blob: 7aa960f067f86e3832f2cd4e64da6b7bdd28bc90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Errors are created and thrown by DartVM only.
// Changes here should also be reflected in corelib/error.dart as well
class AssertionErrorImplementation implements AssertionError {
factory AssertionErrorImplementation._uninstantiable() {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"AssertionError can only be allocated by the VM");
static _throwNew(int assertionStart, int assertionEnd)
native "AssertionError_throwNew";
String toString() {
return "'$url': Failed assertion: line $line pos $column: "
"'$failedAssertion' is not true.";
final String failedAssertion;
final String url;
final int line;
final int column;
class TypeErrorImplementation
extends AssertionErrorImplementation
implements TypeError {
factory TypeErrorImplementation._uninstantiable() {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"TypeError can only be allocated by the VM");
static _throwNew(int location,
Object src_value,
String dst_type_name,
String dst_name,
String malformed_error)
native "TypeError_throwNew";
String toString() {
String str = (malformedError != null) ? malformedError : "";
if ((dstName != null) && (dstName.length > 0)) {
str = "${str}type '$srcType' is not a subtype of "
"type '$dstType' of '$dstName'.";
} else {
str = "${str}malformed type used.";
return str;
final String srcType;
final String dstType;
final String dstName;
final String malformedError;
class CastErrorImplementation
extends TypeErrorImplementation
implements CastError {
factory CastErrorImplementation._uninstantiable() {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"CastError can only be allocated by the VM");
// A CastError is allocated by TypeError._throwNew() when dst_name equals
// Exceptions::kCastErrorDstName.
String toString() {
String str = (malformedError != null) ? malformedError : "";
if ((dstName != null) && (dstName.length > 0)) {
str = "${str}type '$srcType' is not a subtype of "
"type '$dstType' in type cast.";
} else {
str = "${str}malformed type used in type cast.";
return str;
class FallThroughErrorImplementation implements FallThroughError {
factory FallThroughErrorImplementation._uninstantiable() {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"FallThroughError can only be allocated by the VM");
static _throwNew(int case_clause_pos) native "FallThroughError_throwNew";
String toString() {
return "'$url': Switch case fall-through at line $line.";
final String url;
final int line;
class InternalError {
const InternalError(this._msg);
String toString() => "InternalError: '${_msg}'";
final String _msg;
// TODO(regis): This class should be removed and the corresponding class in the
// core lib should be used.
class NoSuchMethodErrorImplementation implements NoSuchMethodError {
factory NoSuchMethodErrorImplementation._uninstantiable() {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"NoSuchMethodError can only be allocated by the VM");
String toString() => "No such method: '$functionName', url '$url' line $line "
"pos $column\n$failedResolutionLine\n";
static _throwNew(int call_pos, String functionName)
native "NoSuchMethodError_throwNew";
final String functionName;
final String failedResolutionLine;
final String url;
final int line;
final int column;
class AbstractClassInstantiationErrorImplementation
implements AbstractClassInstantiationError {
factory AbstractClassInstantiationErrorImplementation._uninstantiable() {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"AbstractClassInstantiationError can only be allocated by the VM");
static _throwNew(int case_clause_pos, String className)
native "AbstractClassInstantiationError_throwNew";
String toString() {
return "Cannot instantiate abstract class $className: "
"url '$url' line $line";
final String className;
final String url;
final int line;