blob: 60712554652f07e3fb0d404f00c99fc726de2a3e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
#include "vm/constants.h"
namespace dart {
class MoveOperands;
class ParallelMoveResolver : public ValueObject {
// Schedule moves specified by the given parallel move and store the
// schedule on the parallel move itself.
void Resolve(ParallelMoveInstr* parallel_move);
// Build the initial list of moves.
void BuildInitialMoveList(ParallelMoveInstr* parallel_move);
// Perform the move at the moves_ index in question (possibly requiring
// other moves to satisfy dependencies).
void PerformMove(const InstructionSource& source, int index);
// Schedule a move and remove it from the move graph.
void AddMoveToSchedule(int index);
// Schedule a swap of two operands. The move from
// source to destination is removed from the move graph.
void AddSwapToSchedule(int index);
FlowGraphCompiler* compiler_;
// List of moves not yet resolved.
GrowableArray<MoveOperands> moves_;
enum class OpKind : uint8_t {
struct Op {
OpKind kind;
MoveOperands operands;
GrowableArray<Op> scheduled_ops_;
friend class MoveSchedule;
friend class ParallelMoveEmitter;
friend class FlowGraphDeserializer;
class ParallelMoveEmitter : public ValueObject {
ParallelMoveEmitter(FlowGraphCompiler* compiler,
ParallelMoveInstr* parallel_move)
: compiler_(compiler), parallel_move_(parallel_move) {}
void EmitNativeCode();
class ScratchFpuRegisterScope : public ValueObject {
ScratchFpuRegisterScope(ParallelMoveEmitter* emitter, FpuRegister blocked);
FpuRegister reg() const { return reg_; }
ParallelMoveEmitter* const emitter_;
FpuRegister reg_;
bool spilled_;
class TemporaryAllocator : public TemporaryRegisterAllocator {
TemporaryAllocator(ParallelMoveEmitter* emitter, Register blocked);
Register AllocateTemporary() override;
void ReleaseTemporary() override;
DEBUG_ONLY(bool DidAllocateTemporary() { return allocated_; })
virtual ~TemporaryAllocator() { ASSERT(reg_ == kNoRegister); }
ParallelMoveEmitter* const emitter_;
const Register blocked_;
Register reg_;
bool spilled_;
DEBUG_ONLY(bool allocated_ = false);
class ScratchRegisterScope : public ValueObject {
ScratchRegisterScope(ParallelMoveEmitter* emitter, Register blocked);
Register reg() const { return reg_; }
TemporaryAllocator allocator_;
Register reg_;
bool IsScratchLocation(Location loc);
intptr_t AllocateScratchRegister(Location::Kind kind,
uword blocked_mask,
intptr_t first_free_register,
intptr_t last_free_register,
bool* spilled);
void SpillScratch(Register reg);
void RestoreScratch(Register reg);
void SpillFpuScratch(FpuRegister reg);
void RestoreFpuScratch(FpuRegister reg);
// Generate the code for a move from source to destination.
void EmitMove(const MoveOperands& move);
void EmitSwap(const MoveOperands& swap);
// Verify the move list before performing moves.
void Verify();
// Helpers for non-trivial source-destination combinations that cannot
// be handled by a single instruction.
void MoveMemoryToMemory(const compiler::Address& dst,
const compiler::Address& src);
void Exchange(Register reg, const compiler::Address& mem);
void Exchange(const compiler::Address& mem1, const compiler::Address& mem2);
void Exchange(Register reg, Register base_reg, intptr_t stack_offset);
void Exchange(Register base_reg1,
intptr_t stack_offset1,
Register base_reg2,
intptr_t stack_offset2);
FlowGraphCompiler* const compiler_;
ParallelMoveInstr* parallel_move_;
intptr_t current_move_;
} // namespace dart