blob: 69b9e43f8d3edd53425b1b2dad95dc4382b6d41c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/deopt_instructions.h"
#include "vm/assembler_macros.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
#include "vm/locations.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
namespace dart {
DeoptimizationContext::DeoptimizationContext(intptr_t* to_frame_start,
intptr_t to_frame_size,
const Array& object_table,
intptr_t num_args)
: object_table_(object_table),
isolate_(Isolate::Current()) {
from_frame_ = isolate_->deopt_frame_copy();
from_frame_size_ = isolate_->deopt_frame_copy_size();
registers_copy_ = isolate_->deopt_cpu_registers_copy();
xmm_registers_copy_ = isolate_->deopt_xmm_registers_copy();
caller_fp_ = GetFromFp();
intptr_t DeoptimizationContext::GetFromFp() const {
return from_frame_[from_frame_size_ - 1 - num_args_ - 1];
intptr_t DeoptimizationContext::GetFromPc() const {
return from_frame_[from_frame_size_ - 1 - num_args_];
intptr_t DeoptimizationContext::GetCallerFp() const {
return caller_fp_;
void DeoptimizationContext::SetCallerFp(intptr_t caller_fp) {
caller_fp_ = caller_fp;
// Deoptimization instruction moving value from optimized frame at
// 'from_index' to specified slots in the unoptimized frame.
// 'from_index' represents the slot index of the frame (0 being first argument)
// and accounts for saved return address, frame pointer and pc marker.
class DeoptStackSlotInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptStackSlotInstr(intptr_t from_index)
: stack_slot_index_(from_index) {
ASSERT(stack_slot_index_ >= 0);
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return stack_slot_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCopyStackSlot; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
const char* format = "s%"Pd"";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, stack_slot_index_);
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len + 1, format, stack_slot_index_);
return chars;
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
intptr_t from_index =
deopt_context->from_frame_size() - stack_slot_index_ - 1;
intptr_t* from_addr = deopt_context->GetFromFrameAddressAt(from_index);
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*to_addr = *from_addr;
const intptr_t stack_slot_index_; // First argument is 0, always >= 0.
class DeoptDoubleStackSlotInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptDoubleStackSlotInstr(intptr_t from_index)
: stack_slot_index_(from_index) {
ASSERT(stack_slot_index_ >= 0);
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return stack_slot_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCopyDoubleStackSlot; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
const char* format = "ds%"Pd"";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, stack_slot_index_);
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len + 1, format, stack_slot_index_);
return chars;
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
intptr_t from_index =
deopt_context->from_frame_size() - stack_slot_index_ - 1;
double* from_addr = reinterpret_cast<double*>(
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(to_addr) = Smi::New(0);
*from_addr, reinterpret_cast<RawDouble**>(to_addr));
const intptr_t stack_slot_index_; // First argument is 0, always >= 0.
class DeoptInt64StackSlotInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptInt64StackSlotInstr(intptr_t from_index)
: stack_slot_index_(from_index) {
ASSERT(stack_slot_index_ >= 0);
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return stack_slot_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCopyInt64StackSlot; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
const char* format = "ms%"Pd"";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, stack_slot_index_);
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len + 1, format, stack_slot_index_);
return chars;
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
intptr_t from_index =
deopt_context->from_frame_size() - stack_slot_index_ - 1;
int64_t* from_addr = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(to_addr) = Smi::New(0);
if (Smi::IsValid64(*from_addr)) {
*to_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
} else {
*from_addr, reinterpret_cast<RawMint**>(to_addr));
const intptr_t stack_slot_index_; // First argument is 0, always >= 0.
// Deoptimization instruction creating return address using function and
// deopt-id stored at 'object_table_index'. Uses the deopt-after
// continuation point.
class DeoptRetAddrAfterInstr : public DeoptInstr {
DeoptRetAddrAfterInstr(intptr_t object_table_index, intptr_t deopt_id)
: object_table_index_(object_table_index), deopt_id_(deopt_id) {
ASSERT(object_table_index >= 0);
ASSERT(deopt_id >= 0);
explicit DeoptRetAddrAfterInstr(intptr_t from_index)
: object_table_index_(ObjectTableIndex::decode(from_index)),
deopt_id_(DeoptId::decode(from_index)) {
virtual intptr_t from_index() const {
return ObjectTableIndex::encode(object_table_index_) |
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kSetRetAfterAddress; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
const char* format = "ret aft oti:%"Pd"(%"Pd")";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, object_table_index_, deopt_id_);
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len + 1, format, object_table_index_, deopt_id_);
return chars;
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
Function& function = Function::Handle(deopt_context->isolate());
function ^= deopt_context->ObjectAt(object_table_index_);
const Code& code =
Code::Handle(deopt_context->isolate(), function.unoptimized_code());
uword continue_at_pc = code.GetDeoptAfterPcAtDeoptId(deopt_id_);
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*to_addr = continue_at_pc;
static const intptr_t kFieldWidth = kBitsPerWord / 2;
class ObjectTableIndex : public BitField<intptr_t, 0, kFieldWidth> { };
class DeoptId : public BitField<intptr_t, kFieldWidth, kFieldWidth> { };
const intptr_t object_table_index_;
const intptr_t deopt_id_;
// Deoptimization instruction creating return address using function and
// deopt-id stored at 'object_table_index'. Uses the deopt-before
// continuation point.
class DeoptRetAddrBeforeInstr : public DeoptInstr {
DeoptRetAddrBeforeInstr(intptr_t object_table_index, intptr_t deopt_id)
: object_table_index_(object_table_index), deopt_id_(deopt_id) {
ASSERT(object_table_index >= 0);
ASSERT(deopt_id_ >= 0);
explicit DeoptRetAddrBeforeInstr(intptr_t from_index)
: object_table_index_(ObjectTableIndex::decode(from_index)),
deopt_id_(DeoptId::decode(from_index)) {
virtual intptr_t from_index() const {
return ObjectTableIndex::encode(object_table_index_) |
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kSetRetBeforeAddress; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
const char* format = "ret bef oti:%"Pd"(%"Pd")";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, object_table_index_, deopt_id_);
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len + 1, format, object_table_index_, deopt_id_);
return chars;
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
Function& function = Function::Handle(deopt_context->isolate());
function ^= deopt_context->ObjectAt(object_table_index_);
const Code& code =
Code::Handle(deopt_context->isolate(), function.unoptimized_code());
uword continue_at_pc = code.GetDeoptBeforePcAtDeoptId(deopt_id_);
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*to_addr = continue_at_pc;
static const intptr_t kFieldWidth = kBitsPerWord / 2;
class ObjectTableIndex : public BitField<intptr_t, 0, kFieldWidth> { };
class DeoptId : public BitField<intptr_t, kFieldWidth, kFieldWidth> { };
const intptr_t object_table_index_;
const intptr_t deopt_id_;
// Deoptimization instruction moving a constant stored at 'object_table_index'.
class DeoptConstantInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptConstantInstr(intptr_t object_table_index)
: object_table_index_(object_table_index) {
ASSERT(object_table_index >= 0);
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return object_table_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCopyConstant; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
const char* format = "const oti:%"Pd"";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, object_table_index_);
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len + 1, format, object_table_index_);
return chars;
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(
deopt_context->isolate(), deopt_context->ObjectAt(object_table_index_));
RawObject** to_addr = reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(
*to_addr = obj.raw();
const intptr_t object_table_index_;
// Deoptimization instruction moving a CPU register.
class DeoptRegisterInstr: public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptRegisterInstr(intptr_t reg_as_int)
: reg_(static_cast<Register>(reg_as_int)) {}
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return static_cast<intptr_t>(reg_); }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCopyRegister; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Assembler::RegisterName(reg_);
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
intptr_t value = deopt_context->RegisterValue(reg_);
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*to_addr = value;
const Register reg_;
// Deoptimization instruction moving an XMM register.
class DeoptXmmRegisterInstr: public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptXmmRegisterInstr(intptr_t reg_as_int)
: reg_(static_cast<XmmRegister>(reg_as_int)) {}
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return static_cast<intptr_t>(reg_); }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCopyXmmRegister; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return Assembler::XmmRegisterName(reg_);
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
double value = deopt_context->XmmRegisterValue(reg_);
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(to_addr) = Smi::New(0);
value, reinterpret_cast<RawDouble**>(to_addr));
const XmmRegister reg_;
class DeoptInt64XmmRegisterInstr: public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptInt64XmmRegisterInstr(intptr_t reg_as_int)
: reg_(static_cast<XmmRegister>(reg_as_int)) {}
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return static_cast<intptr_t>(reg_); }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kCopyInt64XmmRegister; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
const char* format = "%s(m)";
intptr_t len =
OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, Assembler::XmmRegisterName(reg_));
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len + 1, format, Assembler::XmmRegisterName(reg_));
return chars;
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
int64_t value = deopt_context->XmmRegisterValueAsInt64(reg_);
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*reinterpret_cast<RawSmi**>(to_addr) = Smi::New(0);
if (Smi::IsValid64(value)) {
*to_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(
} else {
value, reinterpret_cast<RawMint**>(to_addr));
const XmmRegister reg_;
// Deoptimization instruction creating a PC marker for the code of
// function at 'object_table_index'.
class DeoptPcMarkerInstr : public DeoptInstr {
explicit DeoptPcMarkerInstr(intptr_t object_table_index)
: object_table_index_(object_table_index) {
ASSERT(object_table_index >= 0);
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return object_table_index_; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kSetPcMarker; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
const char* format = "pcmark oti:%"Pd"";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, object_table_index_);
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len + 1, format, object_table_index_);
return chars;
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
Function& function = Function::Handle(deopt_context->isolate());
function ^= deopt_context->ObjectAt(object_table_index_);
const Code& code =
Code::Handle(deopt_context->isolate(), function.unoptimized_code());
intptr_t pc_marker = code.EntryPoint() +
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*to_addr = pc_marker;
// Increment the deoptimization counter. This effectively increments each
// function occurring in the optimized frame.
function.set_deoptimization_counter(function.deoptimization_counter() + 1);
// Clear invocation counter so that hopefully the function gets reoptimized
// only after more feedback has been collected.
if (function.HasOptimizedCode()) function.SwitchToUnoptimizedCode();
intptr_t object_table_index_;
// Deoptimization instruction copying the caller saved FP from optimized frame.
class DeoptCallerFpInstr : public DeoptInstr {
DeoptCallerFpInstr() {}
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return 0; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kSetCallerFp; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return "callerfp";
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
intptr_t from = deopt_context->GetCallerFp();
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*to_addr = from;
// Deoptimization instruction copying the caller return address from optimized
// frame.
class DeoptCallerPcInstr : public DeoptInstr {
DeoptCallerPcInstr() {}
virtual intptr_t from_index() const { return 0; }
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const { return kSetCallerPc; }
virtual const char* ToCString() const {
return "callerpc";
void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context, intptr_t to_index) {
intptr_t from = deopt_context->GetFromPc();
intptr_t* to_addr = deopt_context->GetToFrameAddressAt(to_index);
*to_addr = from;
DeoptInstr* DeoptInstr::Create(intptr_t kind_as_int, intptr_t from_index) {
Kind kind = static_cast<Kind>(kind_as_int);
switch (kind) {
case kCopyStackSlot: return new DeoptStackSlotInstr(from_index);
case kCopyDoubleStackSlot: return new DeoptDoubleStackSlotInstr(from_index);
case kCopyInt64StackSlot: return new DeoptInt64StackSlotInstr(from_index);
case kSetRetAfterAddress: return new DeoptRetAddrAfterInstr(from_index);
case kSetRetBeforeAddress: return new DeoptRetAddrBeforeInstr(from_index);
case kCopyConstant: return new DeoptConstantInstr(from_index);
case kCopyRegister: return new DeoptRegisterInstr(from_index);
case kCopyXmmRegister: return new DeoptXmmRegisterInstr(from_index);
case kCopyInt64XmmRegister:
return new DeoptInt64XmmRegisterInstr(from_index);
case kSetPcMarker: return new DeoptPcMarkerInstr(from_index);
case kSetCallerFp: return new DeoptCallerFpInstr();
case kSetCallerPc: return new DeoptCallerPcInstr();
return NULL;
intptr_t DeoptInfoBuilder::FindOrAddObjectInTable(const Object& obj) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < object_table_.Length(); i++) {
if (object_table_.At(i) == obj.raw()) {
return i;
// Add object.
const intptr_t result = object_table_.Length();
return result;
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddReturnAddressBefore(const Function& function,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t to_index) {
const intptr_t object_table_index = FindOrAddObjectInTable(function);
ASSERT(to_index == instructions_.length());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptRetAddrBeforeInstr(object_table_index, deopt_id));
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddReturnAddressAfter(const Function& function,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t to_index) {
const intptr_t object_table_index = FindOrAddObjectInTable(function);
ASSERT(to_index == instructions_.length());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptRetAddrAfterInstr(object_table_index, deopt_id));
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddPcMarker(const Function& function,
intptr_t to_index) {
// Function object was already added by AddReturnAddress, find it.
intptr_t from_index = FindOrAddObjectInTable(function);
ASSERT(to_index == instructions_.length());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptPcMarkerInstr(from_index));
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddCopy(const Location& from_loc,
const Value& from_value,
const intptr_t to_index) {
DeoptInstr* deopt_instr = NULL;
if (from_loc.IsConstant()) {
intptr_t object_table_index = FindOrAddObjectInTable(from_loc.constant());
deopt_instr = new DeoptConstantInstr(object_table_index);
} else if (from_loc.IsRegister()) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptRegisterInstr(from_loc.reg());
} else if (from_loc.IsXmmRegister()) {
if (from_loc.representation() == Location::kDouble) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptXmmRegisterInstr(from_loc.xmm_reg());
} else {
ASSERT(from_loc.representation() == Location::kMint);
deopt_instr = new DeoptInt64XmmRegisterInstr(from_loc.xmm_reg());
} else if (from_loc.IsStackSlot()) {
intptr_t from_index = (from_loc.stack_index() < 0) ?
from_loc.stack_index() + num_args_ :
from_loc.stack_index() + num_args_ -
ParsedFunction::kFirstLocalSlotIndex + 1;
deopt_instr = new DeoptStackSlotInstr(from_index);
} else if (from_loc.IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
intptr_t from_index = (from_loc.stack_index() < 0) ?
from_loc.stack_index() + num_args_ :
from_loc.stack_index() + num_args_ -
ParsedFunction::kFirstLocalSlotIndex + 1;
if (from_loc.representation() == Location::kDouble) {
deopt_instr = new DeoptDoubleStackSlotInstr(from_index);
} else {
ASSERT(from_loc.representation() == Location::kMint);
deopt_instr = new DeoptInt64StackSlotInstr(from_index);
} else {
ASSERT(to_index == instructions_.length());
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddCallerFp(intptr_t to_index) {
ASSERT(to_index == instructions_.length());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptCallerFpInstr());
void DeoptInfoBuilder::AddCallerPc(intptr_t to_index) {
ASSERT(to_index == instructions_.length());
instructions_.Add(new DeoptCallerPcInstr());
RawDeoptInfo* DeoptInfoBuilder::CreateDeoptInfo() const {
const intptr_t len = instructions_.length();
const DeoptInfo& deopt_info = DeoptInfo::Handle(DeoptInfo::New(len));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
DeoptInstr* instr = instructions_[i];
deopt_info.SetAt(i, instr->kind(), instr->from_index());
return deopt_info.raw();
intptr_t DeoptTable::SizeFor(intptr_t length) {
return length * kEntrySize;
void DeoptTable::SetEntry(const Array& table,
intptr_t index,
const Smi& offset,
const DeoptInfo& info,
const Smi& reason) {
ASSERT((table.Length() % kEntrySize) == 0);
intptr_t i = index * kEntrySize;
table.SetAt(i, offset);
table.SetAt(i + 1, info);
table.SetAt(i + 2, reason);
intptr_t DeoptTable::GetLength(const Array& table) {
ASSERT((table.Length() % kEntrySize) == 0);
return table.Length() / kEntrySize;
void DeoptTable::GetEntry(const Array& table,
intptr_t index,
Smi* offset,
DeoptInfo* info,
Smi* reason) {
intptr_t i = index * kEntrySize;
*offset ^= table.At(i);
*info ^= table.At(i + 1);
*reason ^= table.At(i + 2);
} // namespace dart