blob: cc7939bb6b94a1294e352722fd3e0e7e835b1ba2 [file] [log] [blame]
library promise_reject_null_test;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:js/js_util.dart' show promiseToFuture, NullRejectionException;
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart'; // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
external void eval(String s);
external dynamic getRejectedPromise(v);
external void reject(v);
external dynamic getNewPromise();
void main() {
asyncTest(() async {
self.getNewPromise = function () {
return new Promise(function (_, reject) {
self.reject = reject;
// Rejected promise with a `null` value should trigger a
// `NullRejectionException`.
await promiseToFuture(getRejectedPromise(null)).then((_) {
fail("Expected promise to reject and not fulfill.");
}).catchError((e) {
expect(e is NullRejectionException, true);
expect(e.isUndefined, false);
// Similar to the above, except we reject using JS interop.
var future = promiseToFuture(getNewPromise()).then((_) {
fail("Expected promise to reject and not fulfill.");
}).catchError((e) {
expect(e is NullRejectionException, true);
expect(e.isUndefined, false);
await future;
// It's also possible to reject with `undefined`. Make sure that the
// exception correctly flags that case.
future = promiseToFuture(getNewPromise()).then((_) {
fail("Expected promise to reject and not fulfill.");
}).catchError((e) {
expect(e is NullRejectionException, true);
expect(e.isUndefined, true);
await future;