blob: 509af15c8173de40a23a2aca10fdacd3fe9957ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library is used for testing asynchronous tests.
/// If a test is asynchronous, it needs to notify the testing driver
/// about this (otherwise tests may get reported as passing [after main()
/// finished] even if the asynchronous operations fail).
/// Tests which can't use the unittest framework should use the helper functions
/// in this library.
/// This library provides four methods
/// - asyncStart(): Needs to be called before an asynchronous operation is
/// scheduled.
/// - asyncEnd(): Needs to be called as soon as the asynchronous operation
/// ended.
/// - asyncSuccess(_): Variant of asyncEnd useful together with Future.then.
/// - asyncTest(f()): Helper method that wraps a computation that returns a
/// Future with matching calls to asyncStart() and
/// asyncSuccess(_).
/// After the last asyncStart() called was matched with a corresponding
/// asyncEnd() or asyncSuccess(_) call, the testing driver will be notified that
/// the tests is done.
library async_helper;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
bool _initialized = false;
int _asyncLevel = 0;
Exception _buildException(String msg) {
return new Exception('Fatal: $msg. This is most likely a bug in your test.');
/// Call this method before an asynchronous test is created.
/// If [count] is provided, expect [count] [asyncEnd] calls instead of just one.
void asyncStart([int count = 1]) {
if (count <= 0) return;
if (_initialized && _asyncLevel == 0) {
throw _buildException('asyncStart() was called even though we are done '
'with testing.');
if (!_initialized) {
_initialized = true;
_asyncLevel += count;
/// Call this after an asynchronous test has ended successfully.
void asyncEnd() {
if (_asyncLevel <= 0) {
if (!_initialized) {
throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().');
} else {
throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called more often than '
if (_asyncLevel == 0) {
* Call this after an asynchronous test has ended successfully. This is a helper
* for calling [asyncEnd].
* This method intentionally has a signature that matches [:Future.then:] as a
* convenience for calling [asyncEnd] when a [:Future:] completes without error,
* like this:
* asyncStart();
* Future result = test();
* result.then(asyncSuccess);
void asyncSuccess(_) => asyncEnd();
* Helper method for performing asynchronous tests involving [:Future:].
* [f] must return a [:Future:] for the test computation.
Future<void> asyncTest(f()) {
return f().then(asyncSuccess);
/// Calls [f] and verifies that it throws a `T`.
/// The optional [check] function can provide additional validation that the
/// correct object is being thrown. For example, to check the content of the
/// thrown object you could write this:
/// asyncExpectThrows<MyException>(myThrowingFunction,
/// (e) => e.myMessage.contains("WARNING"));
/// If `f` fails an expectation (i.e., throws an [ExpectException]), that
/// exception is not caught by [asyncExpectThrows]. The test is still considered
/// failing.
void asyncExpectThrows<T>(Future<void> f(),
[bool check(T error), String reason]) {
var type = "";
if (T != dynamic && T != Object) type = "<$T>";
var header = "asyncExpectThrows$type(${reason ?? ''}):";
// TODO(rnystrom): It might useful to validate that T is not bound to
// ExpectException since that won't work.
if (f is! Function()) {
// Only throws from executing the function body should count as throwing.
// The failure to even call `f` should throw outside the try/catch.
Expect.testError("$header Function not callable with zero arguments.");
var result = f();
if (result is! Future) {
Expect.testError("$header Function did not return a Future.");
result.then((_) {
throw ExpectException("$header Did not throw.");
}).catchError((error, stack) {
// A test failure doesn't count as throwing.
if (error is ExpectException) throw error;
if (error is! T || (check != null && !check(error))) {
// Throws something unexpected.
throw ExpectException(
"$header Unexpected '${Error.safeToString(error)}'\n$stack");