blob: 1c27dbc160c8cbdedb02e41343fe3a17258c7c82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of heap_snapshot;
// TODO(observatory): The two levels of interface (SnapshotGraph + HeapSnapshot)
// probably aren't providing any value after the removal of class-based
// reference merging that only happen in the second layer. Consider flattening.
class HeapSnapshot implements M.HeapSnapshot {
SnapshotGraph graph;
DateTime timestamp;
int get size => graph.shallowSize + graph.externalSize;
HeapSnapshotMergedDominatorNode mergedDominatorTree;
List<SnapshotClass> classes;
SnapshotObject get root => graph.root;
Uint8List encoded;
Stream<String> loadProgress(S.Isolate isolate, Uint8List encoded) {
final progress = new StreamController<String>.broadcast();
this.encoded = encoded;
graph = new SnapshotGraph(encoded);
(() async {
timestamp = new;
final stream = graph.process();
stream.listen((status) {
await stream.last;
mergedDominatorTree =
new HeapSnapshotMergedDominatorNode(isolate, graph.mergedRoot, null);
classes = graph.classes.toList();
class HeapSnapshotMergedDominatorNode
implements M.HeapSnapshotMergedDominatorNode {
final MergedObjectVertex v;
final S.Isolate isolate;
SnapshotClass get klass => v.klass;
final _parent;
HeapSnapshotMergedDominatorNode get parent => _parent ?? this;
Iterable<HeapSnapshotMergedDominatorNode> _children;
Iterable<HeapSnapshotMergedDominatorNode> get children {
if (_children != null) {
return _children;
} else {
return _children =
new List.unmodifiable(v.dominatorTreeChildren().map((v) {
return new HeapSnapshotMergedDominatorNode(isolate, v, this);
List<SnapshotObject> get objects => v.objects;
int get instanceCount => v.instanceCount;
int get retainedSize => v.retainedSize;
int get shallowSize => v.shallowSize;
int get externalSize => v.externalSize;
String get description => "$instanceCount instances of ${}";
S.Isolate isolate, MergedObjectVertex vertex, this._parent)
: isolate = isolate,
v = vertex;