blob: 6922b828e0b6928f5d463aee71bd6897a74b2acb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library curl_client;
import 'dart:io';
import '../../pkg/http/lib/http.dart' as http;
import 'io.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'utils.dart';
/// A drop-in replacement for [http.Client] that uses the `curl` command-line
/// utility rather than [dart:io] to make requests. This class will only exist
/// temporarily until [dart:io] natively supports requests over HTTPS.
class CurlClient extends http.BaseClient {
/// The path to the `curl` executable to run.
/// By default on Unix-like operating systems, this will look up `curl` on the
/// system path. On Windows, it will use the bundled `curl.exe`.
final String executable;
/// Creates a new [CurlClient] with [executable] as the path to the `curl`
/// executable.
/// By default on Unix-like operating systems, this will look up `curl` on the
/// system path. On Windows, it will use the bundled `curl.exe`.
CurlClient([String executable])
: executable = executable == null ? _defaultExecutable : executable;
/// Sends a request via `curl` and returns the response.
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) {
log.fine("Sending Curl request $request");
var requestStream = request.finalize();
return withTempDir((tempDir) {
var headerFile = join(tempDir, "curl-headers");
var arguments = _argumentsForRequest(request, headerFile);
log.process(executable, arguments);
var process;
return startProcess(executable, arguments).chain((process_) {
process = process_;
if (requestStream.closed) {
} else {
return _waitForHeaders(process, expectBody: request.method != "HEAD");
}).chain((_) => new File(headerFile).readAsLines())
.transform((lines) => _buildResponse(request, process, lines));
/// Returns the list of arguments to `curl` necessary for performing
/// [request]. [headerFile] is the path to the file where the response headers
/// should be stored.
List<String> _argumentsForRequest(
http.BaseRequest request, String headerFile) {
// Note: This line of code gets munged by to be the correct
// relative path to the certificate file in the SDK.
var pathToCertificates = "../../third_party/curl/ca-certificates.crt";
var arguments = [
"--dump-header", headerFile,
"--cacert", relativeToPub(pathToCertificates)
if (request.method == 'HEAD') {
} else {
if (request.followRedirects) {
if (request.contentLength != 0) {
// Override the headers automatically added by curl. We want to make it
// behave as much like the dart:io client as possible.
var headers = {
'accept': '',
'user-agent': ''
request.headers.forEach((name, value) => headers[name] = value);
if (request.contentLength < 0) {
headers['content-length'] = '';
headers['transfer-encoding'] = 'chunked';
} else if (request.contentLength > 0) {
headers['content-length'] = request.contentLength.toString();
headers.forEach((name, value) {
arguments.add("$name: $value");
return arguments;
/// Returns a [Future] that completes once the `curl` [process] has finished
/// receiving the response headers. [expectBody] indicates that the server is
/// expected to send a response body (which is not the case for HEAD
/// requests).
/// Curl prints the headers to a file and then prints the body to stdout. So,
/// in theory, we could read the headers as soon as we see anything appear
/// in stdout. However, that seems to be too early to successfully read the
/// file (at least on Mac). Instead, this just waits until the entire process
/// has completed.
Future _waitForHeaders(Process process, {bool expectBody}) {
var completer = new Completer();
process.onExit = (exitCode) {"Curl process exited with code $exitCode.");
if (exitCode == 0) {
.transform((stderrBytes) {
var message = new String.fromCharCodes(stderrBytes);
log.fine('Got error reading headers from curl: $message');
if (exitCode == 47) {
throw new RedirectLimitExceededException([]);
} else {
throw new HttpException(message);
}), completer);
// If there's not going to be a response body (e.g. for HEAD requests), curl
// prints the headers to stdout instead of the body. We want to wait until
// all the headers are received to read them from the header file.
if (!expectBody) {
return Futures.wait([
return completer.future;
/// Returns a [http.StreamedResponse] from the response data printed by the
/// `curl` [process]. [lines] are the headers that `curl` wrote to a file.
http.StreamedResponse _buildResponse(
http.BaseRequest request, Process process, List<String> lines) {
// When curl follows redirects, it prints the redirect headers as well as
// the headers of the final request. Each block is separated by a blank
// line. We just care about the last block. There is one trailing empty
// line, though, which we don't want to consider a separator.
var lastBlank = lines.lastIndexOf("", lines.length - 2);
if (lastBlank != -1) lines.removeRange(0, lastBlank + 1);
var statusParts = lines.removeAt(0).split(" ");
var status = int.parse(statusParts[1]);
var isRedirect = status >= 300 && status < 400;
var reasonPhrase =
Strings.join(statusParts.getRange(2, statusParts.length - 2), " ");
var headers = <String>{};
for (var line in lines) {
if (line.isEmpty) continue;
var split = split1(line, ":");
headers[split[0].toLowerCase()] = split[1].trim();
var responseStream = process.stdout;
if (responseStream.closed) {
responseStream = new ListInputStream();
var contentLength = -1;
if (headers.containsKey('content-length')) {
contentLength = int.parse(headers['content-length']);
return new http.StreamedResponse(responseStream, status, contentLength,
request: request,
headers: headers,
isRedirect: isRedirect,
reasonPhrase: reasonPhrase);
/// The default executable to use for running curl. On Windows, this is the
/// path to the bundled `curl.exe`; elsewhere, this is just "curl", and we
/// assume it to be installed and on the user's PATH.
static String get _defaultExecutable {
if (Platform.operatingSystem != 'windows') return 'curl';
// Note: This line of code gets munged by to be the correct
// relative path to curl in the SDK.
var pathToCurl = "../../third_party/curl/curl.exe";
return relativeToPub(pathToCurl);