blob: 93839838141e963adab7412ea2a9f2eebef94093 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../common.dart';
import '../inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import '../io/source_information.dart';
import 'builder_kernel.dart';
import 'locals_handler.dart';
import 'nodes.dart';
class SsaBranch {
final SsaBranchBuilder branchBuilder;
final HBasicBlock block;
LocalsHandler startLocals;
LocalsHandler exitLocals;
SubGraph graph;
SsaBranch(this.branchBuilder) : block = new HBasicBlock();
class SsaBranchBuilder {
final KernelSsaGraphBuilder builder;
final Spannable diagnosticNode;
SsaBranchBuilder(this.builder, [this.diagnosticNode]);
AbstractValueDomain get _abstractValueDomain =>
void checkNotAborted() {
if (builder.isAborted()) {
failedAt(diagnosticNode, "aborted control flow");
void buildCondition(
void visitCondition(),
SsaBranch conditionBranch,
SsaBranch thenBranch,
SsaBranch elseBranch,
SourceInformation sourceInformation) {
assert(identical(builder.current, builder.lastOpenedBlock));
HInstruction conditionValue = builder.popBoolified();
HIf branch = new HIf(_abstractValueDomain, conditionValue)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
HBasicBlock conditionExitBlock = builder.current;
conditionBranch.exitLocals = builder.localsHandler;
bool conditionBranchLocalsCanBeReused =
mergeLocals(conditionBranch, thenBranch, mayReuseFromLocals: true);
mergeLocals(conditionBranch, elseBranch,
mayReuseFromLocals: conditionBranchLocalsCanBeReused);
conditionBranch.graph =
new SubExpression(conditionBranch.block, conditionExitBlock);
/// Returns true if the locals of the [fromBranch] may be reused. A [:true:]
/// return value implies that [mayReuseFromLocals] was set to [:true:].
bool mergeLocals(SsaBranch fromBranch, SsaBranch toBranch,
{bool mayReuseFromLocals}) {
LocalsHandler fromLocals = fromBranch.exitLocals;
if (toBranch.startLocals == null) {
if (mayReuseFromLocals) {
toBranch.startLocals = fromLocals;
return false;
} else {
toBranch.startLocals = new LocalsHandler.from(fromLocals);
return true;
} else {
toBranch.startLocals.mergeWith(fromLocals, toBranch.block);
return true;
void startBranch(SsaBranch branch) {
builder.localsHandler = branch.startLocals;;
HInstruction buildBranch(SsaBranch branch, void visitBranch(),
SsaBranch joinBranch, bool isExpression) {
branch.graph = new SubGraph(branch.block, builder.lastOpenedBlock);
branch.exitLocals = builder.localsHandler;
if (!builder.isAborted()) {
builder.goto(builder.current, joinBranch.block);
mergeLocals(branch, joinBranch, mayReuseFromLocals: true);
if (isExpression) {
return builder.pop();
return null;
handleIf(void visitCondition(), void visitThen(), void visitElse(),
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
if (visitElse == null) {
// Make sure to have an else part to avoid a critical edge. A
// critical edge is an edge that connects a block with multiple
// successors to a block with multiple predecessors. We avoid
// such edges because they prevent inserting copies during code
// generation of phi instructions.
visitElse = () {};
_handleDiamondBranch(visitCondition, visitThen, visitElse,
isExpression: false, sourceInformation: sourceInformation);
handleConditional(void visitCondition(), void visitThen(), void visitElse()) {
assert(visitElse != null);
_handleDiamondBranch(visitCondition, visitThen, visitElse,
isExpression: true);
handleIfNull(void left(), void right()) {
// x ?? y is transformed into: x == null ? y : x
HInstruction leftExpression;
handleConditional(() {
leftExpression = builder.pop();
}, right, () => builder.stack.add(leftExpression));
/// Creates the graph for '&&' or '||' operators.
/// x && y is transformed into:
/// t0 = boolify(x);
/// if (t0) {
/// t1 = boolify(y);
/// }
/// result = phi(t1, false);
/// x || y is transformed into:
/// t0 = boolify(x);
/// if (not(t0)) {
/// t1 = boolify(y);
/// }
/// result = phi(t1, true);
void handleLogicalBinary(
void left(), void right(), SourceInformation sourceInformation,
{bool isAnd}) {
HInstruction boolifiedLeft;
HInstruction boolifiedRight;
void visitCondition() {
boolifiedLeft = builder.popBoolified();
if (!isAnd) {
builder.push(new HNot(builder.pop(), _abstractValueDomain.boolType)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation);
void visitThen() {
boolifiedRight = builder.popBoolified();
handleIf(visitCondition, visitThen, null,
sourceInformation: sourceInformation);
HConstant notIsAnd =
builder.graph.addConstantBool(!isAnd, builder.closedWorld);
HPhi result = new HPhi.manyInputs(
<HInstruction>[boolifiedRight, notIsAnd],
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
void _handleDiamondBranch(
void visitCondition(), void visitThen(), void visitElse(),
{bool isExpression, SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
SsaBranch conditionBranch = new SsaBranch(this);
SsaBranch thenBranch = new SsaBranch(this);
SsaBranch elseBranch = new SsaBranch(this);
SsaBranch joinBranch = new SsaBranch(this);
conditionBranch.startLocals = builder.localsHandler;
builder.goto(builder.current, conditionBranch.block);
buildCondition(visitCondition, conditionBranch, thenBranch, elseBranch,
HInstruction thenValue =
buildBranch(thenBranch, visitThen, joinBranch, isExpression);
HInstruction elseValue =
buildBranch(elseBranch, visitElse, joinBranch, isExpression);
if (isExpression) {
assert(thenValue != null && elseValue != null);
HPhi phi = new HPhi.manyInputs(null, <HInstruction>[thenValue, elseValue],
HBasicBlock joinBlock;
// If at least one branch did not abort, open the joinBranch.
if (!joinBranch.block.predecessors.isEmpty) {
joinBlock = joinBranch.block;
HIfBlockInformation info = new HIfBlockInformation(
new HSubExpressionBlockInformation(conditionBranch.graph),
new HSubGraphBlockInformation(thenBranch.graph),
new HSubGraphBlockInformation(elseBranch.graph));
HBasicBlock conditionStartBlock = conditionBranch.block;
conditionStartBlock.setBlockFlow(info, joinBlock);
SubGraph conditionGraph = conditionBranch.graph;
HIf branch = conditionGraph.end.last;
assert(branch is HIf);
branch.blockInformation = conditionStartBlock.blockFlow;