blob: 2f13e0430b5b24885e6fd08ea4291a2afb9b2298 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Requirements=checked-implicit-downcasts
// Test that Function.toJS properly converts/casts arguments and return values
// when using non-JS types.
import 'dart:js_interop';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart'; // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
const isJSBackend = const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.library.html');
external void eval(String code);
external set jsFunction(JSFunction f);
external JSString stringF(JSString s);
external JSNumber numF(JSNumber n);
external JSBoolean boolF(JSBoolean b);
external void voidF(JSString s);
external JSAny? anyF([JSAny? n]);
external ExternalDartReference externalDartReferenceF(ExternalDartReference b);
external JSAny? callFunctionWithUndefined();
external JSAny? callFunctionWithJSNull();
void main() {
// Test primitive conversions.
jsFunction = ((String arg) => arg).toJS;
expect(stringF('stringF'.toJS).toDart, 'stringF');
Expect.throws(() => anyF(0.toJS));
jsFunction = ((int arg) => arg).toJS;
expect(numF(0.toJS).toDartInt, 0);
expect(numF(0.0.toJS).toDartInt, 0);
Expect.throws(() => numF(0.1.toJS));
Expect.throws(() => anyF(true.toJS));
jsFunction = ((double arg) => arg).toJS;
expect(numF(0.toJS).toDartDouble, 0.0);
expect(numF(0.0.toJS).toDartDouble, 0.0);
expect(numF(0.1.toJS).toDartDouble, 0.1);
Expect.throws(() => anyF(true.toJS));
jsFunction = ((num arg) => arg).toJS;
expect(numF(0.toJS).toDartInt, 0);
expect(numF(0.0.toJS).toDartInt, 0);
expect(numF(0.1.toJS).toDartDouble, 0.1);
Expect.throws(() => anyF(true.toJS));
jsFunction = ((bool arg) => arg).toJS;
expect(boolF(true.toJS).toDart, true);
Expect.throws(() => anyF(''.toJS));
jsFunction = ((String arg) {}).toJS;
jsFunction = ((String arg) => arg).toJS;
// Test ExternalDartReference.
final set = {};
jsFunction = ((ExternalDartReference arg) => arg).toJS;
expect(externalDartReferenceF(set.toExternalReference).toDartObject, set);
// This doesn't fail for the same reason JS types don't fail - the value gets
// boxed.
// However, if we try to internalize it to the wrong value, that should fail.
jsFunction = ((ExternalDartReference arg) {
arg.toDartObject as Set;
// TODO(srujzs): On dart2wasm, this is a `RuntimeError: illegal cast` because
// of the call to `internalize`. Is there any way to first check that the
// value can be internalized and throw if not? Would that slow down the
// round-trip? Most likely, so just check the JS compilers for now.
if (isJSBackend) Expect.throws(() => anyF(''.toJS));
// Test nullability with JS null and JS undefined.
globalThis.callFunctionWithUndefined = function() {
return globalThis.jsFunction(undefined);
globalThis.callFunctionWithJSNull = function() {
return globalThis.jsFunction(null);
void expectNullPass(JSFunction f) {
jsFunction = f;
expect(anyF(null), null);
expect(callFunctionWithUndefined(), null);
expect(callFunctionWithJSNull(), null);
void expectNullFail(JSFunction f) {
if (hasSoundNullSafety) {
jsFunction = f;
Expect.throws(() => anyF(null));
Expect.throws(() => callFunctionWithUndefined());
Expect.throws(() => callFunctionWithJSNull());
expectNullPass(((String? arg) {
expect(arg, null);
return arg;
expectNullPass(((JSString? arg) {
expect(arg, null);
return arg;
expectNullFail(((String arg) => arg).toJS);
expectNullFail(((JSString arg) => arg).toJS);
// Test conversions with allowed type parameters.
void setBoundAnyFunction<T extends JSAny?>() {
jsFunction = ((T t) => t).toJS;
final zero = 0.toJS;
final empty = ''.toJS;
expect(anyF(null), null);
expect(anyF(zero), zero);
// TODO(srujzs): The commented out null checks do not throw. There should be a
// check within the body of the callback that the parameter is the right
// generic type, but there isn't.
// Expect.throws(() => anyF());
// Expect.throws(() => anyF(null));
expect(anyF(zero), zero);
// Expect.throws(() => anyF(null));
Expect.throws(() {
final any = anyF(empty);
// TODO(54179): Better way of writing this is to cast to JSNumber and
// convert, but currently that does not throw on dart2wasm.
if (!any.isA<JSNumber>()) throw TypeError();
expect(anyF(zero), zero);
void setBoundNonNullAnyFunction<T extends JSAny>() {
jsFunction = ((T t) => t).toJS;
Expect.throws(() => anyF());
if (hasSoundNullSafety) Expect.throws(() => anyF(null));
expect(anyF(zero), zero);
if (hasSoundNullSafety) Expect.throws(() => anyF(null));
Expect.throws(() {
final any = anyF(empty);
// TODO(54179): Better way of writing this is to cast to JSNumber and
// convert, but currently that does not throw on dart2wasm.
if (!any.isA<JSNumber>()) throw TypeError();
expect(anyF(zero), zero);
void setBoundJSNumberFunction<T extends JSNumber>() {
jsFunction = ((T t) => t).toJS;
Expect.throws(() => anyF());
if (hasSoundNullSafety) Expect.throws(() => anyF(null));
Expect.throws(() {
final any = anyF(empty);
// TODO(54179): Better way of writing this is to cast to JSNumber and
// convert, but currently that does not throw on dart2wasm.
if (!any.isA<JSNumber>()) throw TypeError();
expect(anyF(zero), zero);