blob: fda711180b87694cca9e8c48621ecef622115e4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
* The StringBuffer class is useful for concatenating strings
* efficiently. Only on a call to [toString] are the strings
* concatenated to a single String.
abstract class StringBuffer {
/// Creates the string buffer with an initial content.
factory StringBuffer([Object content = ""]) => new _StringBufferImpl(content);
/// Returns the length of the buffer.
int get length;
// Returns whether the buffer is empty.
bool get isEmpty;
/// Converts [obj] to a string and adds it to the buffer.
void add(Object obj);
/// Adds the string representation of [charCode] to the buffer.
void addCharCode(int charCode);
/// Adds all items in [objects] to the buffer.
void addAll(Collection objects);
/// Clears the string buffer.
void clear();
/// Returns the contents of buffer as a concatenated string.
String toString();
class _StringBufferImpl implements StringBuffer {
List<String> _buffer;
int _length;
/// Creates the string buffer with an initial content.
_StringBufferImpl(Object content) {
/// Returns the length of the buffer.
int get length => _length;
bool get isEmpty => _length == 0;
/// Adds [obj] to the buffer.
void add(Object obj) {
// TODO(srdjan): The following four lines could be replaced by
// '$obj', but apparently this is too slow on the Dart VM.
String str = obj.toString();
if (str is !String) {
throw new ArgumentError('toString() did not return a string');
if (str.isEmpty) return;
_length += str.length;
/// Adds all items in [objects] to the buffer.
void addAll(Collection objects) {
for (Object obj in objects) add(obj);
/// Adds the string representation of [charCode] to the buffer.
void addCharCode(int charCode) {
add(new String.fromCharCodes([charCode]));
/// Clears the string buffer.
void clear() {
_buffer = new List<String>();
_length = 0;
/// Returns the contents of buffer as a concatenated string.
String toString() {
if (_buffer.length == 0) return "";
if (_buffer.length == 1) return _buffer[0];
String result = Strings.concatAll(_buffer);
// Since we track the length at each add operation, there is no
// need to update it in this function.
return result;