blob: e39e65ea709706ef51562f364b2618e578464967 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test a dart sub-process handling stdio with different types of
// redirection.
// VMOptions=
// VMOptions=--short_socket_read
// VMOptions=--short_socket_write
// VMOptions=--short_socket_read --short_socket_write
import "dart:io";
import "process_test_util.dart";
void checkFileEmpty(String fileName) {
RandomAccessFile pipeOut = new File(fileName).openSync();
Expect.equals(0, pipeOut.lengthSync());
void checkFileContent(String fileName, String content) {
RandomAccessFile pipeOut = new File(fileName).openSync();
int length = pipeOut.lengthSync();
List data = new List<int>(length);
pipeOut.readListSync(data, 0, length);
Expect.equals(content, new String.fromCharCodes(data));
void test(String shellScript, String dartScript, String type) {
Directory dir = new Directory("").createTempSync();
// The shell script will run the dart executable passed with a
// number of different redirections of stdio.
String pipeOutFile = "${dir.path}/pipe";
String redirectOutFile = "${dir.path}/redirect";
String executable = new Options().executable;
List args =
[executable, dartScript, type, pipeOutFile, redirectOutFile];
var future = Process.start(shellScript, args);
future.then((process) {
process.onExit = (exitCode) {
Expect.equals(0, exitCode);
// Check the expected file contents.
if (type == "0") {
checkFileContent("${pipeOutFile}", "Hello\n");
checkFileContent("${redirectOutFile}.stdout", "Hello\nHello\n");
if (type == "1") {
checkFileContent("${pipeOutFile}", "Hello\n");
checkFileContent("${redirectOutFile}.stderr", "Hello\nHello\n");
if (type == "2") {
checkFileContent("${pipeOutFile}", "Hello\nHello\n");
// Cleanup test directory.
dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
// Drain out and err streams so they close.
process.stdout.onData =;
process.stderr.onData =;
future.handleException((ProcessException error) {
dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);;
// This tests that the Dart standalone VM can handle piping to stdin
// and can pipe to stdout.
main() {
// Don't try to run shell scripts on Windows.
var os = Platform.operatingSystem;
if (os == 'windows') return;
// Get the shell script for testing the Standalone Dart VM with
// piping and redirections of stdio.
var shellScript = new File("tests/standalone/io/");
if (!shellScript.existsSync()) {
shellScript = new File("../tests/standalone/io/");
// Get the Dart script file which echoes stdin to stdout or stderr or both.
var scriptFile = new File("tests/standalone/io/process_std_io_script.dart");
if (!scriptFile.existsSync()) {
scriptFile = new File("../tests/standalone/io/process_std_io_script.dart");
// Run the shell script.
test(,, "0");
test(,, "1");
test(,, "2");