blob: e4b4c73e6dc2ccd5d65b52c61c8ff0a13f987280 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
* The String class represents character strings. Strings are
* immutable. A string is represented by a list of 32-bit Unicode
* scalar character codes accessible through the [charCodeAt] or the
* [charCodes] method.
abstract class String implements Comparable, Pattern, Sequence<String> {
* Allocates a new String for the specified [charCodes].
external factory String.fromCharCodes(List<int> charCodes);
* Gets the character (as [String]) at the given [index].
String operator [](int index);
* Gets the scalar character code at the given [index].
int charCodeAt(int index);
* The length of the string.
int get length;
* Returns whether the two strings are equal. This method compares
* each individual scalar character codes of the strings.
bool operator ==(String other);
* Returns whether this string ends with [other].
bool endsWith(String other);
* Returns whether this string starts with [other].
bool startsWith(String other);
* Returns the first location of [other] in this string starting at
* [start] (inclusive).
* Returns -1 if [other] could not be found.
int indexOf(String other, [int start]);
* Returns the last location of [other] in this string, searching
* backward starting at [start] (inclusive).
* Returns -1 if [other] could not be found.
int lastIndexOf(String other, [int start]);
* Returns whether this string is empty.
bool get isEmpty;
* Creates a new string by concatenating this string with [other].
String concat(String other);
* Returns a substring of this string in the given range.
* [startIndex] is inclusive and [endIndex] is exclusive.
String substring(int startIndex, [int endIndex]);
* Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string. If the string
* contains leading or trailing whitespace a new string with no leading and
* no trailing whitespace is returned. Otherwise, the string itself is
* returned. Whitespace is defined as every Unicode character in the Zs, Zl
* and Zp categories (this includes no-break space), the spacing control
* characters from 9 to 13 (tab, lf, vtab, ff and cr), and 0xfeff the BOM
* character.
String trim();
* Returns whether this string contains [other] starting
* at [startIndex] (inclusive).
bool contains(Pattern other, [int startIndex]);
* Returns a new string where the first occurence of [from] in this string
* is replaced with [to].
String replaceFirst(Pattern from, String to);
* Returns a new string where all occurences of [from] in this string
* are replaced with [to].
String replaceAll(Pattern from, String to);
* Splits the string around matches of [pattern]. Returns
* a list of substrings.
List<String> split(Pattern pattern);
* Returns a list of the characters of this string.
List<String> splitChars();
* Returns a list of the scalar character codes of this string.
List<int> get charCodes;
* If this string is not already all lower case, returns a new string
* where all characters are made lower case. Returns [:this:] otherwise.
String toLowerCase();
* If this string is not already all uper case, returns a new string
* where all characters are made upper case. Returns [:this:] otherwise.
String toUpperCase();