blob: 10baa3c6a770335f470725b6d894511668d8a99c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_general.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
/// The reference to a class member.
class ClassMemberReference {
/// The target class name.
/// This is different from the class that actually turned out to define
/// the referenced member at the time of recording this reference. So, we
/// will notice added overrides in the target class, or anywhere in between.
final LibraryQualifiedName target;
/// The name referenced in the [target].
final String name;
final int hashCode;
: hashCode = JenkinsSmiHash.hash2(target.hashCode, name.hashCode);
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is ClassMemberReference && == target && == name;
String toString() {
return '($target, $name)';
static int compare(ClassMemberReference first, ClassMemberReference second) {
var result =,;
if (result != 0) return result;
/// The dependencies of the API or implementation portion of a node.
class Dependencies {
static final none = Dependencies([], [], [], [], [], []);
/// The token signature of this portion of the node. It depends on all
/// tokens that might affect the node API or implementation resolution.
final List<int> tokenSignature;
/// The names that appear unprefixed in this portion of the node, and are
/// not defined locally in the node. Locally defined names themselves
/// depend on some non-local nodes, which will also recorded here.
/// This list is sorted.
final List<String> unprefixedReferencedNames;
/// The names of import prefixes used to reference names in this node.
/// This list is sorted.
final List<String> importPrefixes;
/// The names referenced by this node with the import prefix at the
/// corresponding index in [importPrefixes].
/// This list is sorted.
final List<List<String>> importPrefixedReferencedNames;
/// The names that appear prefixed with `super` in this portion of the node.
/// This list is sorted.
final List<String> superReferencedNames;
/// The class members referenced in this portion of the node.
/// This list is sorted.
final List<ClassMemberReference> classMemberReferences;
/// All referenced nodes, computed from [unprefixedReferencedNames],
/// [importPrefixedReferencedNames], and [classMemberReferences].
List<Node> referencedNodes;
/// The transitive signature of this portion of the node, computed using
/// the [tokenSignature] of this node, and API signatures of the
/// [referencedNodes].
List<int> transitiveSignature;
String get tokenSignatureHex => hex.encode(tokenSignature);
/// A name qualified by a library URI.
class LibraryQualifiedName {
/// The URI of the defining library.
/// Not `null`.
final Uri libraryUri;
/// The name of this name object.
/// If the name starts with `_`, then the name is private.
/// Names of setters end with `=`.
final String name;
/// Whether this name is private, and its [name] starts with `_`.
final bool isPrivate;
/// The cached, pre-computed hash code.
final int hashCode;
factory LibraryQualifiedName(Uri libraryUri, String name) {
var isPrivate = name.startsWith('_');
var hashCode = JenkinsSmiHash.hash2(libraryUri.hashCode, name.hashCode);
return LibraryQualifiedName._internal(
libraryUri, name, isPrivate, hashCode);
this.libraryUri,, this.isPrivate, this.hashCode);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is LibraryQualifiedName &&
other.hashCode == hashCode &&
name == &&
libraryUri == other.libraryUri;
/// Whether this name us accessible for the library with the given
/// [libraryUri], i.e. when the name is public, or is defined in a library
/// with the same URI.
bool isAccessibleFor(Uri libraryUri) {
return !isPrivate || this.libraryUri == libraryUri;
String toString() => '$libraryUri::$name';
/// Compare given names by their raw names.
/// This method should be used only for sorting, it does not follow the
/// complete semantics of [==] and [hashCode].
static int compare(LibraryQualifiedName first, LibraryQualifiedName second) {
/// A dependency node - anything that has a name, and can be referenced.
class Node {
/// The API or implementation signature used in [Dependencies]
/// as a marker that this node is changed, explicitly because its token
/// signature changed, or implicitly - because it references a changed node.
static final changedSignature = Uint8List.fromList([0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF]);
final LibraryQualifiedName name;
final NodeKind kind;
/// Dependencies that affect the API of the node, so affect API or
/// implementation dependencies of the nodes that use this node.
final Dependencies api;
/// Additional (to the [api]) dependencies that affect only the
/// "implementation" of the node, e.g. the body of a method, but are not
/// visible outside of the node, and so don't affect any other nodes.
final Dependencies impl;
/// If the node is a class member, the node of the enclosing class.
/// Otherwise `null`.
final Node enclosingClass;
/// If the node is a class, the nodes of its type parameters.
/// Otherwise `null`.
List<Node> classTypeParameters;
/// If the node is a class, the sorted list of members in this class.
/// Otherwise `null`.
List<Node> classMembers;
Node(, this.kind, this.api, this.impl,
{this.enclosingClass, this.classTypeParameters});
/// Return the node that can be referenced by the given [name] from the
/// library with the given [libraryUri].
Node getClassMember(Uri libraryUri, String name) {
// TODO(scheglov) The list is sorted, use this fact to search faster.
// TODO(scheglov) Collect superclass members here or outside.
for (var i = 0; i < classMembers.length; ++i) {
var member = classMembers[i];
var memberName =;
if ( == name && memberName.isAccessibleFor(libraryUri)) {
return member;
return null;
/// Set new class members for this class.
void setClassMembers(List<Node> newClassMembers) {
classMembers = newClassMembers;
/// Set new class type parameters for this class.
void setTypeParameters(List<Node> newTypeParameters) {
classTypeParameters = newTypeParameters;
String toString() {
if (enclosingClass != null) {
return '$enclosingClass::${}';
return name.toString();
/// Compare given nodes by their names.
static int compare(Node first, Node second) {
/// Kinds of nodes.
enum NodeKind {