blob: 111d2a9b18a596e704a72e57cc22db6d0849bc37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
* This class is the public interface of a set. A set is a collection
* without duplicates.
abstract class Set<E> extends Collection<E> {
factory Set() => new _HashSetImpl<E>();
* Creates a [Set] that contains all elements of [other].
factory Set.from(Iterable<E> other) => new _HashSetImpl<E>.from(other);
* Returns true if [value] is in the set.
bool contains(E value);
* Adds [value] into the set. The method has no effect if
* [value] was already in the set.
void add(E value);
* Removes [value] from the set. Returns true if [value] was
* in the set. Returns false otherwise. The method has no effect
* if [value] value was not in the set.
bool remove(E value);
* Adds all the elements of the given collection to the set.
void addAll(Collection<E> collection);
* Removes all the elements of the given collection from the set.
void removeAll(Collection<E> collection);
* Returns true if [collection] contains all the elements of this
* collection.
bool isSubsetOf(Collection<E> collection);
* Returns true if this collection contains all the elements of
* [collection].
bool containsAll(Collection<E> collection);
* Returns a new set which is the intersection between this set and
* the given collection.
Set<E> intersection(Collection<E> other);
* Removes all elements in the set.
void clear();
abstract class HashSet<E> extends Set<E> {
factory HashSet() => new _HashSetImpl<E>();
* Creates a [Set] that contains all elements of [other].
factory HashSet.from(Iterable<E> other) => new _HashSetImpl<E>.from(other);
class _HashSetImpl<E> implements HashSet<E> {
_HashSetImpl() {
_backingMap = new _HashMapImpl<E, E>();
factory _HashSetImpl.from(Iterable<E> other) {
Set<E> set = new _HashSetImpl<E>();
for (final e in other) {
return set;
void clear() {
void add(E value) {
_backingMap[value] = value;
bool contains(E value) {
return _backingMap.containsKey(value);
bool remove(E value) {
if (!_backingMap.containsKey(value)) return false;
return true;
void addAll(Collection<E> collection) {
collection.forEach((E value) {
Set<E> intersection(Collection<E> collection) {
Set<E> result = new Set<E>();
collection.forEach((E value) {
if (contains(value)) result.add(value);
return result;
bool isSubsetOf(Collection<E> other) {
return new Set<E>.from(other).containsAll(this);
void removeAll(Collection<E> collection) {
collection.forEach((E value) {
bool containsAll(Collection<E> collection) {
return collection.every((E value) {
return contains(value);
void forEach(void f(E element)) {
_backingMap.forEach((E key, E value) {
Set map(f(E element)) {
Set result = new Set();
_backingMap.forEach((E key, E value) {
return result;
dynamic reduce(dynamic initialValue,
dynamic combine(dynamic previousValue, E element)) {
return Collections.reduce(this, initialValue, combine);
Set<E> filter(bool f(E element)) {
Set<E> result = new Set<E>();
_backingMap.forEach((E key, E value) {
if (f(key)) result.add(key);
return result;
bool every(bool f(E element)) {
Collection<E> keys = _backingMap.keys;
return keys.every(f);
bool some(bool f(E element)) {
Collection<E> keys = _backingMap.keys;
return keys.some(f);
bool get isEmpty {
return _backingMap.isEmpty;
int get length {
return _backingMap.length;
Iterator<E> iterator() {
return new _HashSetIterator<E>(this);
String toString() {
return Collections.collectionToString(this);
// The map backing this set. The associations in this map are all
// of the form element -> element. If a value is not in the map,
// then it is not in the set.
_HashMapImpl<E, E> _backingMap;
class _HashSetIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
// TODO(4504458): Replace set_ with set.
_HashSetIterator(_HashSetImpl<E> set_)
: _nextValidIndex = -1,
_entries = set_._backingMap._keys {
bool get hasNext {
if (_nextValidIndex >= _entries.length) return false;
if (identical(_entries[_nextValidIndex], _HashMapImpl._DELETED_KEY)) {
// This happens in case the set was modified in the meantime.
// A modification on the set may make this iterator misbehave,
// but we should never return the sentinel.
return _nextValidIndex < _entries.length;
E next() {
if (!hasNext) {
throw new StateError("No more elements");
E res = _entries[_nextValidIndex];
return res;
void _advance() {
int length = _entries.length;
var entry;
final deletedKey = _HashMapImpl._DELETED_KEY;
do {
if (++_nextValidIndex >= length) break;
entry = _entries[_nextValidIndex];
} while ((entry == null) || identical(entry, deletedKey));
// The entries in the set. May contain null or the sentinel value.
List<E> _entries;
// The next valid index in [_entries] or the length of [entries_].
// If it is the length of [_entries], calling [hasNext] on the
// iterator will return false.
int _nextValidIndex;