blob: 1d5afe2bde5590056bb62ed75d0cea81a34abe2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph.h"
namespace dart {
template <typename T> class GrowableArray;
template <typename T> class DirectChainedHashMap;
class FlowGraphOptimizer : public FlowGraphVisitor {
explicit FlowGraphOptimizer(FlowGraph* flow_graph)
: FlowGraphVisitor(flow_graph->reverse_postorder()),
flow_graph_(flow_graph) { }
virtual ~FlowGraphOptimizer() {}
void ApplyICData();
void OptimizeComputations();
void EliminateDeadPhis();
void SelectRepresentations();
void PropagateSminess();
void InferSmiRanges();
virtual void VisitStaticCall(StaticCallInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitInstanceCall(InstanceCallInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitRelationalOp(RelationalOpInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitEqualityCompare(EqualityCompareInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitBranch(BranchInstr* instr);
void InsertBefore(Instruction* next,
Instruction* instr,
Environment* env,
Definition::UseKind use_kind);
bool TryReplaceWithArrayOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool TryReplaceWithBinaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool TryReplaceWithUnaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool TryInlineInstanceGetter(InstanceCallInstr* call);
bool TryInlineInstanceSetter(InstanceCallInstr* call);
bool TryInlineInstanceMethod(InstanceCallInstr* call);
void AddCheckClass(InstanceCallInstr* call, Value* value);
void InsertAfter(Instruction* prev,
Instruction* instr,
Environment* env,
Definition::UseKind use_kind);
void InsertConversionsFor(Definition* def);
void InsertConversion(Representation from,
Representation to,
Instruction* instr,
Value* use,
Definition* def,
Instruction* deopt_target);
bool InstanceCallNeedsClassCheck(InstanceCallInstr* call) const;
void InlineImplicitInstanceGetter(InstanceCallInstr* call);
void InlineArrayLengthGetter(InstanceCallInstr* call,
intptr_t length_offset,
bool is_immutable);
void InlineGArrayCapacityGetter(InstanceCallInstr* call);
void InlineStringLengthGetter(InstanceCallInstr* call);
void InlineStringIsEmptyTester(InstanceCallInstr* call);
FlowGraph* flow_graph_;
class ParsedFunction;
class FlowGraphTypePropagator : public FlowGraphVisitor {
explicit FlowGraphTypePropagator(FlowGraph* flow_graph)
: FlowGraphVisitor(flow_graph->reverse_postorder()),
still_changing_(false) { }
virtual ~FlowGraphTypePropagator() { }
const ParsedFunction& parsed_function() const { return parsed_function_; }
void PropagateTypes();
virtual void VisitBlocks();
virtual void VisitAssertAssignable(AssertAssignableInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitAssertBoolean(AssertBooleanInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitInstanceOf(InstanceOfInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitGraphEntry(GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry);
virtual void VisitJoinEntry(JoinEntryInstr* join_entry);
virtual void VisitPhi(PhiInstr* phi);
virtual void VisitParameter(ParameterInstr* param);
virtual void VisitPushArgument(PushArgumentInstr* bind);
const ParsedFunction& parsed_function_;
FlowGraph* flow_graph_;
bool still_changing_;
// Loop invariant code motion.
class LICM : public AllStatic {
static void Optimize(FlowGraph* flow_graph);
static void Hoist(ForwardInstructionIterator* it,
BlockEntryInstr* pre_header,
Instruction* current);
static void TryHoistCheckSmiThroughPhi(ForwardInstructionIterator* it,
BlockEntryInstr* header,
BlockEntryInstr* pre_header,
CheckSmiInstr* current);
// A simple common subexpression elimination based
// on the dominator tree.
class DominatorBasedCSE : public AllStatic {
static void Optimize(FlowGraph* graph);
static void OptimizeRecursive(
BlockEntryInstr* entry,
DirectChainedHashMap<Instruction*>* map);
// Sparse conditional constant propagation and unreachable code elimination.
// Assumes that use lists are computed and preserves them.
class ConstantPropagator : public FlowGraphVisitor {
ConstantPropagator(FlowGraph* graph,
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& ignored);
static void Optimize(FlowGraph* graph);
// Used to initialize the abstract value of definitions.
static RawObject* Unknown() { return Object::transition_sentinel(); }
void Analyze();
void Transform();
void SetReachable(BlockEntryInstr* block);
void SetValue(Definition* definition, const Object& value);
// Assign the join (least upper bound) of a pair of abstract values to the
// first one.
void Join(Object* left, const Object& right);
bool IsUnknown(const Object& value) {
return value.raw() == unknown_.raw();
bool IsNonConstant(const Object& value) {
return value.raw() == non_constant_.raw();
bool IsConstant(const Object& value) {
return !IsNonConstant(value) && !IsUnknown(value);
virtual void VisitBlocks() { UNREACHABLE(); }
#define DECLARE_VISIT(type) virtual void Visit##type(type##Instr* instr);
FlowGraph* graph_;
// Sentinels for unknown constant and non-constant values.
const Object& unknown_;
const Object& non_constant_;
// Analysis results. For each block, a reachability bit. Indexed by
// preorder number.
BitVector* reachable_;
// Definitions can move up the lattice twice, so we use a mark bit to
// indicate that they are already on the worklist in order to avoid adding
// them again. Indexed by SSA temp index.
BitVector* definition_marks_;
// Worklists of blocks and definitions.
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*> block_worklist_;
GrowableArray<Definition*> definition_worklist_;
} // namespace dart