blob: e81fe50293be6668b3ced78b48c69bd13ed1e5f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _InvocationMirror implements InvocationMirror {
static final int METHOD = 0;
static final int GETTER = 1;
static final int SETTER = 2;
// TODO(regis): Compute lazily the value of these fields, and save the
// arguments passed into _allocateInvocationMirror.
final String memberName;
final List positionalArguments;
final Map<String, dynamic> namedArguments;
final int _type;
static _allocateInvocationMirror(String name,
List argumentsDescriptor,
List arguments) {
var memberName;
var type;
if (name.startsWith("get:")) {
type = GETTER;
memberName = name.substring(4);
} else if (name.startsWith("set:")) {
type = SETTER;
memberName = name.substring(4).concat("=");
} else {
type = METHOD;
memberName = name;
// Exclude receiver.
int numArguments = argumentsDescriptor[0] - 1;
int numPositionalArguments = argumentsDescriptor[1] - 1;
int numNamedArguments = numArguments - numPositionalArguments;
List positionalArguments = arguments.getRange(1, numPositionalArguments);
Map<String, dynamic> namedArguments;
if (numNamedArguments > 0) {
namedArguments = new Map<String, dynamic>();
for (int i = 0; i < numNamedArguments; i++) {
String arg_name = argumentsDescriptor[2 + 2*i];
var arg_value = arguments[argumentsDescriptor[3 + 2*i]];
namedArguments[arg_name] = arg_value;
return new _InvocationMirror(memberName, type,
positionalArguments, namedArguments);
bool get isMethod => _type == METHOD;
bool get isAccessor => _type != METHOD;
bool get isGetter => _type == GETTER;
bool get isSetter => _type == SETTER;
invokeOn(Object receiver) {
throw new UnsupportedError("invokeOn not implemented yet");