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// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A Path, which is a String interpreted as a sequence of path segments,
* which are strings, separated by forward slashes.
* Paths are immutable wrappers of a String, that offer member functions for
* useful path manipulations and queries. Joining of paths and normalization
* interpret '.' and '..' in the usual way.
abstract class Path {
* Creates a Path from the String [source]. [source] is used as-is, so if
* the string does not consist of segments separated by forward slashes, the
* behavior may not be as expected. Paths are immutable.
factory Path(String source) => new _Path(source);
* Creates a Path from a String that uses the native filesystem's conventions.
* On Windows, this converts '\' to '/', and adds a '/' before a drive letter.
* A path starting with '/c:/' (or any other character instead of 'c') is
* treated specially. Backwards links ('..') cannot cancel the drive letter.
factory Path.fromNative(String source) => new _Path.fromNative(source);
* Is this path the empty string?
bool get isEmpty;
* Is this path an absolute path, beginning with a path separator?
bool get isAbsolute;
* Does this path end with a path separator?
bool get hasTrailingSeparator;
* Does this path contain no consecutive path separators, no segments that
* are '.' unless the path is exactly '.', and segments that are '..' only
* as the leading segments on a relative path?
bool get isCanonical;
* Make a path canonical by dropping segments that are '.', cancelling
* segments that are '..' with preceding segments, if possible,
* and combining consecutive path separators. Leading '..' segments
* are kept on relative paths, and dropped from absolute paths.
Path canonicalize();
* Joins the relative path [further] to this path. Canonicalizes the
* resulting joined path using [canonicalize],
* interpreting '.' and '..' as directory traversal commands, and removing
* consecutive path separators.
* If [further] is an absolute path, an IllegalArgument exception is thrown.
* Examples:
* `new Path('/a/b/c').join(new Path('d/e'))` returns the Path object
* containing `'a/b/c/d/e'`.
* `new Path('a/b/../c/').join(new Path('d/./e//')` returns the Path
* containing `'a/c/d/e/'`.
* `new Path('a/b/c').join(new Path('d/../../e')` returns the Path
* containing `'a/b/e'`.
* Note that the join operation does not drop the last segment of the
* base path, the way URL joining does. That would be accomplished with
* basepath.directoryPath.join(further).
* If you want to avoid joins that traverse
* parent directories in the base, you can check whether
* `further.canonicalize()` starts with '../' or equals '..'.
Path join(Path further);
* Returns a path [:relative:] such that
* [:base.join(relative) == this.canonicalize():].
* Throws an exception if such a path is impossible.
* For example, if [base] is '../../a/b' and [this] is '.'.
* The computation is independent of the file system and current directory.
Path relativeTo(Path base);
* Converts a path to a string using the native filesystem's conventions.
* On Windows, converts path separators to backwards slashes, and removes
* the leading path separator if the path starts with a drive specification.
* For most valid Windows paths, this should be the inverse of the
* constructor Path.fromNative.
String toNativePath();
* Returns the path as a string. If this path is constructed using
* new Path() or new Path.fromNative() on a non-Windows system, the
* returned value is the original string argument to the constructor.
String toString();
* Gets the segments of a Path. Paths beginning or ending with the
* path separator do not have leading or terminating empty segments.
* Other than that, the segments are just the result of splitting the
* path on the path separator.
* new Path('/a/b/c/d').segments() == ['a', 'b', 'c', d'];
* new Path(' foo bar //../') == [' foo bar ', '', '..'];
List<String> segments();
* Appends [finalSegment] to a path as a new segment. Adds a path separator
* between the path and [finalSegment] if the path does not already end in
* a path separator. The path is not canonicalized, and [finalSegment] may
* contain path separators.
Path append(String finalSegment);
* Drops the final path separator and whatever follows it from this Path,
* and returns the resulting Path object. If the only path separator in
* this Path is the first character, returns '/' instead of the empty string.
* If there is no path separator in the Path, returns the empty string.
* new Path('../images/dot.gif').directoryPath == '../images'
* new Path('/usr/geoffrey/www/').directoryPath == '/usr/geoffrey/www'
* new Path('lost_file_old').directoryPath == ''
* new Path('/src').directoryPath == '/'
* Note: new Path('/D:/src').directoryPath == '/D:'
Path get directoryPath;
* The part of the path after the last path separator, or the entire path if
* it contains no path separator.
* new Path('images/DSC_0027.jpg).filename == 'DSC_0027.jpg'
* new Path('users/fred/').filename == ''
String get filename;
* The part of [filename] before the last '.', or the entire filename if it
* contains no '.'. If [filename] is '.' or '..' it is unchanged.
* new Path('/c:/My Documents/Heidi.txt').filenameWithoutExtension
* would return 'Heidi'.
* new Path('not what I would call a path').filenameWithoutExtension
* would return 'not what I would call a path'.
String get filenameWithoutExtension;
* The part of [filename] after the last '.', or '' if [filename]
* contains no '.'. If [filename] is '.' or '..', returns ''.
* new Path('tiger.svg').extension == 'svg'
* new Path('/src/dart/dart_secrets').extension == ''
String get extension;