blob: 8c046a6ace675904eccde447d800934c137c6162 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/backend/loops.h"
#include "vm/bit_vector.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
namespace dart {
// Private class to perform induction variable analysis on a single loop
// or a full loop hierarchy. The analysis implementation is based on the
// paper by M. Gerlek et al. "Beyond Induction Variables: Detecting and
// Classifying Sequences Using a Demand-Driven SSA Form" (ACM Transactions
// on Programming Languages and Systems, Volume 17 Issue 1, Jan. 1995).
// The algorithm discovers and classifies definitions within loops that
// behave like induction variables, and attaches an InductionVar record
// to it (this mapping is stored in the loop data structure). The algorithm
// first finds strongly connected components in the flow graph and classifies
// each component as an induction when possible. Due to the descendant-first
// nature, classification happens "on-demand" (e.g. basic induction is
// classified before derived induction).
class InductionVarAnalysis : public ValueObject {
// Constructor to set up analysis phase.
explicit InductionVarAnalysis(const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& preorder)
: preorder_(preorder),
zone_(Thread::Current()->zone()) {}
// Detects induction variables on the full loop hierarchy.
void VisitHierarchy(LoopInfo* loop);
// Detects induction variables on a single loop.
void VisitLoop(LoopInfo* loop);
// An information node needed during SCC traversal that can
// reside in a map without any explicit memory allocation.
struct SCCInfo {
SCCInfo() : depth(-1), done(false) {}
explicit SCCInfo(intptr_t d) : depth(d), done(false) {}
intptr_t depth;
bool done;
bool operator!=(const SCCInfo& other) const {
return depth != other.depth || done != other.done;
bool operator==(const SCCInfo& other) const {
return depth == other.depth && done == other.done;
typedef RawPointerKeyValueTrait<Definition, SCCInfo> VisitKV;
// Traversal methods.
bool Visit(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def);
intptr_t VisitDescendant(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def);
void Classify(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def);
void ClassifySCC(LoopInfo* loop);
void ClassifyControl(LoopInfo* loop);
// Transfer methods. Compute how induction of the operands, if any,
// tranfers over the operation performed by the given definition.
InductionVar* TransferPhi(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def, intptr_t idx = -1);
InductionVar* TransferBinary(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def);
InductionVar* TransferUnary(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def);
// Solver methods. Compute how temporary meaning given to the
// definitions in a cycle transfer over the operation performed
// by the given definition.
InductionVar* SolvePhi(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def, intptr_t idx = -1);
InductionVar* SolveConstraint(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def,
InductionVar* init);
InductionVar* SolveBinary(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def,
InductionVar* init);
InductionVar* SolveUnary(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def, InductionVar* init);
// Lookup.
InductionVar* Lookup(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def);
InductionVar* LookupCycle(Definition* def);
// Arithmetic.
InductionVar* Add(InductionVar* x, InductionVar* y);
InductionVar* Sub(InductionVar* x, InductionVar* y);
InductionVar* Mul(InductionVar* x, InductionVar* y);
// Bookkeeping data (released when analysis goes out of scope).
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& preorder_;
GrowableArray<Definition*> stack_;
GrowableArray<Definition*> scc_;
GrowableArray<BranchInstr*> branches_;
DirectChainedHashMap<LoopInfo::InductionKV> cycle_;
DirectChainedHashMap<VisitKV> map_;
intptr_t current_index_;
Zone* zone_;
// Helper method that finds phi-index of the initial value
// that comes from a block outside the loop. Note that the
// algorithm still works if there are several of these.
static intptr_t InitIndex(LoopInfo* loop) {
BlockEntryInstr* header = loop->header();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < header->PredecessorCount(); ++i) {
if (!loop->Contains(header->PredecessorAt(i))) { // pick first
return i;
return -1;
// Helper method that determines if a definition is a constant.
static bool IsConstant(Definition* def, int64_t* val) {
if (def->IsConstant()) {
const Object& value = def->AsConstant()->value();
if (value.IsInteger()) {
*val = Integer::Cast(value).AsInt64Value(); // smi and mint
return true;
return false;
void InductionVarAnalysis::VisitHierarchy(LoopInfo* loop) {
for (; loop != nullptr; loop = loop->next_) {
void InductionVarAnalysis::VisitLoop(LoopInfo* loop) {
// Find strongly connected components (SSCs) in the SSA graph of this
// loop using Tarjan's algorithm. Due to the descendant-first nature,
// classification happens "on-demand".
current_index_ = 0;
for (BitVector::Iterator it(loop->blocks_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = preorder_[it.Current()];
ASSERT(block->loop_info() != nullptr);
if (block->loop_info() != loop) {
continue; // inner loop
// Visit phi-operations.
if (block->IsJoinEntry()) {
for (PhiIterator it(block->AsJoinEntry()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Visit(loop, it.Current());
// Visit instructions and collect branches.
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* instruction = it.Current();
Visit(loop, instruction->AsDefinition());
if (instruction->IsBranch()) {
// Classify loop control.
bool InductionVarAnalysis::Visit(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def) {
if (def == nullptr || map_.HasKey(def)) {
return false; // no def, or already visited
intptr_t d = ++current_index_;
map_.Insert(VisitKV::Pair(def, SCCInfo(d)));
// Visit all descendants.
intptr_t low = d;
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = def->InputCount(); i < n; i++) {
Value* input = def->InputAt(i);
if (input != nullptr) {
low = Utils::Minimum(low, VisitDescendant(loop, input->definition()));
// Lower or found SCC?
if (low < d) {
map_.Lookup(def)->value.depth = low;
} else {
// Pop the stack to build the SCC for classification.
while (!stack_.is_empty()) {
Definition* top = stack_.RemoveLast();
map_.Lookup(top)->value.done = true;
if (top == def) {
// Classify.
if (scc_.length() == 1) {
Classify(loop, scc_[0]);
} else {
ASSERT(scc_.length() > 1);
return true;
intptr_t InductionVarAnalysis::VisitDescendant(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def) {
// The traversal stops at anything not defined in this loop
// (either a loop invariant entry value defined outside the
// loop or an inner exit value defined by an inner loop).
if (def->GetBlock()->loop_info() != loop) {
return current_index_;
// Inspect descendant node.
if (!Visit(loop, def) && map_.Lookup(def)->value.done) {
return current_index_;
return map_.Lookup(def)->value.depth;
void InductionVarAnalysis::Classify(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def) {
// Classify different kind of instructions.
InductionVar* induc = nullptr;
if (loop->IsHeaderPhi(def)) {
intptr_t idx = InitIndex(loop);
induc = TransferPhi(loop, def, idx);
if (induc != nullptr) {
InductionVar* init = Lookup(loop, def->InputAt(idx)->definition());
// Wrap-around (except for unusual header phi(x,..,x) = x).
if (!init->IsEqual(induc)) {
induc =
new (zone_) InductionVar(InductionVar::kWrapAround, init, induc);
} else if (def->IsPhi()) {
induc = TransferPhi(loop, def);
} else if (def->IsBinaryIntegerOp()) {
induc = TransferBinary(loop, def);
} else if (def->IsUnaryIntegerOp()) {
induc = TransferUnary(loop, def);
} else {
Definition* orig = def->OriginalDefinitionIgnoreBoxingAndConstraints();
if (orig != def) {
induc = Lookup(loop, orig); // pass-through
// Successfully classified?
if (induc != nullptr) {
loop->AddInduction(def, induc);
void InductionVarAnalysis::ClassifySCC(LoopInfo* loop) {
intptr_t size = scc_.length();
// Find a header phi, usually at the end.
intptr_t p = -1;
for (intptr_t i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (loop->IsHeaderPhi(scc_[i])) {
p = i;
// Rotate header phi up front.
if (p >= 0) {
Definition* phi = scc_[p];
intptr_t idx = InitIndex(loop);
InductionVar* init = Lookup(loop, phi->InputAt(idx)->definition());
// Inspect remainder of the cycle. The cycle mapping assigns temporary
// meaning to instructions, seeded from the phi instruction and back.
// The init of the phi is passed as marker token to detect first use.
cycle_.Insert(LoopInfo::InductionKV::Pair(phi, init));
for (intptr_t i = 1, j = p; i < size; i++) {
if (++j >= size) j = 0;
Definition* def = scc_[j];
InductionVar* update = nullptr;
if (def->IsPhi()) {
update = SolvePhi(loop, def);
} else if (def->IsBinaryIntegerOp()) {
update = SolveBinary(loop, def, init);
} else if (def->IsUnaryIntegerOp()) {
update = SolveUnary(loop, def, init);
} else if (def->IsConstraint()) {
update = SolveConstraint(loop, def, init);
} else {
Definition* orig = def->OriginalDefinitionIgnoreBoxingAndConstraints();
if (orig != def) {
update = LookupCycle(orig); // pass-through
// Continue cycle?
if (update == nullptr) {
cycle_.Insert(LoopInfo::InductionKV::Pair(def, update));
// Success if all internal links (inputs to the phi that are along
// back-edges) received the same temporary meaning. The external
// link (initial value coming from outside the loop) is excluded
// while taking this join.
InductionVar* induc = SolvePhi(loop, phi, idx);
if (induc != nullptr) {
// Invariant means linear induction.
if (induc->kind_ == InductionVar::kInvariant) {
induc = new (zone_) InductionVar(InductionVar::kLinear, init, induc);
} else {
ASSERT(induc->kind_ == InductionVar::kPeriodic);
// Classify first phi and then the rest of the cycle "on-demand".
loop->AddInduction(phi, induc);
for (intptr_t i = 1, j = p; i < size; i++) {
if (++j >= size) j = 0;
Classify(loop, scc_[j]);
void InductionVarAnalysis::ClassifyControl(LoopInfo* loop) {
for (auto branch : branches_) {
// Proper comparison?
ComparisonInstr* compare = branch->comparison();
if (compare->InputCount() != 2) {
Token::Kind cmp = compare->kind();
// Proper loop exit? Express the condition in "loop while true" form.
TargetEntryInstr* ift = branch->true_successor();
TargetEntryInstr* iff = branch->false_successor();
if (loop->Contains(ift) && !loop->Contains(iff)) {
// ok as is
} else if (!loop->Contains(ift) && loop->Contains(iff)) {
cmp = Token::NegateComparison(cmp);
} else {
// Comparison against linear constant stride induction?
// Express the comparison such that induction appears left.
int64_t stride = 0;
auto left = compare->left()
auto right = compare->right()
InductionVar* x = Lookup(loop, left);
InductionVar* y = Lookup(loop, right);
if (InductionVar::IsLinear(x, &stride) && InductionVar::IsInvariant(y)) {
// ok as is
} else if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(x) &&
InductionVar::IsLinear(y, &stride)) {
InductionVar* tmp = x;
x = y;
y = tmp;
cmp = Token::FlipComparison(cmp);
} else {
// Safe, strict comparison for looping condition? Note that
// we reject symbolic bounds in non-strict looping conditions
// like i <= U as upperbound or i >= L as lowerbound since this
// could loop forever when U is kMaxInt64 or L is kMinInt64 under
// Dart's 64-bit wrap-around arithmetic. Non-unit strides could
// overshoot the bound with a wrap-around.
// TODO(ajcbik): accept more conditions when safe
switch (cmp) {
case Token::kLT:
// Accept i < U (i++).
if (stride == 1) break;
case Token::kGT:
// Accept i > L (i--).
if (stride == -1) break;
case Token::kLTE: {
// Accept i <= C (i++) as i < C + 1.
int64_t end = 0;
if (stride == 1 && InductionVar::IsConstant(y, &end) &&
end < kMaxInt64) {
y = new (zone_) InductionVar(end + 1);
case Token::kGTE: {
// Accept i >= C (i--) as i > C - 1.
int64_t end = 0;
if (stride == -1 && InductionVar::IsConstant(y, &end) &&
kMinInt64 < end) {
y = new (zone_) InductionVar(end - 1);
case Token::kNE: {
// Accept i != E as either i < E (i++) or i > E (i--)
// for constants bounds that make the loop always-taken.
int64_t start = 0;
int64_t end = 0;
if (InductionVar::IsConstant(x->initial_, &start) &&
InductionVar::IsConstant(y, &end)) {
if ((stride == +1 && start < end) || (stride == -1 && start > end)) {
// We found a safe limit on the induction variable. Note that depending
// on the intended use of this information, clients should still test
// dominance on the test and the initial value of the induction variable.
x->bounds_.Add(InductionVar::Bound(branch, y));
// Record control induction.
if (branch == loop->header_->last_instruction()) {
loop->control_ = x;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::TransferPhi(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def,
intptr_t idx) {
InductionVar* induc = nullptr;
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = def->InputCount(); i < n; i++) {
if (i != idx) {
InductionVar* x = Lookup(loop, def->InputAt(i)->definition());
if (x == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
} else if (induc == nullptr) {
induc = x;
} else if (!induc->IsEqual(x)) {
return nullptr;
return induc;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::TransferBinary(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def) {
InductionVar* x = Lookup(loop, def->InputAt(0)->definition());
InductionVar* y = Lookup(loop, def->InputAt(1)->definition());
switch (def->AsBinaryIntegerOp()->op_kind()) {
case Token::kADD:
return Add(x, y);
case Token::kSUB:
return Sub(x, y);
case Token::kMUL:
return Mul(x, y);
return nullptr;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::TransferUnary(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def) {
InductionVar* x = Lookup(loop, def->InputAt(0)->definition());
switch (def->AsUnaryIntegerOp()->op_kind()) {
case Token::kNEGATE: {
InductionVar* zero = new (zone_) InductionVar(0);
return Sub(zero, x);
return nullptr;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::SolvePhi(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def,
intptr_t idx) {
InductionVar* induc = nullptr;
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = def->InputCount(); i < n; i++) {
if (i != idx) {
InductionVar* c = LookupCycle(def->InputAt(i)->definition());
if (c == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
} else if (induc == nullptr) {
induc = c;
} else if (!induc->IsEqual(c)) {
return nullptr;
return induc;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::SolveConstraint(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def,
InductionVar* init) {
InductionVar* c = LookupCycle(def->InputAt(0)->definition());
if (c == init) {
// Record a non-artifical bound constraint on a phi.
ConstraintInstr* constraint = def->AsConstraint();
if (constraint->target() != nullptr) {
loop->limit_ = constraint;
return c;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::SolveBinary(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def,
InductionVar* init) {
InductionVar* x = Lookup(loop, def->InputAt(0)->definition());
InductionVar* y = Lookup(loop, def->InputAt(1)->definition());
switch (def->AsBinaryIntegerOp()->op_kind()) {
case Token::kADD:
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(x)) {
InductionVar* c = LookupCycle(def->InputAt(1)->definition());
// The init marker denotes first use, otherwise aggregate.
if (c == init) {
return x;
} else if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(c)) {
return Add(x, c);
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(y)) {
InductionVar* c = LookupCycle(def->InputAt(0)->definition());
// The init marker denotes first use, otherwise aggregate.
if (c == init) {
return y;
} else if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(c)) {
return Add(c, y);
return nullptr;
case Token::kSUB:
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(x)) {
InductionVar* c = LookupCycle(def->InputAt(1)->definition());
// Note that i = x - i is periodic. The temporary
// meaning is expressed in terms of the header phi.
if (c == init) {
InductionVar* next = Sub(x, init);
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(next)) {
return new (zone_)
InductionVar(InductionVar::kPeriodic, init, next);
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(y)) {
InductionVar* c = LookupCycle(def->InputAt(0)->definition());
// The init marker denotes first use, otherwise aggregate.
if (c == init) {
InductionVar* zero = new (zone_) InductionVar(0);
return Sub(zero, y);
} else if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(c)) {
return Sub(c, y);
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::SolveUnary(LoopInfo* loop,
Definition* def,
InductionVar* init) {
InductionVar* c = LookupCycle(def->InputAt(0)->definition());
switch (def->AsUnaryIntegerOp()->op_kind()) {
case Token::kNEGATE:
// Note that i = - i is periodic. The temporary
// meaning is expressed in terms of the header phi.
if (c == init) {
InductionVar* zero = new (zone_) InductionVar(0);
InductionVar* next = Sub(zero, init);
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(next)) {
return new (zone_) InductionVar(InductionVar::kPeriodic, init, next);
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::Lookup(LoopInfo* loop, Definition* def) {
InductionVar* induc = loop->LookupInduction(def);
if (induc == nullptr) {
// Loop-invariants are added lazily.
int64_t val = 0;
if (IsConstant(def, &val)) {
induc = new (zone_) InductionVar(val);
loop->AddInduction(def, induc);
} else if (!loop->Contains(def->GetBlock())) {
induc = new (zone_) InductionVar(0, 1, def);
loop->AddInduction(def, induc);
return induc;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::LookupCycle(Definition* def) {
LoopInfo::InductionKV::Pair* pair = cycle_.Lookup(def);
if (pair != nullptr) {
return pair->value;
return nullptr;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::Add(InductionVar* x, InductionVar* y) {
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(x)) {
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(y)) {
// Invariant + Invariant : only for same or just one instruction.
if (x->def_ == y->def_) {
return new (zone_)
InductionVar(x->offset_ + y->offset_, x->mult_ + y->mult_, x->def_);
} else if (y->mult_ == 0) {
return new (zone_)
InductionVar(x->offset_ + y->offset_, x->mult_, x->def_);
} else if (x->mult_ == 0) {
return new (zone_)
InductionVar(x->offset_ + y->offset_, y->mult_, y->def_);
} else if (y != nullptr) {
// Invariant + Induction.
InductionVar* i = Add(x, y->initial_);
InductionVar* n =
y->kind_ == InductionVar::kLinear ? y->next_ : Add(x, y->next_);
if (i != nullptr && n != nullptr) {
return new (zone_) InductionVar(y->kind_, i, n);
} else if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(y)) {
if (x != nullptr) {
// Induction + Invariant.
InductionVar* i = Add(x->initial_, y);
InductionVar* n =
x->kind_ == InductionVar::kLinear ? x->next_ : Add(x->next_, y);
if (i != nullptr && n != nullptr) {
return new (zone_) InductionVar(x->kind_, i, n);
} else if (InductionVar::IsLinear(x) && InductionVar::IsLinear(y)) {
// Linear + Linear.
InductionVar* i = Add(x->initial_, y->initial_);
InductionVar* n = Add(x->next_, y->next_);
if (i != nullptr && n != nullptr) {
return new (zone_) InductionVar(InductionVar::kLinear, i, n);
return nullptr;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::Sub(InductionVar* x, InductionVar* y) {
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(x)) {
if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(y)) {
// Invariant + Invariant : only for same or just one instruction.
if (x->def_ == y->def_) {
return new (zone_)
InductionVar(x->offset_ - y->offset_, x->mult_ - y->mult_, x->def_);
} else if (y->mult_ == 0) {
return new (zone_)
InductionVar(x->offset_ - y->offset_, x->mult_, x->def_);
} else if (x->mult_ == 0) {
return new (zone_)
InductionVar(x->offset_ - y->offset_, -y->mult_, y->def_);
} else if (y != nullptr) {
// Invariant - Induction.
InductionVar* i = Sub(x, y->initial_);
InductionVar* n;
if (y->kind_ == InductionVar::kLinear) {
InductionVar* zero = new (zone_) InductionVar(0, 0, nullptr);
n = Sub(zero, y->next_);
} else {
n = Sub(x, y->next_);
if (i != nullptr && n != nullptr) {
return new (zone_) InductionVar(y->kind_, i, n);
} else if (InductionVar::IsInvariant(y)) {
if (x != nullptr) {
// Induction - Invariant.
InductionVar* i = Sub(x->initial_, y);
InductionVar* n =
x->kind_ == InductionVar::kLinear ? x->next_ : Sub(x->next_, y);
if (i != nullptr && n != nullptr) {
return new (zone_) InductionVar(x->kind_, i, n);
} else if (InductionVar::IsLinear(x) && InductionVar::IsLinear(y)) {
// Linear - Linear.
InductionVar* i = Sub(x->initial_, y->initial_);
InductionVar* n = Sub(x->next_, y->next_);
if (i != nullptr && n != nullptr) {
return new (zone_) InductionVar(InductionVar::kLinear, i, n);
return nullptr;
InductionVar* InductionVarAnalysis::Mul(InductionVar* x, InductionVar* y) {
// Swap constant left.
if (!InductionVar::IsConstant(x)) {
InductionVar* tmp = x;
x = y;
y = tmp;
// Apply constant to any induction.
if (InductionVar::IsConstant(x) && y != nullptr) {
if (y->kind_ == InductionVar::kInvariant) {
return new (zone_)
InductionVar(x->offset_ * y->offset_, x->offset_ * y->mult_, y->def_);
return new (zone_)
InductionVar(y->kind_, Mul(x, y->initial_), Mul(x, y->next_));
return nullptr;
const char* InductionVar::ToCString() const {
char buffer[1024];
BufferFormatter f(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
switch (kind_) {
case kInvariant:
if (mult_ != 0) {
f.Print("(%" Pd64 " + %" Pd64 " x %.4s)", offset_, mult_,
} else {
f.Print("%" Pd64, offset_);
case kLinear:
f.Print("LIN(%s + %s * i)", initial_->ToCString(), next_->ToCString());
case kWrapAround:
f.Print("WRAP(%s, %s)", initial_->ToCString(), next_->ToCString());
case kPeriodic:
f.Print("PERIOD(%s, %s)", initial_->ToCString(), next_->ToCString());
return Thread::Current()->zone()->MakeCopyOfString(buffer);
LoopInfo::LoopInfo(intptr_t id, BlockEntryInstr* header, BitVector* blocks)
: id_(id),
next_(nullptr) {}
void LoopInfo::AddBlocks(BitVector* blocks) {
void LoopInfo::AddBackEdge(BlockEntryInstr* block) {
bool LoopInfo::IsBackEdge(BlockEntryInstr* block) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = back_edges_.length(); i < n; i++) {
if (back_edges_[i] == block) {
return true;
return false;
bool LoopInfo::IsAlwaysTaken(BlockEntryInstr* block) const {
// The loop header is always executed when executing a loop (including
// loop body of a do-while). Reject any other loop body block that is
// not directly controlled by header.
if (block == header_) {
return true;
} else if (block->PredecessorCount() != 1 ||
block->PredecessorAt(0) != header_) {
return false;
// If the loop has a control induction, make sure the condition is such
// that the loop body is entered at least once from the header.
if (control_ != nullptr) {
InductionVar* limit = nullptr;
for (auto bound : control_->bounds()) {
if (bound.branch_ == header_->last_instruction()) {
limit = bound.limit_;
// Control iterates at least once?
if (limit != nullptr) {
int64_t stride = 0;
int64_t begin = 0;
int64_t end = 0;
if (InductionVar::IsLinear(control_, &stride) &&
InductionVar::IsConstant(control_->initial(), &begin) &&
InductionVar::IsConstant(limit, &end) &&
((stride == 1 && begin < end) || (stride == -1 && begin > end))) {
return true;
return false;
bool LoopInfo::IsHeaderPhi(Definition* def) const {
return def != nullptr && def->IsPhi() && def->GetBlock() == header_ &&
!def->AsPhi()->IsRedundant(); // phi(x,..,x) = x
bool LoopInfo::IsIn(LoopInfo* loop) const {
if (loop != nullptr) {
return loop->Contains(header_);
return false;
bool LoopInfo::Contains(BlockEntryInstr* block) const {
return blocks_->Contains(block->preorder_number());
intptr_t LoopInfo::NestingDepth() const {
intptr_t nesting_depth = 1;
for (LoopInfo* o = outer_; o != nullptr; o = o->outer()) {
return nesting_depth;
void LoopInfo::ResetInduction() {
void LoopInfo::AddInduction(Definition* def, InductionVar* induc) {
ASSERT(def != nullptr);
ASSERT(induc != nullptr);
induction_.Insert(InductionKV::Pair(def, induc));
InductionVar* LoopInfo::LookupInduction(Definition* def) const {
InductionKV::Pair* pair = induction_.Lookup(def);
if (pair != nullptr) {
return pair->value;
return nullptr;
const char* LoopInfo::ToCString() const {
char buffer[1024];
BufferFormatter f(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
f.Print("%*c", static_cast<int>(2 * NestingDepth()), ' ');
f.Print("loop%" Pd " B%" Pd " ", id_, header_->block_id());
intptr_t num_blocks = 0;
for (BitVector::Iterator it(blocks_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
f.Print("#blocks=%" Pd, num_blocks);
if (outer_ != nullptr) f.Print(" outer=%" Pd, outer_->id_);
if (inner_ != nullptr) f.Print(" inner=%" Pd, inner_->id_);
if (next_ != nullptr) f.Print(" next=%" Pd, next_->id_);
f.Print(" [");
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = back_edges_.length(); i < n; i++) {
f.Print(" B%" Pd, back_edges_[i]->block_id());
f.Print(" ]");
return Thread::Current()->zone()->MakeCopyOfString(buffer);
LoopHierarchy::LoopHierarchy(ZoneGrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>* headers,
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& preorder)
: headers_(headers), preorder_(preorder), top_(nullptr) {
void LoopHierarchy::Build() {
// Link every entry block to the closest enveloping loop.
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = headers_->length(); i < n; ++i) {
LoopInfo* loop = (*headers_)[i]->loop_info();
for (BitVector::Iterator it(loop->blocks_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = preorder_[it.Current()];
if (block->loop_info() == nullptr) {
} else {
// Build hierarchy from headers.
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = headers_->length(); i < n; ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* header = (*headers_)[i];
LoopInfo* loop = header->loop_info();
LoopInfo* dom_loop = header->dominator()->loop_info();
ASSERT(loop->outer_ == nullptr);
ASSERT(loop->next_ == nullptr);
if (loop->IsIn(dom_loop)) {
loop->outer_ = dom_loop;
loop->next_ = dom_loop->inner_;
dom_loop->inner_ = loop;
} else {
loop->next_ = top_;
top_ = loop;
// If tracing is requested, print the loop hierarchy.
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
void LoopHierarchy::Print(LoopInfo* loop) {
for (; loop != nullptr; loop = loop->next_) {
THR_Print("%s {", loop->ToCString());
for (BitVector::Iterator it(loop->blocks_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
THR_Print(" B%" Pd, preorder_[it.Current()]->block_id());
THR_Print(" }\n");
void LoopHierarchy::ComputeInduction() const {
} // namespace dart
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)