blob: 59977a3886dd54334f2e220fb5cc12a5d487afb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bin/directory.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "bin/file.h"
#include "bin/platform.h"
static char* SafeStrNCpy(char* dest, const char* src, size_t n) {
strncpy(dest, src, n);
dest[n - 1] = '\0';
return dest;
// Forward declarations.
static bool ListRecursively(const char* dir_name,
bool recursive,
DirectoryListing* listing);
static bool DeleteRecursively(const char* dir_name);
static bool ComputeFullPath(const char* dir_name,
char* path,
int* path_length) {
char* abs_path;
do {
abs_path = realpath(dir_name, path);
} while (abs_path == NULL && errno == EINTR);
if (abs_path == NULL) {
return false;
*path_length = strlen(path);
size_t written = snprintf(path + *path_length,
PATH_MAX - *path_length,
if (written != strlen(File::PathSeparator())) {
return false;
*path_length += written;
return true;
static bool HandleDir(char* dir_name,
char* path,
int path_length,
bool recursive,
DirectoryListing *listing) {
if (strcmp(dir_name, ".") != 0 &&
strcmp(dir_name, "..") != 0) {
size_t written = snprintf(path + path_length,
PATH_MAX - path_length,
if (written != strlen(dir_name)) {
return false;
bool ok = listing->HandleDirectory(path);
if (!ok) return ok;
if (recursive) {
return ListRecursively(path, recursive, listing);
return true;
static bool HandleFile(char* file_name,
char* path,
int path_length,
DirectoryListing *listing) {
// TODO(sgjesse): Pass flags to indicate whether file responses are
// needed.
size_t written = snprintf(path + path_length,
PATH_MAX - path_length,
if (written != strlen(file_name)) {
return false;
return listing->HandleFile(path);
static void PostError(DirectoryListing *listing,
const char* dir_name) {
static bool ListRecursively(const char* dir_name,
bool recursive,
DirectoryListing *listing) {
DIR* dir_pointer;
do {
dir_pointer = opendir(dir_name);
} while (dir_pointer == NULL && errno == EINTR);
if (dir_pointer == NULL) {
PostError(listing, dir_name);
return false;
// Compute full path for the directory currently being listed. The
// path buffer will be used to construct the current path in the
// recursive traversal. path_length does not always equal
// strlen(path) but indicates the current prefix of path that is the
// path of the current directory in the traversal.
char *path = static_cast<char*>(malloc(PATH_MAX));
ASSERT(path != NULL);
int path_length = 0;
bool valid = ComputeFullPath(dir_name, path, &path_length);
if (!valid) {
PostError(listing, dir_name);
return false;
// Iterated the directory and post the directories and files to the
// ports.
int read = 0;
bool success = true;
dirent entry;
dirent* result;
while ((read = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(readdir_r(dir_pointer,
&result))) == 0 &&
result != NULL) {
switch (entry.d_type) {
case DT_DIR:
success = HandleDir(entry.d_name,
listing) && success;
case DT_REG:
success = HandleFile(entry.d_name,
listing) && success;
case DT_LNK:
case DT_UNKNOWN: {
// On some file systems the entry type is not determined by
// readdir_r. For those and for links we use stat to determine
// the actual entry type. Notice that stat returns the type of
// the file pointed to.
struct stat entry_info;
size_t written = snprintf(path + path_length,
PATH_MAX - path_length,
if (written != strlen(entry.d_name)) {
success = false;
int stat_success = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat(path, &entry_info));
if (stat_success == -1) {
success = false;
PostError(listing, path);
if (S_ISDIR(entry_info.st_mode)) {
success = HandleDir(entry.d_name,
listing) && success;
} else if (S_ISREG(entry_info.st_mode)) {
success = HandleFile(entry.d_name,
listing) && success;
if (read != 0) {
errno = read;
success = false;
PostError(listing, dir_name);
if (closedir(dir_pointer) == -1) {
success = false;
PostError(listing, dir_name);
return success;
static bool DeleteFile(char* file_name,
char* path,
int path_length) {
size_t written = snprintf(path + path_length,
PATH_MAX - path_length,
if (written != strlen(file_name)) {
return false;
return (remove(path) == 0);
static bool DeleteDir(char* dir_name,
char* path,
int path_length) {
if (strcmp(dir_name, ".") != 0 &&
strcmp(dir_name, "..") != 0) {
size_t written = snprintf(path + path_length,
PATH_MAX - path_length,
if (written != strlen(dir_name)) {
return false;
return DeleteRecursively(path);
return true;
static bool DeleteRecursively(const char* dir_name) {
// Do not recurse into links for deletion. Instead delete the link.
struct stat st;
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lstat(dir_name, &st)) == -1) {
return false;
} else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
return (remove(dir_name) == 0);
// Not a link. Attempt to open as a directory and recurse into the
// directory.
DIR* dir_pointer;
do {
dir_pointer = opendir(dir_name);
} while (dir_pointer == NULL && errno == EINTR);
if (dir_pointer == NULL) {
return false;
// Compute full path for the directory currently being deleted. The
// path buffer will be used to construct the current path in the
// recursive traversal. path_length does not always equal
// strlen(path) but indicates the current prefix of path that is the
// path of the current directory in the traversal.
char *path = static_cast<char*>(malloc(PATH_MAX));
ASSERT(path != NULL);
int path_length = 0;
bool valid = ComputeFullPath(dir_name, path, &path_length);
if (!valid) {
return false;
// Iterate the directory and delete all files and directories.
int read = 0;
bool success = true;
dirent entry;
dirent* result;
while ((read = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(readdir_r(dir_pointer,
&result))) == 0 &&
result != NULL &&
success) {
switch (entry.d_type) {
case DT_DIR:
success = success && DeleteDir(entry.d_name, path, path_length);
case DT_REG:
case DT_LNK:
// Treat all links as files. This will delete the link which
// is what we want no matter if the link target is a file or a
// directory.
success = success && DeleteFile(entry.d_name, path, path_length);
case DT_UNKNOWN: {
// On some file systems the entry type is not determined by
// readdir_r. For those we use lstat to determine the entry
// type.
struct stat entry_info;
size_t written = snprintf(path + path_length,
PATH_MAX - path_length,
if (written != strlen(entry.d_name)) {
success = false;
int lstat_success = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(lstat(path, &entry_info));
if (lstat_success == -1) {
success = false;
if (S_ISDIR(entry_info.st_mode)) {
success = success && DeleteDir(entry.d_name, path, path_length);
} else if (S_ISREG(entry_info.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(entry_info.st_mode)) {
// Treat links as files. This will delete the link which is
// what we want no matter if the link target is a file or a
// directory.
success = success && DeleteFile(entry.d_name, path, path_length);
if ((read != 0) ||
(closedir(dir_pointer) == -1) ||
(remove(dir_name) == -1)) {
return false;
return success;
bool Directory::List(const char* dir_name,
bool recursive,
DirectoryListing *listing) {
bool completed = ListRecursively(dir_name, recursive, listing);
return completed;
Directory::ExistsResult Directory::Exists(const char* dir_name) {
struct stat entry_info;
int success = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(stat(dir_name, &entry_info));
if (success == 0) {
if (S_ISDIR(entry_info.st_mode)) {
return EXISTS;
} else {
} else {
if (errno == EACCES ||
errno == EBADF ||
errno == EFAULT ||
errno == ENOMEM ||
errno == EOVERFLOW) {
// Search permissions denied for one of the directories in the
// path or a low level error occured. We do not know if the
// directory exists.
return UNKNOWN;
ASSERT(errno == ELOOP ||
errno == ENAMETOOLONG ||
errno == ENOENT ||
errno == ENOTDIR);
char* Directory::Current() {
return getcwd(NULL, 0);
bool Directory::Create(const char* dir_name) {
// If the directory already exists and is a directory do not
// attempt to create it again and treat it as a success.
if (Exists(dir_name) == EXISTS) return true;
// Create the directory with the permissions specified by the
// process umask.
return (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(mkdir(dir_name, 0777)) == 0);
char* Directory::CreateTemp(const char* const_template) {
// Returns a new, unused directory name, modifying the contents of
// dir_template. Creates the directory with the permissions specified
// by the process umask.
// The return value must be freed by the caller.
char* path = static_cast<char*>(malloc(PATH_MAX + 1));
SafeStrNCpy(path, const_template, PATH_MAX + 1);
int path_length = strlen(path);
if (path_length > 0) {
if ((path)[path_length - 1] == '/') {
snprintf(path + path_length, PATH_MAX - path_length, "temp_dir_XXXXXX");
} else {
snprintf(path + path_length, PATH_MAX - path_length, "XXXXXX");
} else {
snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "/tmp/temp_dir1_XXXXXX");
char* result;
do {
result = mkdtemp(path);
} while (result == NULL && errno == EINTR);
if (result == NULL) {
return NULL;
return path;
bool Directory::Delete(const char* dir_name, bool recursive) {
if (!recursive) {
return (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(remove(dir_name)) == 0);
} else {
return DeleteRecursively(dir_name);
bool Directory::Rename(const char* path, const char* new_path) {
ExistsResult exists = Exists(path);
if (exists != EXISTS) return false;
return (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(rename(path, new_path)) == 0);