blob: 8652ff453371d751cdac7cf2832157e22cfeff3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of yaml;
/// Translates a string of characters into a YAML serialization tree.
/// This parser is designed to closely follow the spec. All productions in the
/// spec are numbered, and the corresponding methods in the parser have the same
/// numbers. This is certainly not the most efficient way of parsing YAML, but
/// it is the easiest to write and read in the context of the spec.
/// Methods corresponding to productions are also named as in the spec,
/// translating the name of the method (although not the annotation characters)
/// into camel-case for dart style.. For example, the spec has a production
/// named `nb-ns-plain-in-line`, and the method implementing it is named
/// `nb_ns_plainInLine`. The exception to that rule is methods that just
/// recognize character classes; these are named `is*`.
class _Parser {
static const TAB = 0x9;
static const LF = 0xA;
static const CR = 0xD;
static const SP = 0x20;
static const TILDE = 0x7E;
static const NEL = 0x85;
static const PLUS = 0x2B;
static const HYPHEN = 0x2D;
static const QUESTION_MARK = 0x3F;
static const COLON = 0x3A;
static const COMMA = 0x2C;
static const LEFT_BRACKET = 0x5B;
static const RIGHT_BRACKET = 0x5D;
static const LEFT_BRACE = 0x7B;
static const RIGHT_BRACE = 0x7D;
static const HASH = 0x23;
static const AMPERSAND = 0x26;
static const ASTERISK = 0x2A;
static const EXCLAMATION = 0x21;
static const VERTICAL_BAR = 0x7C;
static const GREATER_THAN = 0x3E;
static const SINGLE_QUOTE = 0x27;
static const DOUBLE_QUOTE = 0x22;
static const PERCENT = 0x25;
static const AT = 0x40;
static const GRAVE_ACCENT = 0x60;
static const NULL = 0x0;
static const BELL = 0x7;
static const BACKSPACE = 0x8;
static const VERTICAL_TAB = 0xB;
static const FORM_FEED = 0xC;
static const ESCAPE = 0x1B;
static const SLASH = 0x2F;
static const BACKSLASH = 0x5C;
static const UNDERSCORE = 0x5F;
static const NBSP = 0xA0;
static const LINE_SEPARATOR = 0x2028;
static const PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = 0x2029;
static const NUMBER_0 = 0x30;
static const NUMBER_9 = 0x39;
static const LETTER_A = 0x61;
static const LETTER_B = 0x62;
static const LETTER_E = 0x65;
static const LETTER_F = 0x66;
static const LETTER_N = 0x6E;
static const LETTER_R = 0x72;
static const LETTER_T = 0x74;
static const LETTER_U = 0x75;
static const LETTER_V = 0x76;
static const LETTER_X = 0x78;
static const LETTER_CAP_A = 0x41;
static const LETTER_CAP_F = 0x46;
static const LETTER_CAP_L = 0x4C;
static const LETTER_CAP_N = 0x4E;
static const LETTER_CAP_P = 0x50;
static const LETTER_CAP_U = 0x55;
static const LETTER_CAP_X = 0x58;
static const C_SEQUENCE_ENTRY = 4;
static const C_MAPPING_KEY = 5;
static const C_MAPPING_VALUE = 6;
static const C_COLLECT_ENTRY = 7;
static const C_SEQUENCE_START = 8;
static const C_SEQUENCE_END = 9;
static const C_MAPPING_START = 10;
static const C_MAPPING_END = 11;
static const C_COMMENT = 12;
static const C_ANCHOR = 13;
static const C_ALIAS = 14;
static const C_TAG = 15;
static const C_LITERAL = 16;
static const C_FOLDED = 17;
static const C_SINGLE_QUOTE = 18;
static const C_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 19;
static const C_DIRECTIVE = 20;
static const C_RESERVED = 21;
static const BLOCK_OUT = 0;
static const BLOCK_IN = 1;
static const FLOW_OUT = 2;
static const FLOW_IN = 3;
static const BLOCK_KEY = 4;
static const FLOW_KEY = 5;
static const CHOMPING_STRIP = 0;
static const CHOMPING_KEEP = 1;
static const CHOMPING_CLIP = 2;
/// The source string being parsed.
final String s;
/// The current position in the source string.
int pos = 0;
/// The length of the string being parsed.
final int len;
/// The current (0-based) line in the source string.
int line = 0;
/// The current (0-based) column in the source string.
int column = 0;
/// Whether we're parsing a bare document (that is, one that doesn't begin
/// with `---`). Bare documents don't allow `%` immediately following
/// newlines.
bool inBareDocument = false;
/// The line number of the farthest position that has been parsed successfully
/// before backtracking. Used for error reporting.
int farthestLine = 0;
/// The column number of the farthest position that has been parsed
/// successfully before backtracking. Used for error reporting.
int farthestColumn = 0;
/// The farthest position in the source string that has been parsed
/// successfully before backtracking. Used for error reporting.
int farthestPos = 0;
/// The name of the context of the farthest position that has been parsed
/// successfully before backtracking. Used for error reporting.
String farthestContext = "document";
/// A stack of the names of parse contexts. Used for error reporting.
List<String> contextStack;
/// Annotations attached to ranges of the source string that add extra
/// information to any errors that occur in the annotated range.
_RangeMap<String> errorAnnotations;
/// The buffer containing the string currently being captured.
StringBuffer capturedString;
/// The beginning of the current section of the captured string.
int captureStart;
/// Whether the current string capture is being overridden.
bool capturingAs = false;
_Parser(String s)
: this.s = s,
len = s.length,
contextStack = <String>["document"],
errorAnnotations = new _RangeMap();
/// Return the character at the current position, then move that position
/// forward one character. Also updates the current line and column numbers.
int next() {
if (pos == len) return -1;
var char = s.charCodeAt(pos++);
if (isBreak(char)) {
column = 0;
} else {
if (farthestLine < line) {
farthestLine = line;
farthestColumn = column;
farthestContext = contextStack.last;
} else if (farthestLine == line && farthestColumn < column) {
farthestColumn = column;
farthestContext = contextStack.last;
farthestPos = pos;
return char;
/// Returns the character at the current position, or the character [i]
/// characters after the current position.
/// Returns -1 if this would return a character after the end or before the
/// beginning of the input string.
int peek([int i = 0]) {
var peekPos = pos + i;
return (peekPos >= len || peekPos < 0) ? -1 : s.charCodeAt(peekPos);
/// The truthiness operator. Returns `false` if [obj] is `null` or `false`,
/// `true` otherwise.
bool truth(obj) => obj != null && obj != false;
/// Consumes the current character if it matches [matcher]. Returns the result
/// of [matcher].
bool consume(bool matcher(int)) {
if (matcher(peek())) {
return true;
return false;
/// Consumes the current character if it equals [char].
bool consumeChar(int char) => consume((c) => c == char);
/// Calls [consumer] until it returns a falsey value. Returns a list of all
/// truthy return values of [consumer], or null if it didn't consume anything.
/// Conceptually, repeats a production one or more times.
List oneOrMore(consumer()) {
var first = consumer();
if (!truth(first)) return null;
var out = [first];
while (true) {
var el = consumer();
if (!truth(el)) return out;
return null; // Unreachable.
/// Calls [consumer] until it returns a falsey value. Returns a list of all
/// truthy return values of [consumer], or the empty list if it didn't consume
/// anything.
/// Conceptually, repeats a production any number of times.
List zeroOrMore(consumer()) {
var out = [];
var oldPos = pos;
while (true) {
var el = consumer();
if (!truth(el) || oldPos == pos) return out;
oldPos = pos;
return null; // Unreachable.
/// Just calls [consumer] and returns its result. Used to make it explicit
/// that a production is intended to be optional.
zeroOrOne(consumer()) => consumer();
/// Calls each function in [consumers] until one returns a truthy value, then
/// returns that.
or(List<Function> consumers) {
for (var c in consumers) {
var res = c();
if (truth(res)) return res;
return null;
/// Calls [consumer] and returns its result, but rolls back the parser state
/// if [consumer] returns a falsey value.
transaction(consumer()) {
var oldPos = pos;
var oldLine = line;
var oldColumn = column;
var oldCaptureStart = captureStart;
String capturedSoFar = capturedString == null ? null :
var res = consumer();
if (truth(res)) return res;
pos = oldPos;
line = oldLine;
column = oldColumn;
captureStart = oldCaptureStart;
capturedString = capturedSoFar == null ? null :
new StringBuffer(capturedSoFar);
return res;
/// Consumes [n] characters matching [matcher], or none if there isn't a
/// complete match. The first argument to [matcher] is the character code, the
/// second is the index (from 0 to [n] - 1).
/// Returns whether or not the characters were consumed.
bool nAtOnce(int n, bool matcher(int c, int i)) => transaction(() {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!consume((c) => matcher(c, i))) return false;
return true;
/// Consumes the exact characters in [str], or nothing.
/// Returns whether or not the string was consumed.
bool rawString(String str) =>
nAtOnce(str.length, (c, i) => str.charCodeAt(i) == c);
/// Consumes and returns a string of characters matching [matcher], or null if
/// there are no such characters.
String stringOf(bool matcher(int)) =>
captureString(() => oneOrMore(() => consume(matcher)));
/// Calls [consumer] and returns the string that was consumed while doing so,
/// or null if [consumer] returned a falsey value. Automatically wraps
/// [consumer] in `transaction`.
String captureString(consumer()) {
// captureString calls may not be nested
assert(capturedString == null);
captureStart = pos;
capturedString = new StringBuffer();
var res = transaction(consumer);
if (!truth(res)) {
captureStart = null;
capturedString = null;
return null;
var result = capturedString.toString();
captureStart = null;
capturedString = null;
return result;
captureAs(String replacement, consumer()) =>
captureAndTransform(consumer, (_) => replacement);
captureAndTransform(consumer(), String transformation(String captured)) {
if (capturedString == null) return consumer();
if (capturingAs) return consumer();
capturingAs = true;
var res = consumer();
capturingAs = false;
if (!truth(res)) return res;
capturedString.add(transformation(s.substring(captureStart, pos)));
captureStart = pos;
return res;
void flushCapture() {
capturedString.add(s.substring(captureStart, pos));
captureStart = pos;
/// Adds a tag and an anchor to [node], if they're defined.
_Node addProps(_Node node, _Pair<_Tag, String> props) {
if (props == null || node == null) return node;
if (truth(props.first)) node.tag = props.first;
if (truth(props.last)) node.anchor = props.last;
return node;
/// Creates a MappingNode from [pairs].
_MappingNode map(List<_Pair<_Node, _Node>> pairs) {
var content = new Map<_Node, _Node>();
pairs.forEach((pair) => content[pair.first] = pair.last);
return new _MappingNode("?", content);
/// Runs [fn] in a context named [name]. Used for error reporting.
context(String name, fn()) {
try {
return fn();
} finally {
var popped = contextStack.removeLast();
assert(popped == name);
/// Adds [message] as extra information to any errors that occur between the
/// current position and the position of the cursor after running [fn]. The
/// cursor is reset after [fn] is run.
annotateError(String message, fn()) {
var start = pos;
var end;
transaction(() {
end = pos;
return false;
errorAnnotations[new _Range(start, end)] = message;
/// Throws an error with additional context information.
error(String message) {
// Line and column should be one-based.
throw new SyntaxError(line + 1, column + 1,
"$message (in $farthestContext)");
/// If [result] is falsey, throws an error saying that [expected] was
/// expected.
expect(result, String expected) {
if (truth(result)) return result;
error("expected $expected");
/// Throws an error saying that the parse failed. Uses [farthestLine],
/// [farthestColumn], and [farthestContext] to provide additional information.
parseFailed() {
var message = "invalid YAML in $farthestContext";
var extraError = errorAnnotations[farthestPos];
if (extraError != null) message = "$message ($extraError)";
throw new SyntaxError(farthestLine + 1, farthestColumn + 1, message);
/// Returns the number of spaces after the current position.
int countIndentation() {
var i = 0;
while (peek(i) == SP) i++;
return i;
/// Returns the indentation for a block scalar.
int blockScalarAdditionalIndentation(_BlockHeader header, int indent) {
if (!header.autoDetectIndent) return header.additionalIndent;
var maxSpaces = 0;
var maxSpacesLine = 0;
var spaces = 0;
transaction(() {
do {
spaces = captureString(() => zeroOrMore(() => consumeChar(SP))).length;
if (spaces > maxSpaces) {
maxSpaces = spaces;
maxSpacesLine = line;
} while (b_break());
return false;
// If the next non-empty line isn't indented further than the start of the
// block scalar, that means the scalar is going to be empty. Returning any
// value > 0 will cause the parser not to consume any text.
if (spaces <= indent) return 1;
// It's an error for a leading empty line to be indented more than the first
// non-empty line.
if (maxSpaces > spaces) {
throw new SyntaxError(maxSpacesLine + 1, maxSpaces,
"Leading empty lines may not be indented more than the first "
"non-empty line.");
return spaces - indent;
/// Returns whether the current position is at the beginning of a line.
bool get atStartOfLine => column == 0;
/// Returns whether the current position is at the end of the input.
bool get atEndOfFile => pos == len;
/// Given an indicator character, returns the type of that indicator (or null
/// if the indicator isn't found.
int indicatorType(int char) {
switch (char) {
case HASH: return C_COMMENT;
case AMPERSAND: return C_ANCHOR;
case ASTERISK: return C_ALIAS;
case EXCLAMATION: return C_TAG;
case AT:
return C_RESERVED;
default: return null;
// 1
bool isPrintable(int char) {
return char == TAB ||
char == LF ||
char == CR ||
(char >= SP && char <= TILDE) ||
char == NEL ||
(char >= 0xA0 && char <= 0xD7FF) ||
(char >= 0xE000 && char <= 0xFFFD) ||
(char >= 0x10000 && char <= 0x10FFFF);
// 2
bool isJson(int char) => char == TAB || (char >= SP && char <= 0x10FFFF);
// 22
bool c_indicator(int type) => consume((c) => indicatorType(c) == type);
// 23
bool isFlowIndicator(int char) {
var indicator = indicatorType(char);
return indicator == C_COLLECT_ENTRY ||
indicator == C_SEQUENCE_START ||
indicator == C_SEQUENCE_END ||
indicator == C_MAPPING_START ||
indicator == C_MAPPING_END;
// 26
bool isBreak(int char) => char == LF || char == CR;
// 27
bool isNonBreak(int char) => isPrintable(char) && !isBreak(char);
// 28
bool b_break() {
if (consumeChar(CR)) {
zeroOrOne(() => consumeChar(LF));
return true;
return consumeChar(LF);
// 29
bool b_asLineFeed() => captureAs("\n", () => b_break());
// 30
bool b_nonContent() => captureAs("", () => b_break());
// 33
bool isSpace(int char) => char == SP || char == TAB;
// 34
bool isNonSpace(int char) => isNonBreak(char) && !isSpace(char);
// 35
bool isDecDigit(int char) => char >= NUMBER_0 && char <= NUMBER_9;
// 36
bool isHexDigit(int char) {
return isDecDigit(char) ||
(char >= LETTER_A && char <= LETTER_F) ||
(char >= LETTER_CAP_A && char <= LETTER_CAP_F);
// 41
bool c_escape() => captureAs("", () => consumeChar(BACKSLASH));
// 42
bool ns_escNull() => captureAs("\x00", () => consumeChar(NUMBER_0));
// 43
bool ns_escBell() => captureAs("\x07", () => consumeChar(LETTER_A));
// 44
bool ns_escBackspace() => captureAs("\b", () => consumeChar(LETTER_B));
// 45
bool ns_escHorizontalTab() => captureAs("\t", () {
return consume((c) => c == LETTER_T || c == TAB);
// 46
bool ns_escLineFeed() => captureAs("\n", () => consumeChar(LETTER_N));
// 47
bool ns_escVerticalTab() => captureAs("\v", () => consumeChar(LETTER_V));
// 48
bool ns_escFormFeed() => captureAs("\f", () => consumeChar(LETTER_F));
// 49
bool ns_escCarriageReturn() => captureAs("\r", () => consumeChar(LETTER_R));
// 50
bool ns_escEscape() => captureAs("\x1B", () => consumeChar(LETTER_E));
// 51
bool ns_escSpace() => consumeChar(SP);
// 52
bool ns_escDoubleQuote() => consumeChar(DOUBLE_QUOTE);
// 53
bool ns_escSlash() => consumeChar(SLASH);
// 54
bool ns_escBackslash() => consumeChar(BACKSLASH);
// 55
bool ns_escNextLine() => captureAs("\x85", () => consumeChar(LETTER_CAP_N));
// 56
bool ns_escNonBreakingSpace() =>
captureAs("\xA0", () => consumeChar(UNDERSCORE));
// 57
bool ns_escLineSeparator() =>
captureAs("\u2028", () => consumeChar(LETTER_CAP_L));
// 58
bool ns_escParagraphSeparator() =>
captureAs("\u2029", () => consumeChar(LETTER_CAP_P));
// 59
bool ns_esc8Bit() => ns_escNBit(LETTER_X, 2);
// 60
bool ns_esc16Bit() => ns_escNBit(LETTER_U, 4);
// 61
bool ns_esc32Bit() => ns_escNBit(LETTER_CAP_U, 8);
// Helper method for 59 - 61
bool ns_escNBit(int char, int digits) {
if (!captureAs('', () => consumeChar(char))) return false;
var captured = captureAndTransform(
() => nAtOnce(digits, (c, _) => isHexDigit(c)),
(hex) => new String.fromCharCodes([Math.parseInt("0x$hex")]));
return expect(captured, "$digits hexidecimal digits");
// 62
bool c_ns_escChar() => context('escape sequence', () => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_escape())) return false;
return truth(or([
ns_escNull, ns_escBell, ns_escBackspace, ns_escHorizontalTab,
ns_escLineFeed, ns_escVerticalTab, ns_escFormFeed, ns_escCarriageReturn,
ns_escEscape, ns_escSpace, ns_escDoubleQuote, ns_escSlash,
ns_escBackslash, ns_escNextLine, ns_escNonBreakingSpace,
ns_escLineSeparator, ns_escParagraphSeparator, ns_esc8Bit, ns_esc16Bit,
// 63
bool s_indent(int indent) {
var result = nAtOnce(indent, (c, i) => c == SP);
if (peek() == TAB) {
annotateError("tab characters are not allowed as indentation in YAML",
() => zeroOrMore(() => consume(isSpace)));
return result;
// 64
bool s_indentLessThan(int indent) {
for (int i = 0; i < indent - 1; i++) {
if (!consumeChar(SP)) {
if (peek() == TAB) {
annotateError("tab characters are not allowed as indentation in YAML",
() {
for (; i < indent - 1; i++) {
if (!consume(isSpace)) break;
return true;
// 65
bool s_indentLessThanOrEqualTo(int indent) => s_indentLessThan(indent + 1);
// 66
bool s_separateInLine() => transaction(() {
return captureAs('', () =>
truth(oneOrMore(() => consume(isSpace))) || atStartOfLine);
// 67
bool s_linePrefix(int indent, int ctx) => captureAs("", () {
switch (ctx) {
case BLOCK_IN:
return s_blockLinePrefix(indent);
case FLOW_OUT:
case FLOW_IN:
return s_flowLinePrefix(indent);
// 68
bool s_blockLinePrefix(int indent) => s_indent(indent);
// 69
bool s_flowLinePrefix(int indent) => captureAs('', () {
if (!truth(s_indent(indent))) return false;
return true;
// 70
bool l_empty(int indent, int ctx) => transaction(() {
var start = or([
() => s_linePrefix(indent, ctx),
() => s_indentLessThan(indent)
if (!truth(start)) return false;
return b_asLineFeed();
// 71
bool b_asSpace() => captureAs(" ", () => consume(isBreak));
// 72
bool b_l_trimmed(int indent, int ctx) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(b_nonContent())) return false;
return truth(oneOrMore(() => captureAs("\n", () => l_empty(indent, ctx))));
// 73
bool b_l_folded(int indent, int ctx) =>
or([() => b_l_trimmed(indent, ctx), b_asSpace]);
// 74
bool s_flowFolded(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(b_l_folded(indent, FLOW_IN))) return false;
return s_flowLinePrefix(indent);
// 75
bool c_nb_commentText() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_COMMENT))) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => consume(isNonBreak));
return true;
// 76
bool b_comment() => atEndOfFile || b_nonContent();
// 77
bool s_b_comment() {
if (truth(s_separateInLine())) {
return b_comment();
// 78
bool l_comment() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_separateInLine())) return false;
return b_comment();
// 79
bool s_l_comments() {
if (!truth(s_b_comment()) && !atStartOfLine) return false;
return true;
// 80
bool s_separate(int indent, int ctx) {
switch (ctx) {
case BLOCK_IN:
case FLOW_OUT:
case FLOW_IN:
return s_separateLines(indent);
case FLOW_KEY:
return s_separateInLine();
default: throw 'invalid context "$ctx"';
// 81
bool s_separateLines(int indent) {
return transaction(() => s_l_comments() && s_flowLinePrefix(indent)) ||
// 82
bool l_directive() => false; // TODO(nweiz): implement
// 96
_Pair<_Tag, String> c_ns_properties(int indent, int ctx) {
var tag, anchor;
tag = c_ns_tagProperty();
if (truth(tag)) {
anchor = transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_separate(indent, ctx))) return null;
return c_ns_anchorProperty();
return new _Pair<_Tag, String>(tag, anchor);
anchor = c_ns_anchorProperty();
if (truth(anchor)) {
tag = transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_separate(indent, ctx))) return null;
return c_ns_tagProperty();
return new _Pair<_Tag, String>(tag, anchor);
return null;
// 97
_Tag c_ns_tagProperty() => null; // TODO(nweiz): implement
// 101
String c_ns_anchorProperty() => null; // TODO(nweiz): implement
// 102
bool isAnchorChar(int char) => isNonSpace(char) && !isFlowIndicator(char);
// 103
String ns_anchorName() =>
captureString(() => oneOrMore(() => consume(isAnchorChar)));
// 104
_Node c_ns_aliasNode() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_ALIAS))) return null;
var name = expect(ns_anchorName(), 'anchor name');
return new _AliasNode(name);
// 105
_ScalarNode e_scalar() => new _ScalarNode("?", content: "");
// 106
_ScalarNode e_node() => e_scalar();
// 107
bool nb_doubleChar() => or([
() => consume((c) => isJson(c) && c != BACKSLASH && c != DOUBLE_QUOTE)
// 108
bool ns_doubleChar() => !isSpace(peek()) && truth(nb_doubleChar());
// 109
_Node c_doubleQuoted(int indent, int ctx) => context('string', () {
return transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_DOUBLE_QUOTE))) return null;
var contents = nb_doubleText(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_DOUBLE_QUOTE))) return null;
return new _ScalarNode("!", content: contents);
// 110
String nb_doubleText(int indent, int ctx) => captureString(() {
switch (ctx) {
case FLOW_OUT:
case FLOW_IN:
case FLOW_KEY:
return true;
// 111
void nb_doubleOneLine() {
// 112
bool s_doubleEscaped(int indent) => transaction(() {
zeroOrMore(() => consume(isSpace));
if (!captureAs("", () => consumeChar(BACKSLASH))) return false;
if (!truth(b_nonContent())) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => captureAs("\n", () => l_empty(indent, FLOW_IN)));
return s_flowLinePrefix(indent);
// 113
bool s_doubleBreak(int indent) => or([
() => s_doubleEscaped(indent),
() => s_flowFolded(indent)
// 114
void nb_ns_doubleInLine() {
zeroOrMore(() => transaction(() {
zeroOrMore(() => consume(isSpace));
return ns_doubleChar();
// 115
bool s_doubleNextLine(int indent) {
if (!truth(s_doubleBreak(indent))) return false;
zeroOrOne(() {
if (!truth(ns_doubleChar())) return;
() => s_doubleNextLine(indent),
() => zeroOrMore(() => consume(isSpace))
return true;
// 116
void nb_doubleMultiLine(int indent) {
() => s_doubleNextLine(indent),
() => zeroOrMore(() => consume(isSpace))
// 117
bool c_quotedQuote() => captureAs("'", () => rawString("''"));
// 118
bool nb_singleChar() => or([
() => consume((c) => isJson(c) && c != SINGLE_QUOTE)
// 119
bool ns_singleChar() => !isSpace(peek()) && truth(nb_singleChar());
// 120
_Node c_singleQuoted(int indent, int ctx) => context('string', () {
return transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_SINGLE_QUOTE))) return null;
var contents = nb_singleText(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_SINGLE_QUOTE))) return null;
return new _ScalarNode("!", content: contents);
// 121
String nb_singleText(int indent, int ctx) => captureString(() {
switch (ctx) {
case FLOW_OUT:
case FLOW_IN:
case FLOW_KEY:
return true;
// 122
void nb_singleOneLine(int indent) {
// 123
void nb_ns_singleInLine() {
zeroOrMore(() => transaction(() {
zeroOrMore(() => consume(isSpace));
return ns_singleChar();
// 124
bool s_singleNextLine(int indent) {
if (!truth(s_flowFolded(indent))) return false;
zeroOrOne(() {
if (!truth(ns_singleChar())) return;
() => s_singleNextLine(indent),
() => zeroOrMore(() => consume(isSpace))
return true;
// 125
void nb_singleMultiLine(int indent) {
() => s_singleNextLine(indent),
() => zeroOrMore(() => consume(isSpace))
// 126
bool ns_plainFirst(int ctx) {
var char = peek();
var indicator = indicatorType(char);
if (indicator == C_RESERVED) {
error("reserved indicators can't start a plain scalar");
var match = (isNonSpace(char) && indicator == null) ||
((indicator == C_MAPPING_KEY ||
indicator == C_MAPPING_VALUE ||
indicator == C_SEQUENCE_ENTRY) &&
isPlainSafe(ctx, peek(1)));
if (match) next();
return match;
// 127
bool isPlainSafe(int ctx, int char) {
switch (ctx) {
case FLOW_OUT:
// 128
return isNonSpace(char);
case FLOW_IN:
case FLOW_KEY:
// 129
return isNonSpace(char) && !isFlowIndicator(char);
default: throw 'invalid context "$ctx"';
// 130
bool ns_plainChar(int ctx) {
var char = peek();
var indicator = indicatorType(char);
var safeChar = isPlainSafe(ctx, char) && indicator != C_MAPPING_VALUE &&
indicator != C_COMMENT;
var nonCommentHash = isNonSpace(peek(-1)) && indicator == C_COMMENT;
var nonMappingColon = indicator == C_MAPPING_VALUE &&
isPlainSafe(ctx, peek(1));
var match = safeChar || nonCommentHash || nonMappingColon;
if (match) next();
return match;
// 131
String ns_plain(int indent, int ctx) => context('plain scalar', () {
return captureString(() {
switch (ctx) {
case FLOW_OUT:
case FLOW_IN:
return ns_plainMultiLine(indent, ctx);
case FLOW_KEY:
return ns_plainOneLine(ctx);
default: throw 'invalid context "$ctx"';
// 132
void nb_ns_plainInLine(int ctx) {
zeroOrMore(() => transaction(() {
zeroOrMore(() => consume(isSpace));
return ns_plainChar(ctx);
// 133
bool ns_plainOneLine(int ctx) {
if (truth(c_forbidden())) return false;
if (!truth(ns_plainFirst(ctx))) return false;
return true;
// 134
bool s_ns_plainNextLine(int indent, int ctx) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_flowFolded(indent))) return false;
if (truth(c_forbidden())) return false;
if (!truth(ns_plainChar(ctx))) return false;
return true;
// 135
bool ns_plainMultiLine(int indent, int ctx) {
if (!truth(ns_plainOneLine(ctx))) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => s_ns_plainNextLine(indent, ctx));
return true;
// 136
int inFlow(int ctx) {
switch (ctx) {
case FLOW_OUT:
case FLOW_IN:
return FLOW_IN;
case FLOW_KEY:
return FLOW_KEY;
// 137
_SequenceNode c_flowSequence(int indent, int ctx) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_SEQUENCE_START))) return null;
zeroOrOne(() => s_separate(indent, ctx));
var content = zeroOrOne(() => ns_s_flowSeqEntries(indent, inFlow(ctx)));
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_SEQUENCE_END))) return null;
return new _SequenceNode("?", new List<_Node>.from(content));
// 138
Collection<_Node> ns_s_flowSeqEntries(int indent, int ctx) {
var first = ns_flowSeqEntry(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(first)) return new Queue<_Node>();
zeroOrOne(() => s_separate(indent, ctx));
var rest;
if (truth(c_indicator(C_COLLECT_ENTRY))) {
zeroOrOne(() => s_separate(indent, ctx));
rest = zeroOrOne(() => ns_s_flowSeqEntries(indent, ctx));
if (rest == null) rest = new Queue<_Node>();
return rest;
// 139
_Node ns_flowSeqEntry(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => ns_flowPair(indent, ctx),
() => ns_flowNode(indent, ctx)
// 140
_Node c_flowMapping(int indent, int ctx) {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_MAPPING_START))) return null;
zeroOrOne(() => s_separate(indent, ctx));
var content = zeroOrOne(() => ns_s_flowMapEntries(indent, inFlow(ctx)));
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_MAPPING_END))) return null;
return new _MappingNode("?", content);
// 141
YamlMap ns_s_flowMapEntries(int indent, int ctx) {
var first = ns_flowMapEntry(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(first)) return new YamlMap();
zeroOrOne(() => s_separate(indent, ctx));
var rest;
if (truth(c_indicator(C_COLLECT_ENTRY))) {
zeroOrOne(() => s_separate(indent, ctx));
rest = ns_s_flowMapEntries(indent, ctx);
if (rest == null) rest = new YamlMap();
// TODO(nweiz): Duplicate keys should be an error. This includes keys with
// different representations but the same value (e.g. 10 vs 0xa). To make
// this user-friendly we'll probably also want to associate nodes with a
// source range.
if (!rest.containsKey(first.first)) rest[first.first] = first.last;
return rest;
// 142
_Pair<_Node, _Node> ns_flowMapEntry(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_MAPPING_KEY))) return false;
if (!truth(s_separate(indent, ctx))) return false;
return ns_flowMapExplicitEntry(indent, ctx);
() => ns_flowMapImplicitEntry(indent, ctx)
// 143
_Pair<_Node, _Node> ns_flowMapExplicitEntry(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => ns_flowMapImplicitEntry(indent, ctx),
() => new _Pair<_Node, _Node>(e_node(), e_node())
// 144
_Pair<_Node, _Node> ns_flowMapImplicitEntry(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => ns_flowMapYamlKeyEntry(indent, ctx),
() => c_ns_flowMapEmptyKeyEntry(indent, ctx),
() => c_ns_flowMapJsonKeyEntry(indent, ctx)
// 145
_Pair<_Node, _Node> ns_flowMapYamlKeyEntry(int indent, int ctx) {
var key = ns_flowYamlNode(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(key)) return null;
var value = or([
() => transaction(() {
zeroOrOne(() => s_separate(indent, ctx));
return c_ns_flowMapSeparateValue(indent, ctx);
return new _Pair<_Node, _Node>(key, value);
// 146
_Pair<_Node, _Node> c_ns_flowMapEmptyKeyEntry(int indent, int ctx) {
var value = c_ns_flowMapSeparateValue(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(value)) return null;
return new _Pair<_Node, _Node>(e_node(), value);
// 147
_Node c_ns_flowMapSeparateValue(int indent, int ctx) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_MAPPING_VALUE))) return null;
if (isPlainSafe(ctx, peek())) return null;
return or([
() => transaction(() {
if (!s_separate(indent, ctx)) return null;
return ns_flowNode(indent, ctx);
// 148
_Pair<_Node, _Node> c_ns_flowMapJsonKeyEntry(int indent, int ctx) {
var key = c_flowJsonNode(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(key)) return null;
var value = or([
() => transaction(() {
zeroOrOne(() => s_separate(indent, ctx));
return c_ns_flowMapAdjacentValue(indent, ctx);
return new _Pair<_Node, _Node>(key, value);
// 149
_Node c_ns_flowMapAdjacentValue(int indent, int ctx) {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_MAPPING_VALUE))) return null;
return or([
() => transaction(() {
zeroOrOne(() => s_separate(indent, ctx));
return ns_flowNode(indent, ctx);
// 150
_Node ns_flowPair(int indent, int ctx) {
var pair = or([
() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_MAPPING_KEY))) return null;
if (!truth(s_separate(indent, ctx))) return null;
return ns_flowMapExplicitEntry(indent, ctx);
() => ns_flowPairEntry(indent, ctx)
if (!truth(pair)) return null;
return map([pair]);
// 151
_Pair<_Node, _Node> ns_flowPairEntry(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => ns_flowPairYamlKeyEntry(indent, ctx),
() => c_ns_flowMapEmptyKeyEntry(indent, ctx),
() => c_ns_flowPairJsonKeyEntry(indent, ctx)
// 152
_Pair<_Node, _Node> ns_flowPairYamlKeyEntry(int indent, int ctx) =>
transaction(() {
var key = ns_s_implicitYamlKey(FLOW_KEY);
if (!truth(key)) return null;
var value = c_ns_flowMapSeparateValue(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(value)) return null;
return new _Pair<_Node, _Node>(key, value);
// 153
_Pair<_Node, _Node> c_ns_flowPairJsonKeyEntry(int indent, int ctx) =>
transaction(() {
var key = c_s_implicitJsonKey(FLOW_KEY);
if (!truth(key)) return null;
var value = c_ns_flowMapAdjacentValue(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(value)) return null;
return new _Pair<_Node, _Node>(key, value);
// 154
_Node ns_s_implicitYamlKey(int ctx) => transaction(() {
// TODO(nweiz): this is supposed to be limited to 1024 characters.
// The indentation parameter is "null" since it's unused in this path
var node = ns_flowYamlNode(null, ctx);
if (!truth(node)) return null;
return node;
// 155
_Node c_s_implicitJsonKey(int ctx) => transaction(() {
// TODO(nweiz): this is supposed to be limited to 1024 characters.
// The indentation parameter is "null" since it's unused in this path
var node = c_flowJsonNode(null, ctx);
if (!truth(node)) return null;
return node;
// 156
_Node ns_flowYamlContent(int indent, int ctx) {
var str = ns_plain(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(str)) return null;
return new _ScalarNode("?", content: str);
// 157
_Node c_flowJsonContent(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => c_flowSequence(indent, ctx),
() => c_flowMapping(indent, ctx),
() => c_singleQuoted(indent, ctx),
() => c_doubleQuoted(indent, ctx)
// 158
_Node ns_flowContent(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => ns_flowYamlContent(indent, ctx),
() => c_flowJsonContent(indent, ctx)
// 159
_Node ns_flowYamlNode(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => ns_flowYamlContent(indent, ctx),
() {
var props = c_ns_properties(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(props)) return null;
var node = or([
() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_separate(indent, ctx))) return null;
return ns_flowYamlContent(indent, ctx);
return addProps(node, props);
// 160
_Node c_flowJsonNode(int indent, int ctx) => transaction(() {
var props;
zeroOrOne(() => transaction(() {
props = c_ns_properties(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(props)) return null;
return s_separate(indent, ctx);
return addProps(c_flowJsonContent(indent, ctx), props);
// 161
_Node ns_flowNode(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => ns_flowContent(indent, ctx),
() => transaction(() {
var props = c_ns_properties(indent, ctx);
if (!truth(props)) return null;
var node = or([
() => transaction(() => s_separate(indent, ctx) ?
ns_flowContent(indent, ctx) : null),
return addProps(node, props);
// 162
_BlockHeader c_b_blockHeader() => transaction(() {
var indentation = c_indentationIndicator();
var chomping = c_chompingIndicator();
if (!truth(indentation)) indentation = c_indentationIndicator();
if (!truth(s_b_comment())) return null;
return new _BlockHeader(indentation, chomping);
// 163
int c_indentationIndicator() {
if (!isDecDigit(peek())) return null;
return next() - NUMBER_0;
// 164
int c_chompingIndicator() {
switch (peek()) {
case HYPHEN:
case PLUS:
// 165
bool b_chompedLast(int chomping) {
if (atEndOfFile) return true;
switch (chomping) {
return b_nonContent();
return b_asLineFeed();
// 166
void l_chompedEmpty(int indent, int chomping) {
switch (chomping) {
// 167
void l_stripEmpty(int indent) {
captureAs('', () {
zeroOrMore(() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_indentLessThanOrEqualTo(indent))) return false;
return b_nonContent();
zeroOrOne(() => l_trailComments(indent));
return true;
// 168
void l_keepEmpty(int indent) {
zeroOrMore(() => captureAs('\n', () => l_empty(indent, BLOCK_IN)));
zeroOrOne(() => captureAs('', () => l_trailComments(indent)));
// 169
bool l_trailComments(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_indentLessThanOrEqualTo(indent))) return false;
if (!truth(c_nb_commentText())) return false;
if (!truth(b_comment())) return false;
return true;
// 170
_Node c_l_literal(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_LITERAL))) return null;
var header = c_b_blockHeader();
if (!truth(header)) return null;
var additionalIndent = blockScalarAdditionalIndentation(header, indent);
var content = l_literalContent(indent + additionalIndent, header.chomping);
if (!truth(content)) return null;
return new _ScalarNode("!", content: content);
// 171
bool l_nb_literalText(int indent) => transaction(() {
zeroOrMore(() => captureAs("\n", () => l_empty(indent, BLOCK_IN)));
if (!truth(captureAs("", () => s_indent(indent)))) return false;
return truth(oneOrMore(() => consume(isNonBreak)));
// 172
bool b_nb_literalNext(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(b_asLineFeed())) return false;
return l_nb_literalText(indent);
// 173
String l_literalContent(int indent, int chomping) => captureString(() {
transaction(() {
if (!truth(l_nb_literalText(indent))) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => b_nb_literalNext(indent));
return b_chompedLast(chomping);
l_chompedEmpty(indent, chomping);
return true;
// 174
_Node c_l_folded(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_FOLDED))) return null;
var header = c_b_blockHeader();
if (!truth(header)) return null;
var additionalIndent = blockScalarAdditionalIndentation(header, indent);
var content = l_foldedContent(indent + additionalIndent, header.chomping);
if (!truth(content)) return null;
return new _ScalarNode("!", content: content);
// 175
bool s_nb_foldedText(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(captureAs('', () => s_indent(indent)))) return false;
if (!truth(consume(isNonSpace))) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => consume(isNonBreak));
return true;
// 176
bool l_nb_foldedLines(int indent) {
if (!truth(s_nb_foldedText(indent))) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(b_l_folded(indent, BLOCK_IN))) return false;
return s_nb_foldedText(indent);
return true;
// 177
bool s_nb_spacedText(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(captureAs('', () => s_indent(indent)))) return false;
if (!truth(consume(isSpace))) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => consume(isNonBreak));
return true;
// 178
bool b_l_spaced(int indent) {
if (!truth(b_asLineFeed())) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => captureAs("\n", () => l_empty(indent, BLOCK_IN)));
return true;
// 179
bool l_nb_spacedLines(int indent) {
if (!truth(s_nb_spacedText(indent))) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(b_l_spaced(indent))) return false;
return s_nb_spacedText(indent);
return true;
// 180
bool l_nb_sameLines(int indent) => transaction(() {
zeroOrMore(() => captureAs('\n', () => l_empty(indent, BLOCK_IN)));
return or([
() => l_nb_foldedLines(indent),
() => l_nb_spacedLines(indent)
// 181
bool l_nb_diffLines(int indent) {
if (!truth(l_nb_sameLines(indent))) return false;
zeroOrMore(() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(b_asLineFeed())) return false;
return l_nb_sameLines(indent);
return true;
// 182
String l_foldedContent(int indent, int chomping) => captureString(() {
transaction(() {
if (!truth(l_nb_diffLines(indent))) return false;
return b_chompedLast(chomping);
l_chompedEmpty(indent, chomping);
return true;
// 183
_SequenceNode l_blockSequence(int indent) => context('sequence', () {
var additionalIndent = countIndentation() - indent;
if (additionalIndent <= 0) return null;
var content = oneOrMore(() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_indent(indent + additionalIndent))) return null;
return c_l_blockSeqEntry(indent + additionalIndent);
if (!truth(content)) return null;
return new _SequenceNode("?", content);
// 184
_Node c_l_blockSeqEntry(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_SEQUENCE_ENTRY))) return null;
if (isNonSpace(peek())) return null;
return s_l_blockIndented(indent, BLOCK_IN);
// 185
_Node s_l_blockIndented(int indent, int ctx) {
var additionalIndent = countIndentation();
return or([
() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_indent(additionalIndent))) return null;
return or([
() => ns_l_compactSequence(indent + 1 + additionalIndent),
() => ns_l_compactMapping(indent + 1 + additionalIndent)]);
() => s_l_blockNode(indent, ctx),
() => s_l_comments() ? e_node() : null]);
// 186
_Node ns_l_compactSequence(int indent) => context('sequence', () {
var first = c_l_blockSeqEntry(indent);
if (!truth(first)) return null;
var content = zeroOrMore(() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_indent(indent))) return null;
return c_l_blockSeqEntry(indent);
content.insertRange(0, 1, first);
return new _SequenceNode("?", content);
// 187
_Node l_blockMapping(int indent) => context('mapping', () {
var additionalIndent = countIndentation() - indent;
if (additionalIndent <= 0) return null;
var pairs = oneOrMore(() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_indent(indent + additionalIndent))) return null;
return ns_l_blockMapEntry(indent + additionalIndent);
if (!truth(pairs)) return null;
return map(pairs);
// 188
_Pair<_Node, _Node> ns_l_blockMapEntry(int indent) => or([
() => c_l_blockMapExplicitEntry(indent),
() => ns_l_blockMapImplicitEntry(indent)
// 189
_Pair<_Node, _Node> c_l_blockMapExplicitEntry(int indent) {
var key = c_l_blockMapExplicitKey(indent);
if (!truth(key)) return null;
var value = or([
() => l_blockMapExplicitValue(indent),
return new _Pair<_Node, _Node>(key, value);
// 190
_Node c_l_blockMapExplicitKey(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_MAPPING_KEY))) return null;
return s_l_blockIndented(indent, BLOCK_OUT);
// 191
_Node l_blockMapExplicitValue(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_indent(indent))) return null;
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_MAPPING_VALUE))) return null;
return s_l_blockIndented(indent, BLOCK_OUT);
// 192
_Pair<_Node, _Node> ns_l_blockMapImplicitEntry(int indent) => transaction(() {
var key = or([ns_s_blockMapImplicitKey, e_node]);
var value = c_l_blockMapImplicitValue(indent);
return truth(value) ? new _Pair<_Node, _Node>(key, value) : null;
// 193
_Node ns_s_blockMapImplicitKey() => context('mapping key', () => or([
() => c_s_implicitJsonKey(BLOCK_KEY),
() => ns_s_implicitYamlKey(BLOCK_KEY)
// 194
_Node c_l_blockMapImplicitValue(int indent) => context('mapping value', () =>
transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_indicator(C_MAPPING_VALUE))) return null;
return or([
() => s_l_blockNode(indent, BLOCK_OUT),
() => s_l_comments() ? e_node() : null
// 195
_Node ns_l_compactMapping(int indent) => context('mapping', () {
var first = ns_l_blockMapEntry(indent);
if (!truth(first)) return null;
var pairs = zeroOrMore(() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_indent(indent))) return null;
return ns_l_blockMapEntry(indent);
pairs.insertRange(0, 1, first);
return map(pairs);
// 196
_Node s_l_blockNode(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => s_l_blockInBlock(indent, ctx),
() => s_l_flowInBlock(indent)
// 197
_Node s_l_flowInBlock(int indent) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_separate(indent + 1, FLOW_OUT))) return null;
var node = ns_flowNode(indent + 1, FLOW_OUT);
if (!truth(node)) return null;
if (!truth(s_l_comments())) return null;
return node;
// 198
_Node s_l_blockInBlock(int indent, int ctx) => or([
() => s_l_blockScalar(indent, ctx),
() => s_l_blockCollection(indent, ctx)
// 199
_Node s_l_blockScalar(int indent, int ctx) => transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_separate(indent + 1, ctx))) return null;
var props = transaction(() {
var innerProps = c_ns_properties(indent + 1, ctx);
if (!truth(innerProps)) return null;
if (!truth(s_separate(indent + 1, ctx))) return null;
return innerProps;
var node = or([() => c_l_literal(indent), () => c_l_folded(indent)]);
if (!truth(node)) return null;
return addProps(node, props);
// 200
_Node s_l_blockCollection(int indent, int ctx) => transaction(() {
var props = transaction(() {
if (!truth(s_separate(indent + 1, ctx))) return null;
return c_ns_properties(indent + 1, ctx);
if (!truth(s_l_comments())) return null;
return or([
() => l_blockSequence(seqSpaces(indent, ctx)),
() => l_blockMapping(indent)]);
// 201
int seqSpaces(int indent, int ctx) => ctx == BLOCK_OUT ? indent - 1 : indent;
// 202
void l_documentPrefix() {
// 203
bool c_directivesEnd() => rawString("---");
// 204
bool c_documentEnd() => rawString("...");
// 205
bool l_documentSuffix() => transaction(() {
if (!truth(c_documentEnd())) return false;
return s_l_comments();
// 206
bool c_forbidden() {
if (!inBareDocument || !atStartOfLine) return false;
var forbidden = false;
transaction(() {
if (!truth(or([c_directivesEnd, c_documentEnd]))) return;
var char = peek();
forbidden = isBreak(char) || isSpace(char) || atEndOfFile;
return forbidden;
// 207
_Node l_bareDocument() {
try {
inBareDocument = true;
return s_l_blockNode(-1, BLOCK_IN);
} finally {
inBareDocument = false;
// 208
_Node l_explicitDocument() {
if (!truth(c_directivesEnd())) return null;
var doc = l_bareDocument();
if (truth(doc)) return doc;
doc = e_node();
return doc;
// 209
_Node l_directiveDocument() {
if (!truth(oneOrMore(l_directive))) return null;
var doc = l_explicitDocument();
if (doc != null) return doc;
return null; // Unreachable.
// 210
_Node l_anyDocument() =>
or([l_directiveDocument, l_explicitDocument, l_bareDocument]);
// 211
List<_Node> l_yamlStream() {
var docs = [];
var first = zeroOrOne(l_anyDocument);
if (!truth(first)) first = e_node();
zeroOrMore(() {
var doc;
if (truth(oneOrMore(l_documentSuffix))) {
doc = zeroOrOne(l_anyDocument);
} else {
doc = zeroOrOne(l_explicitDocument);
if (truth(doc)) docs.add(doc);
return doc;
if (!atEndOfFile) parseFailed();
return docs;
class SyntaxError extends YamlException {
final int line;
final int column;
SyntaxError(this.line, this.column, String msg) : super(msg);
String toString() => "Syntax error on line $line, column $column: $msg";
/// A pair of values.
class _Pair<E, F> {
E first;
F last;
_Pair(this.first, this.last);
String toString() => '($first, $last)';
/// The information in the header for a block scalar.
class _BlockHeader {
final int additionalIndent;
final int chomping;
_BlockHeader(this.additionalIndent, this.chomping);
bool get autoDetectIndent => additionalIndent == null;
/// A range of characters in the YAML document, from [start] to [end]
/// (inclusive).
class _Range {
/// The first character in the range.
final int start;
/// The last character in the range.
final int end;
_Range(this.start, this.end);
/// Returns whether or not [pos] lies within this range.
bool contains(int pos) => pos >= start && pos <= end;
/// A map that associates [E] values with [_Range]s. It's efficient to create
/// new associations, but finding the value associated with a position is more
/// expensive.
class _RangeMap<E> {
/// The ranges and their associated elements.
final List<_Pair<_Range, E>> contents;
_RangeMap() : this.contents = <_Pair<_Range, E>>[];
/// Returns the value associated with the range in which [pos] lies, or null
/// if there is no such range. If there's more than one such range, the most
/// recently set one is used.
E operator[](int pos) {
// Iterate backwards through contents so the more recent range takes
// precedence. TODO(nweiz): clean this up when issue 2804 is fixed.
for (var i = contents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var pair = contents[i];
if (pair.first.contains(pos)) return pair.last;
return null;
/// Associates [value] with [range].
operator[]=(_Range range, E value) =>
contents.add(new _Pair<_Range, E>(range, value));