blob: cf31b2fa015796672aa876286e5205ed9e9702ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Check that JS types work.
import 'dart:js_interop';
import 'dart:js_interop_unsafe';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart'; // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
const isJSBackend = const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.library.html');
external void eval(String code);
external JSAny any;
external JSObject obj;
class SimpleObject {}
extension SimpleObjectExtension on SimpleObject {
external JSString get foo;
external JSFunction fun;
external JSString doFun(JSString a, JSString b);
external JSExportedDartFunction edf;
external JSArray arr;
external JSArray<JSNumber> arrN;
external JSBoxedDartObject edo;
external JSArrayBuffer buf;
external JSDataView dat;
external JSTypedArray tar;
external JSInt8Array ai8;
external JSUint8Array au8;
external JSUint8ClampedArray ac8;
external JSInt16Array ai16;
external JSUint16Array au16;
external JSInt32Array ai32;
external JSUint32Array au32;
external JSFloat32Array af32;
external JSFloat64Array af64;
external JSNumber nbr;
external JSBoolean boo;
external JSString str;
external JSSymbol symbol;
external JSSymbol createSymbol(String value);
extension on JSSymbol {
external String toStringExternal();
external JSBigInt bigInt;
external JSBigInt createBigInt(String value);
extension on JSBigInt {
external String toStringExternal();
external JSAny? nullAny;
external JSAny? undefinedAny;
external JSAny? definedNonNullAny;
class DartObject {
String get foo => 'bar';
confuse(x) => x;
void syncTests() {
globalThis.obj = {
'foo': 'bar',
}; = function(a, b) {
return globalThis.edf(a, b);
globalThis.nullAny = null;
globalThis.undefinedAny = undefined;
globalThis.definedNonNullAny = {};
// [JSObject]
expect(obj is JSObject, true);
expect(confuse(obj) is JSObject, true);
expect((obj as SimpleObject).foo.toDart, 'bar');
// [JSFunction]
expect(fun is JSFunction, true);
expect(confuse(fun) is JSFunction, true);
// [JSExportedDartFunction] <-> [Function]
edf = (JSString a, JSString b) {
return (a.toDart + b.toDart).toJS;
expect(doFun('foo'.toJS, 'bar'.toJS).toDart, 'foobar');
(edf.toDart as JSString Function(JSString, JSString))(
'foo'.toJS, 'bar'.toJS)
// Converting a non-function should throw.
Expect.throws(() => ('foo'.toJS as JSExportedDartFunction).toDart);
// [JSBoxedDartObject] <-> [Object]
edo = DartObject().toJSBox;
expect(edo is JSBoxedDartObject, true);
expect(confuse(edo) is JSBoxedDartObject, true);
expect(((edo as JSBoxedDartObject).toDart as DartObject).foo, 'bar');
expect(edo.instanceOfString('Object'), true);
// Functions should be boxed without assertInterop.
final concat = (String a, String b) => a + b;
edo = concat.toJSBox;
(edo.toDart as String Function(String, String))('foo', 'bar'), 'foobar');
// Should not box a non Dart-object.
Expect.throws(() => edo.toJSBox);
// [JSArray] <-> [List<JSAny?>]
final list = <JSAny?>[1.0.toJS, 'foo'.toJS];
arr = list.toJS;
expect(arr is JSArray, true);
expect(confuse(arr) is JSArray, true);
List<JSAny?> dartArr = arr.toDart;
expect((dartArr[0] as JSNumber).toDartDouble, 1.0);
expect((dartArr[1] as JSString).toDart, 'foo');
List<JSNumber> dartArrN = arrN.toDart;
if (isJSBackend) {
// Since lists on the JS backends are passed by ref, we only create a
// cast-list if there's a downcast needed.
expect(dartArr, list);
Expect.notEquals(dartArrN, list);
Expect.throwsTypeError(() => dartArrN[1]);
} else {
// On dart2wasm, we always create a new list using JSArrayImpl.
Expect.notEquals(dartArr, list);
Expect.notEquals(dartArrN, list);
// [JSArray<T>] <-> [List<T>]
final listN = <JSNumber>[1.0.toJS, 2.0.toJS];
arrN = listN.toJS;
expect(arrN is JSArray<JSNumber>, true);
expect(confuse(arrN) is JSArray<JSNumber>, true);
dartArr = arr.toDart;
dartArrN = arrN.toDart;
if (isJSBackend) {
// A cast-list should not be introduced if the the array is already the
// right list type.
expect(dartArr, listN);
expect(dartArrN, listN);
} else {
Expect.notEquals(dartArr, list);
Expect.notEquals(dartArrN, list);
// [ArrayBuffer] <-> [ByteBuffer]
buf = Uint8List.fromList([0, 255, 0, 255]).buffer.toJS;
expect(buf is JSArrayBuffer, true);
expect(confuse(buf) is JSArrayBuffer, true);
ByteBuffer dartBuf = buf.toDart;
expect(dartBuf.asUint8List(), equals([0, 255, 0, 255]));
// [DataView] <-> [ByteData]
dat = Uint8List.fromList([0, 255, 0, 255]).buffer.asByteData().toJS;
expect(dat is JSDataView, true);
expect(confuse(dat) is JSDataView, true);
ByteData dartDat = dat.toDart;
expect(dartDat.getUint8(0), 0);
expect(dartDat.getUint8(1), 255);
// [TypedArray]s <-> [TypedData]s
// Int8
ai8 = Int8List.fromList([-128, 0, 127]).toJS;
expect(ai8 is JSInt8Array, true);
expect(confuse(ai8) is JSInt8Array, true);
Int8List dartAi8 = ai8.toDart;
expect(dartAi8, equals([-128, 0, 127]));
// Uint8
au8 = Uint8List.fromList([-1, 0, 255, 256]).toJS;
expect(au8 is JSUint8Array, true);
expect(confuse(au8) is JSUint8Array, true);
Uint8List dartAu8 = au8.toDart;
expect(dartAu8, equals([255, 0, 255, 0]));
// Uint8Clamped
ac8 = Uint8ClampedList.fromList([-1, 0, 255, 256]).toJS;
expect(ac8 is JSUint8ClampedArray, true);
expect(confuse(ac8) is JSUint8ClampedArray, true);
Uint8ClampedList dartAc8 = ac8.toDart;
expect(dartAc8, equals([0, 0, 255, 255]));
// Int16
ai16 = Int16List.fromList([-32769, -32768, 0, 32767, 32768]).toJS;
expect(ai16 is JSInt16Array, true);
expect(confuse(ai16) is JSInt16Array, true);
Int16List dartAi16 = ai16.toDart;
expect(dartAi16, equals([32767, -32768, 0, 32767, -32768]));
// Uint16
au16 = Uint16List.fromList([-1, 0, 65535, 65536]).toJS;
expect(au16 is JSUint16Array, true);
expect(confuse(au16) is JSUint16Array, true);
Uint16List dartAu16 = au16.toDart;
expect(dartAu16, equals([65535, 0, 65535, 0]));
// Int32
ai32 = Int32List.fromList([-2147483648, 0, 2147483647]).toJS;
expect(ai32 is JSInt32Array, true);
expect(confuse(ai32) is JSInt32Array, true);
Int32List dartAi32 = ai32.toDart;
expect(dartAi32, equals([-2147483648, 0, 2147483647]));
// Uint32
au32 = Uint32List.fromList([-1, 0, 4294967295, 4294967296]).toJS;
expect(au32 is JSUint32Array, true);
expect(confuse(au32) is JSUint32Array, true);
Uint32List dartAu32 = au32.toDart;
expect(dartAu32, equals([4294967295, 0, 4294967295, 0]));
// Float32
af32 = Float32List.fromList([-1000.488, -0.00001, 0.0001, 10004.888]).toJS;
expect(af32 is JSFloat32Array, true);
expect(confuse(af32) is JSFloat32Array, true);
Float32List dartAf32 = af32.toDart;
equals(Float32List.fromList([-1000.488, -0.00001, 0.0001, 10004.888])));
// Float64
af64 = Float64List.fromList([-1000.488, -0.00001, 0.0001, 10004.888]).toJS;
expect(af64 is JSFloat64Array, true);
expect(confuse(af64) is JSFloat64Array, true);
Float64List dartAf64 = af64.toDart;
expect(dartAf64, equals([-1000.488, -0.00001, 0.0001, 10004.888]));
// [JSNumber] <-> [double]
nbr = 4.5.toJS;
expect(nbr is JSNumber, true);
expect(confuse(nbr) is JSNumber, true);
double dartNbr = nbr.toDartDouble;
expect(dartNbr, 4.5);
// [JSBoolean] <-> [bool]
boo = true.toJS;
expect(boo is JSBoolean, true);
expect(confuse(boo) is JSBoolean, true);
bool dartBoo = boo.toDart;
expect(dartBoo, true);
// [JSString] <-> [String]
str = 'foo'.toJS;
expect(str is JSString, true);
expect(confuse(str) is JSString, true);
String dartStr = str.toDart;
expect(dartStr, 'foo');
// [JSSymbol]
symbol = createSymbol('foo');
expect(symbol is JSSymbol, true);
expect(confuse(symbol) is JSSymbol, true);
expect(symbol.toStringExternal(), 'Symbol(foo)');
// [JSBigInt]
bigInt = createBigInt('9876543210000000000000123456789');
expect(bigInt is JSBigInt, true);
expect(confuse(bigInt) is JSBigInt, true);
expect(bigInt.toStringExternal(), '9876543210000000000000123456789');
// null and undefined can flow into `JSAny?`.
// TODO(srujzs): Remove the `isJSBackend` checks when `JSNull` and
// `JSUndefined` can be distinguished on dart2wasm.
if (isJSBackend) {
expect(nullAny.isNull, true);
expect(nullAny.isUndefined, false);
expect(nullAny, null);
expect(nullAny.isUndefinedOrNull, true);
expect(nullAny.isDefinedAndNotNull, false);
expect(nullAny.typeofEquals('object'), true);
if (isJSBackend) {
expect(undefinedAny.isNull, false);
expect(undefinedAny.isUndefined, true);
expect(undefinedAny.isUndefinedOrNull, true);
expect(undefinedAny.isDefinedAndNotNull, false);
if (isJSBackend) {
expect(undefinedAny.typeofEquals('undefined'), true);
expect(definedNonNullAny.isNull, false);
expect(definedNonNullAny.isUndefined, false);
} else {
expect(undefinedAny.typeofEquals('object'), true);
expect(definedNonNullAny.isUndefinedOrNull, false);
expect(definedNonNullAny.isDefinedAndNotNull, true);
expect(definedNonNullAny.typeofEquals('object'), true);
external JSPromise<T> getResolvedPromise<T extends JSAny?>();
external JSPromise<T> getRejectedPromise<T extends JSAny?>();
external JSPromise<T> resolvePromiseWithNullOrUndefined<T extends JSAny?>(
bool resolveWithNull);
external JSPromise<T> rejectPromiseWithNullOrUndefined<T extends JSAny?>(
bool resolveWithNull);
Future<void> asyncTests() async {
globalThis.getResolvedPromise = function() {
return Promise.resolve('resolved');
globalThis.getRejectedPromise = function() {
return Promise.reject(new Error('rejected'));
globalThis.resolvePromiseWithNullOrUndefined = function(resolveWithNull) {
return Promise.resolve(resolveWithNull ? null : undefined);
globalThis.rejectPromiseWithNullOrUndefined = function(rejectWithNull) {
return Promise.reject(rejectWithNull ? null : undefined);
// [JSPromise] -> [Future].
// Test resolution.
final f = getResolvedPromise().toDart;
expect(((await f) as JSString).toDart, 'resolved');
// Test resolution with generics.
final f = getResolvedPromise<JSString>().toDart;
expect((await f).toDart, 'resolved');
// Test resolution with incorrect type.
// TODO(54214): This type error is not caught in the JS compilers correctly.
// {
// try {
// final f = getResolvedPromise<JSNumber>().toDart;
// final jsNum = await f;
// // TODO(54179): This should be a `jsNum.toDart` call, but currently we try
// // to coerce all extern refs into primitive types in this conversion
// // method. Change this once that bug is fixed.
// if (!jsNum.typeofEquals('number')) throw TypeError();
// fail('Expected resolution or use of type to throw.');
// } catch (e) {
// expect(e is TypeError, true);
// }
// }
// Test rejection.
try {
await getRejectedPromise().toDart;
fail('Expected rejected promise to throw.');
} catch (e) {
final jsError = e as JSObject;
expect(jsError.toString(), 'Error: rejected');
// Test rejection with generics.
try {
await getRejectedPromise<JSString>().toDart;
fail('Expected rejected promise to throw.');
} catch (e) {
final jsError = e as JSObject;
expect(jsError.toString(), 'Error: rejected');
// Test resolution Promise chaining.
bool didThen = false;
final f = getResolvedPromise().toDart.then((resolved) {
expect((resolved as JSString).toDart, 'resolved');
didThen = true;
return null;
await f;
expect(didThen, true);
// Test rejection Promise chaining.
final f = getRejectedPromise().toDart.then((_) {
fail('Expected rejected promise to throw.');
return null;
}, onError: (e) {
final jsError = e as JSObject;
expect(jsError.toString(), 'Error: rejected');
await f;
// Test resolving generic promise with null and undefined.
Future<void> testResolveWithNullOrUndefined<T extends JSAny?>(
bool resolveWithNull) async {
final f = resolvePromiseWithNullOrUndefined<T>(resolveWithNull).toDart;
expect(await f, null);
await testResolveWithNullOrUndefined(true);
await testResolveWithNullOrUndefined(false);
await testResolveWithNullOrUndefined<JSNumber?>(true);
await testResolveWithNullOrUndefined<JSNumber?>(false);
// Test rejecting generic promise with null and undefined should trigger an
// exception.
Future<void> testRejectionWithNullOrUndefined<T extends JSAny?>(
bool rejectWithNull) async {
try {
await rejectPromiseWithNullOrUndefined<T>(rejectWithNull).toDart;
fail('Expected rejected promise to throw.');
} catch (e) {
expect(e is NullRejectionException, true);
await testRejectionWithNullOrUndefined(true);
await testRejectionWithNullOrUndefined(false);
await testRejectionWithNullOrUndefined<JSNumber?>(true);
await testRejectionWithNullOrUndefined<JSNumber?>(false);
// [Future] -> [JSPromise].
// Test resolution.
final f = Future<JSAny?>(() => 'resolved'.toJS).toJS.toDart;
expect(((await f) as JSString).toDart, 'resolved');
// Test resolution with generics.
final f = Future<JSString>(() => 'resolved'.toJS).toJS.toDart;
expect((await f).toDart, 'resolved');
// Test resolution with incorrect types. Depending on the backend and the type
// test, the promise may throw when its resolved or when the resolved value is
// internalized.
// TODO(54214): These type errors are not caught in the JS compilers
// correctly.
// {
// try {
// final f =
// (Future<JSString>(() => 'resolved'.toJS).toJS as JSPromise<JSBoolean>)
// .toDart;
// final jsBool = await f;
// // TODO(54179): This should be a `jsBool.toDart` call, but currently we
// // try to coerce all extern refs into primitive types in this conversion
// // method. Change this once that bug is fixed.
// if (!jsBool.typeofEquals('boolean')) throw TypeError();
// fail('Expected resolution or use of type to throw.');
// } catch (e) {
// expect(e is TypeError, true);
// }
// // Incorrect nullability.
// try {
// final f =
// (Future<JSString?>(() => null).toJS as JSPromise<JSString>).toDart;
// await f;
// fail('Expected incorrect nullability to throw.');
// } catch (e) {
// expect(e is TypeError, true);
// }
// }
// Test rejection.
try {
await Future<JSAny?>(() => throw Exception()).toJS.toDart;
fail('Expected future to throw.');
} catch (e) {
expect(e is JSObject, true);
final jsError = e as JSObject;
expect(jsError.instanceof(globalContext['Error'] as JSFunction), true);
expect((jsError['error'] as JSBoxedDartObject).toDart is Exception, true);
StackTrace.fromString((jsError['stack'] as JSString).toDart);
// [Future<void>] -> [JSPromise].
// Test resolution.
var compute = false;
final f = Future<void>(() {
compute = true;
await f;
expect(compute, true);
// Test rejection.
try {
final f =
Future<void>(() => throw Exception()).toJS.toDart as Future<void>;
await f;
fail('Expected future to throw.');
} catch (e) {
expect(e is JSObject, true);
final jsError = e as JSObject;
expect(jsError.instanceof(globalContext['Error'] as JSFunction), true);
expect((jsError['error'] as JSBoxedDartObject).toDart is Exception, true);
StackTrace.fromString((jsError['stack'] as JSString).toDart);
void main() {
asyncTest(() async => await asyncTests());