blob: 2a55cc43b831299e0a186180af559448049be3ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _BaseDataInputStream {
abstract int available();
List<int> read([int len]) {
if (_closeCallbackCalled || _scheduledCloseCallback != null) return null;
int bytesToRead = available();
if (bytesToRead == 0) {
return null;
if (len !== null) {
if (len <= 0) {
throw new StreamException("Illegal length $len");
} else if (bytesToRead > len) {
bytesToRead = len;
return _read(bytesToRead);
int readInto(List<int> buffer, [int offset = 0, int len]) {
if (_closeCallbackCalled || _scheduledCloseCallback != null) return 0;
if (len === null) len = buffer.length;
if (offset < 0) throw new StreamException("Illegal offset $offset");
if (len < 0) throw new StreamException("Illegal length $len");
int bytesToRead = min(len, available());
return _readInto(buffer, offset, bytesToRead);
void pipe(OutputStream output, [bool close = true]) {
_pipe(this, output, close: close);
void close() {
bool get closed => _closeCallbackCalled;
void set onData(void callback()) {
_clientDataHandler = callback;
void set onClosed(void callback()) {
_clientCloseHandler = callback;
void set onError(void callback(e)) {
_clientErrorHandler = callback;
void _reportError(e) {
if (_clientErrorHandler != null) {
} else {
throw e;
abstract List<int> _read(int bytesToRead);
void _dataReceived() {
// More data has been received asynchronously. Perform the data
// handler callback now.
if (_clientDataHandler !== null) {
void _closeReceived() {
// Close indication has been received asynchronously. Perform the
// close callback now if all data has been delivered.
_streamMarkedClosed = true;
if (available() == 0) {
_closeCallbackCalled = true;
if (_clientCloseHandler !== null) _clientCloseHandler();
} else {
void _cancelScheduledDataCallback() {
if (_scheduledDataCallback != null) {
_scheduledDataCallback = null;
void _checkScheduleCallbacks() {
void issueDataCallback(Timer timer) {
_scheduledDataCallback = null;
if (_clientDataHandler !== null) {
void issueCloseCallback(Timer timer) {
_scheduledCloseCallback = null;
_closeCallbackCalled = true;
if (_clientCloseHandler !== null) _clientCloseHandler();
// Schedule data callback if there is more data to read. Schedule
// close callback once when all data has been read. Only schedule
// a new callback if the previous one has actually been called.
if (!_closeCallbackCalled) {
if (available() > 0) {
if (_scheduledDataCallback == null) {
_scheduledDataCallback = new Timer(0, issueDataCallback);
} else if (_streamMarkedClosed && _scheduledCloseCallback == null) {
_scheduledCloseCallback = new Timer(0, issueCloseCallback);
// When this is set to true the stream is marked closed. When a
// stream is marked closed no more data can arrive and the value
// from available is now all remaining data. If this is true and the
// value of available is zero the close handler is called.
bool _streamMarkedClosed = false;
// When this is set to true the close callback has been called and
// the stream is fully closed.
bool _closeCallbackCalled = false;
Timer _scheduledDataCallback;
Timer _scheduledCloseCallback;
Function _clientDataHandler;
Function _clientCloseHandler;
Function _clientErrorHandler;
void _pipe(InputStream input, OutputStream output, [bool close]) {
Function pipeDataHandler;
Function pipeCloseHandler;
Function pipeNoPendingWriteHandler;
Function _inputCloseHandler;
pipeDataHandler = () {
List<int> data;
while ((data = !== null) {
if (!output.write(data)) {
input.onData = null;
output.onNoPendingWrites = pipeNoPendingWriteHandler;
pipeCloseHandler = () {
if (close) output.close();
if (_inputCloseHandler !== null) {
pipeNoPendingWriteHandler = () {
input.onData = pipeDataHandler;
output.onNoPendingWrites = null;
_inputCloseHandler = input._clientCloseHandler;
input.onData = pipeDataHandler;
input.onClosed = pipeCloseHandler;
output.onNoPendingWrites = null;
class _BaseOutputStream {
bool writeString(String string, [Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF_8]) {
if (string.length > 0) {
// Encode and write data.
_StringEncoder encoder = _StringEncoders.encoder(encoding);
List<int> data = encoder.encodeString(string);
return write(data, copyBuffer: false);
return true;
void set onError(void callback(e)) {
_onError = callback;
void _reportError(e) {
if (_onError != null) {
} else {
throw e;
Function _onError;