blob: af2fe52ab6627472191ebb869d02b3ca85b6d5c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:io";
import "dart:isolate";
import "../../../tools/testing/dart/test_runner.dart";
import "../../../tools/testing/dart/status_file_parser.dart";
import "../../../tools/testing/dart/test_options.dart";
import "process_test_util.dart";
class TestController {
static const int numTests = 4;
static int numCompletedTests = 0;
// Used as TestCase.completedCallback.
static processCompletedTest(TestCase testCase) {
CommandOutput output = testCase.lastCommandOutput;
print("Test: ${testCase.commands.last.commandLine}");
if (output.unexpectedOutput) {
throw "Unexpected output: ${output.result}";
print("stdout: ");
for (var line in output.stdout) print(line);
print("stderr: ");
for (var line in output.stderr) print(line);
print("Time: ${output.time}");
print("Exit code: ${output.exitCode}");
if (numCompletedTests == numTests) {
print("test_runner_test.dart PASSED");
TestCase MakeTestCase(String testName, List<String> expectations) {
var configuration = new TestOptionsParser().parse(['--timeout', '2'])[0];
return new TestCase(testName,
[new Command(new Options().executable,
<String>[new Options().script,
new Set<String>.from(expectations));
void testTestRunner() {
new RunningProcess(MakeTestCase("pass", [PASS])).start();
new RunningProcess(MakeTestCase("fail", [FAIL])).start();
new RunningProcess(MakeTestCase("timeout", [TIMEOUT])).start();
// The crash test sometimes times out. Run it with a large timeout to help
// diagnose the delay.
// The test loads a new executable, which may sometimes take a long time.
// It involves a wait on the VM event loop, and possible system delays.
var configuration = new TestOptionsParser().parse(['--timeout', '60'])[0];
new RunningProcess(new TestCase("CrashTest",
[new Command(getProcessTestFileName(),
const ["0", "0", "1", "1"])],
new Set<String>.from([CRASH]))).start();
Expect.equals(4, TestController.numTests);
// Test that the test runner throws an exception if a test with
// expectation SKIP is run. The RunningProcess constructor must throw
// the exception synchronously, for it to be caught here at the call site.
Expect.throws(new RunningProcess(MakeTestCase("pass", [SKIP])).start);
void main() {
// Run the test_runner_test if there are no command-line options.
// Otherwise, run one of the component tests that always pass,
// fail, or timeout.
var arguments = new Options().arguments;
if (arguments.isEmpty) {
} else {
switch (arguments[0]) {
case 'pass':
case 'fail':"This test always fails, to test the test scripts.");
case 'timeout':
// Run for 10 seconds, then exit. This tests a 2 second timeout.
new Timer(10 * 1000, (t){ });
throw "Unknown option ${arguments[0]} passed to test_runner_test";