blob: b74103e4107c028accb13351ec15867bc3016c78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This test makes sure that the "skipping Dart2Js compilations if the output is
* already up to date" feature does work as it should.
* Therefore this test ensures that compilations are only skipped if the last
* modified date of the output of a dart2js compilation is newer than
* - the the dart application to compile (including it's dependencies)
* - the dart2js snapshot
* Furtheremore it ensure that a compilations is not skipped if any of the
* necessary files could not be found (dart2js snapshots, previous dart2js
* output (+deps file), dart application)
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:uri';
import '../../../tools/testing/dart/test_suite.dart' as suite;
import '../../../tools/testing/dart/test_runner.dart' as runner;
import '../../../tools/testing/dart/test_options.dart' as options;
import '../../../tools/testing/dart/status_file_parser.dart' as status;
* This class is reponsible for setting up the files necessary for this test
* as well as touching a file.
class FileUtils {
Directory tempDir;
File testJs;
File testJsDeps;
File testDart;
File testSnapshot;
FileUtils({bool createJs,
bool createJsDeps,
bool createDart,
bool createSnapshot}) {
tempDir = new Directory('').createTempSync();
if (createJs) {
testJs = _createFile(testJsFilePath);
_writeToFile(testJs, "test.js content");
if (createSnapshot) {
testSnapshot = _createFile(testSnapshotFilePath);
_writeToFile(testSnapshot, "dart2js snapshot");
if (createDart) {
testDart = _createFile(testDartFilePath);
_writeToFile(testDart, "dart code");
if (createJsDeps) {
testJsDeps = _createFile(testJsDepsFilePath);
var path = suite.TestUtils.absolutePath(new Path.fromNative(tempDir.path))
_writeToFile(testJsDeps, "file://$path");
void cleanup() {
if (testJs != null) testJs.deleteSync();
if (testJsDeps != null) testJsDeps.deleteSync();
if (testDart != null) testDart.deleteSync();
if (testSnapshot != null) testSnapshot.deleteSync();
// if the script did run, it created this file, so we need to delete it
File file = new File(scriptOutputPath.toNativePath());
if (file.existsSync()) {
Path get scriptOutputPath {
return suite.TestUtils.absolutePath(new Path.fromNative(tempDir.path)
Path get testDartFilePath {
return suite.TestUtils.absolutePath(new Path.fromNative(tempDir.path)
Path get testJsFilePath {
return suite.TestUtils.absolutePath(new Path.fromNative(tempDir.path)
Path get testJsDepsFilePath {
return suite.TestUtils.absolutePath(new Path.fromNative(tempDir.path)
Path get testSnapshotFilePath {
return suite.TestUtils.absolutePath(new Path.fromNative(tempDir.path)
void touchFile(File file) {
_writeToFile(file, _readFile(file));
void _writeToFile(File file, String content) {
if (content != null) {
var fd = new File(file.fullPathSync()).openSync(FileMode.WRITE);
String _readFile(File file) {
return file.readAsStringSync();
File _createFile(Path path) {
var file = new File(path.toNativePath());
return file;
class TestCompletedHandler {
FileUtils fileUtils;
Date _expectedTimestamp;
bool _shouldHaveRun;
TestCompletedHandler(FileUtils this.fileUtils, bool this._shouldHaveRun);
void processCompletedTest(runner.TestCase testCase) {
var output = testCase.lastCommandOutput;
Expect.isTrue(output.stderr.length == 0);
if (_shouldHaveRun) {
Expect.isTrue(output.stdout.length == 0);
Expect.isTrue(new File(fileUtils.scriptOutputPath.toNativePath())
} else {
Expect.isFalse(new File(fileUtils.scriptOutputPath.toNativePath())
runner.TestCase makeTestCase(String testName,
TestCompletedHandler completedHandler) {
var fileUtils = completedHandler.fileUtils;
var config = new options.TestOptionsParser().parse(['--timeout', '2'])[0];
var scriptDirPath = new Path.fromNative(new Options().script).directoryPath;
var createFileScript = scriptDirPath.
var executable = new Options().executable;
var arguments = [createFileScript, fileUtils.scriptOutputPath.toNativePath()];
var bootstrapDeps = [
new Uri("file://${fileUtils.testSnapshotFilePath}")];
var commands = [new runner.CompilationCommand(
return new runner.TestCase(
new Set<String>.from([status.PASS]));
void main() {
var fs_noTestJs = new FileUtils(createJs: false,
createJsDeps: true,
createDart: true,
createSnapshot: true);
var fs_noTestJsDeps = new FileUtils(createJs: true,
createJsDeps: false,
createDart: true,
createSnapshot: true);
var fs_noTestDart = new FileUtils(createJs: true,
createJsDeps: true,
createDart: false,
createSnapshot: true);
var fs_noTestSnapshot = new FileUtils(createJs: true,
createJsDeps: true,
createDart: true,
createSnapshot: false);
var fs_notUpToDate_snapshot = new FileUtils(createJs: true,
createJsDeps: true,
createDart: true,
createSnapshot: true);
var fs_notUpToDate_dart = new FileUtils(createJs: true,
createJsDeps: true,
createDart: true,
createSnapshot: true);
var fs_upToDate = new FileUtils(createJs: true,
createJsDeps: true,
createDart: true,
createSnapshot: true);
void touchFilesAndRunTests(Timer unused) {
void runTest(String name, FileUtils fileUtils, bool shouldRun) {
new runner.RunningProcess(makeTestCase(name,
new TestCompletedHandler(fileUtils, shouldRun))).start();
runTest("fs_noTestJs", fs_noTestJs, true);
runTest("fs_noTestJsDeps", fs_noTestJsDeps, true);
runTest("fs_noTestDart", fs_noTestDart, true);
runTest("fs_noTestSnapshot", fs_noTestSnapshot, true);
runTest("fs_notUpToDate_snapshot", fs_notUpToDate_snapshot, true);
runTest("fs_notUpToDate_dart", fs_notUpToDate_dart, true);
// This is the only test where all dependencies are present and the test.js
// file is newer than all the others. So we pass 'false' for shouldRun.
runTest("fs_upToDate", fs_upToDate, false);
// We need to wait some time to make sure that the files we 'touch' get a
// bigger timestamp than the old ones
new Timer(1000, touchFilesAndRunTests);