blob: a9ddf7377d7c81ac06d82bf26a4390296843985b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for testing static const fields.
abstract class Spain {
static const AG = "Antoni Gaudi";
static const SD = "Salvador Dali";
abstract class Switzerland {
static const AG = "Alberto Giacometti";
static const LC = "Le Corbusier";
class A implements Switzerland {
const A() : n = 5;
final n;
static const a = const A();
static const b = 3 + 5;
static const c = A.b + 7;
static const d = const A();
static const s1 = "hula";
static const s2 = "hula";
static const s3 = "hop";
static const d1 = 1.1;
static const d2 = 0.55 + 0.55;
static const artist2 = Switzerland.AG;
static const architect1 = Spain.AG;
static const array1 = const <int>[1, 2];
static const map1 = const {"Monday": 1, "Tuesday": 2, };
class StaticFinalFieldTest {
static testMain() {
Expect.equals(15, A.c);
Expect.equals(8, A.b);
Expect.equals(5, A.a.n);
Expect.equals(true, 8 === A.b);
Expect.equals(true, A.a === A.d);
Expect.equals(true, A.s1 === A.s2);
Expect.equals(false, A.s1 === A.s3);
Expect.equals(false, A.s1 === A.b);
Expect.equals(true, A.d1 === A.d2);
Expect.equals(true, Spain.SD == "Salvador Dali");
Expect.equals(true, A.artist2 == "Alberto Giacometti");
Expect.equals(true, A.architect1 == "Antoni Gaudi");
Expect.equals(2, A.map1["Tuesday"]);
main() {