blob: 52d9bb9cf82669e56b43729e329de101e56cd00a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file is read by 'mirrors_test.dart'.
library mirrors_helper;
typedef E Func<E,F extends Foo>(F f);
main() {
@Metadata // This is intentionally the type literal.
@Metadata(const ["Foo"])
@Metadata(const {'foo':"Foo"})
class Foo {
abstract class Bar<E> {
class Baz<E,F extends Foo> implements Bar<E> {
const Baz.named();
factory Baz.factory() => new Baz<E,F>();
static method1(e) {}
void method2(E e, [F f = null]) {}
Baz<E,F> method3(E func1(F f), Func<E,F> func2) => null;
bool operator==(Object other) => false;
int operator-() => 0;
class Boz extends Foo {
var field1;
int _field2;
final String field3 = "field3";
int get field2 => _field2;
void set field2(int value) {
_field2 = value;
class _PrivateClass {
var _privateField;
get _privateGetter => _privateField;
void set _privateSetter(value) => _privateField = value;
void _privateMethod() {}
factory _PrivateClass._privateFactoryConstructor() => new _PrivateClass();
const metadata = const Metadata(null);
class Metadata {
final data;
const Metadata(;