerFactory._factory(milliseconds, callback, true);
typedef Timer _TimerFactoryClosure(int milliseconds,
void callback(Timer timer),
bool repeating);
class _TimerFactory {
static _TimerFactoryClosure _factory;
// TODO(ahe): Warning: this is NOT called by Dartium. Instead, it sets
// [_TimerFactory._factory] directly.
void _setTimerFactoryClosure(_TimerFactoryClosure closure) {
_TimerFactory._factory = closure;