blob: 1e8474f8c0084340eb009e909dbadb7fa30db7f1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "include/dart_native_api.h"
#include "vm/message_handler.h"
namespace dart {
// A NativeMessageHandler accepts messages and dispatches them to
// native C handlers on worker threads. It will spawn up to
// |max_concurrency| worker threads which will handle incomming messages
// concurrently.
class NativeMessageHandler final : public PortHandler {
NativeMessageHandler(const char* name,
Dart_NativeMessageHandler func,
intptr_t max_concurrency);
~NativeMessageHandler() override;
const char* name() const override { return name_.get(); }
Dart_NativeMessageHandler func() const { return func_; }
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Check that it is safe to access this handler.
void CheckAccess() const override;
void OnPortClosed(Dart_Port port) override {}
Isolate* isolate() const override { return nullptr; }
// Posts a message on this handler's message queue.
// If before_events is true, then the message is enqueued before any pending
// events, but after any pending isolate library events.
void PostMessage(std::unique_ptr<Message> message,
bool before_events = false) override;
// Request deletion of the given handler once it is down with the currently
// running Dart_NativeMessageHandler callbacks. No new callbacks will be
// scheduled after this call.
// |handler| might be deleted synchronously if no callback is running,
// or it can be deleted later on a worker thread.
// |RequestDeletion| should be called after |Init| but before |Cleanup|.
// |Cleanup| will wait for all pending deletions to complete - which allows
// VM to shutdown cleanly.
static void RequestDeletion(NativeMessageHandler* handler);
void Shutdown() override;
static void Init();
static void Cleanup();
PortSet<PortSetEntry>* ports(PortMap::Locker& locker) override {
return nullptr;
static Monitor* monitor_;
static intptr_t pending_deletions_;
CStringUniquePtr name_;
const Dart_NativeMessageHandler func_;
ThreadPool pool_;
} // namespace dart