blob: 48b216f71e877748c1583ca56e876d8adc3a4ade [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_PAGES_H_
#define VM_PAGES_H_
#include <map>
#include "vm/freelist.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/virtual_memory.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Heap;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
// An aligned page containing old generation objects. Alignment is used to be
// able to get to a HeapPage header quickly based on a pointer to an object.
class HeapPage {
HeapPage* next() const { return next_; }
void set_next(HeapPage* next) { next_ = next; }
bool Contains(uword addr) {
return memory_->Contains(addr);
uword start() const { return reinterpret_cast<uword>(this); }
uword end() const { return memory_->end(); }
uword top() const { return top_; }
void set_top(uword top) { top_ = top; }
uword first_object_start() const {
return (reinterpret_cast<uword>(this) + sizeof(HeapPage));
void set_used(uword used) { used_ = used; }
uword used() const { return used_; }
void AddUsed(uword size) {
used_ += size;
uword TryBumpAllocate(intptr_t size) {
uword result = top();
intptr_t remaining_space = end() - result;
if (remaining_space < size) {
return 0;
set_top(result + size);
return result;
void VisitObjects(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor) const;
RawObject* FindObject(FindObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void WriteProtect(bool read_only);
static HeapPage* Initialize(VirtualMemory* memory, bool is_executable);
static HeapPage* Allocate(intptr_t size, bool is_executable);
// Deallocate the virtual memory backing this page. The page pointer to this
// page becomes immediately inaccessible.
void Deallocate();
VirtualMemory* memory_;
HeapPage* next_;
uword used_;
uword top_;
friend class PageSpace;
// The history holds the timing information of the last garbage collection
// runs.
class PageSpaceGarbageCollectionHistory {
~PageSpaceGarbageCollectionHistory() {}
void AddGarbageCollectionTime(int64_t start, int64_t end);
int GarbageCollectionTimeFraction();
static const intptr_t kHistoryLength = 4;
int64_t start_[kHistoryLength];
int64_t end_[kHistoryLength];
intptr_t index_;
// If GC is able to reclaim more than heap_growth_ratio (in percent) memory
// and if the relative GC time is below a given threshold,
// then the heap is not grown when the next GC decision is made.
// PageSpaceController controls the heap size.
class PageSpaceController {
PageSpaceController(int heap_growth_ratio,
int heap_growth_rate,
int garbage_collection_time_ratio);
bool CanGrowPageSpace(intptr_t size_in_bytes);
// A garbage collection is considered as successful if more than
// heap_growth_ratio % of memory got deallocated by the garbage collector.
// In this case garbage collection will be performed next time. Otherwise
// the heap will grow.
void EvaluateGarbageCollection(intptr_t in_use_before, intptr_t in_use_after,
int64_t start, int64_t end);
void Enable() {
is_enabled_ = true;
bool is_enabled_;
// Heap growth control variable.
uword grow_heap_;
// If the garbage collector was not able to free more than heap_growth_ratio_
// memory, then the heap is grown. Otherwise garbage collection is performed.
int heap_growth_ratio_;
// The desired percent of heap in-use after a garbage collection.
// Equivalent to \frac{100-heap_growth_ratio_}{100}.
double desired_utilization_;
// Number of pages we grow.
int heap_growth_rate_;
// If the relative GC time stays below garbage_collection_time_ratio_
// garbage collection can be performed.
int garbage_collection_time_ratio_;
PageSpaceGarbageCollectionHistory history_;
class PageSpace {
// TODO(iposva): Determine heap sizes and tune the page size accordingly.
static const intptr_t kPageSize = 256 * KB;
static const intptr_t kPageAlignment = kPageSize;
enum GrowthPolicy {
PageSpace(Heap* heap, intptr_t max_capacity, bool is_executable = false);
uword TryAllocate(intptr_t size);
uword TryAllocate(intptr_t size, GrowthPolicy growth_policy);
intptr_t in_use() const { return in_use_; }
intptr_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
bool Contains(uword addr) const;
bool IsValidAddress(uword addr) const {
return Contains(addr);
static bool IsPageAllocatableSize(intptr_t size) {
return size <= kAllocatablePageSize;
void VisitObjects(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor) const;
RawObject* FindObject(FindObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
// Collect the garbage in the page space using mark-sweep.
void MarkSweep(bool invoke_api_callbacks, const char* gc_reason);
static HeapPage* PageFor(RawObject* raw_obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<HeapPage*>(
RawObject::ToAddr(raw_obj) & ~(kPageSize -1));
void StartEndAddress(uword* start, uword* end) const;
void EnableGrowthControl() {
void WriteProtect(bool read_only);
typedef std::map<RawObject*, void*> PeerTable;
void SetPeer(RawObject* raw_obj, void* peer);
void* GetPeer(RawObject* raw_obj);
int64_t PeerCount() const;
PeerTable* GetPeerTable() { return &peer_table_; }
static const intptr_t kAllocatablePageSize = kPageSize - sizeof(HeapPage);
void AllocatePage();
void FreePage(HeapPage* page, HeapPage* previous_page);
HeapPage* AllocateLargePage(intptr_t size);
void FreeLargePage(HeapPage* page, HeapPage* previous_page);
void FreePages(HeapPage* pages);
static intptr_t LargePageSizeFor(intptr_t size);
bool CanIncreaseCapacity(intptr_t increase) {
ASSERT(capacity_ <= max_capacity_);
return increase <= (max_capacity_ - capacity_);
uword TryBumpAllocate(intptr_t size);
FreeList freelist_;
Heap* heap_;
HeapPage* pages_;
HeapPage* pages_tail_;
HeapPage* large_pages_;
PeerTable peer_table_;
// Page being used for bump allocation.
// The value has different meanings:
// NULL: Still bump allocating from last allocated fresh page.
// !NULL: Last page that had enough room to bump allocate, when we reach the
// tail page, we give up bump allocating.
HeapPage* bump_page_;
// Various sizes being tracked for this generation.
intptr_t max_capacity_;
intptr_t capacity_;
intptr_t in_use_;
// Old-gen GC cycle count.
int count_;
bool is_executable_;
// Keep track whether a MarkSweep is currently running.
bool sweeping_;
PageSpaceController page_space_controller_;
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_PAGES_H_