blob: fc8c724fe811a3f356cdc5af6226addb9a159f13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that SVG is present in dart:html API
main() {
test('simpleRect', () {
var div = new Element.tag('div');
div.innerHTML = r'''
<svg id='svg1' width='200' height='100'>
<rect id='rect1' x='10' y='20' width='130' height='40' rx='5'fill='blue'></rect>
var e = document.query('#svg1');
Expect.isTrue(e != null);
SVGRectElement r = document.query('#rect1');
Expect.equals(10, r.x.baseVal.value);
Expect.equals(20, r.y.baseVal.value);
Expect.equals(40, r.height.baseVal.value);
Expect.equals(130, r.width.baseVal.value);
Expect.equals(5, r.rx.baseVal.value);
test('trailing newline', () {
// Ensures that we handle SVG with trailing newlines.
var logo = new SVGElement.svg("""
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">
expect(logo is SVGElement, true);