blob: 5ce176fc6b8e64556f531d836d6b003a2abc3973 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
* To regenerate the file, use the script "pkg/analysis_server/tool/spec/generate_files".
package org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* A partial completion suggestion that can be used in combination with info from
* completion.results to build completion suggestions for not yet imported library tokens.
* @coverage dart.server.generated.types
public class AvailableSuggestion {
public static final AvailableSuggestion[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new AvailableSuggestion[0];
public static final List<AvailableSuggestion> EMPTY_LIST = Lists.newArrayList();
* The identifier to present to the user for code completion.
private final String label;
* The URI of the library that declares the element being suggested, not the URI of the library
* associated with the enclosing AvailableSuggestionSet.
private final String declaringLibraryUri;
* Information about the element reference being suggested.
private final Element element;
* A default String for use in generating argument list source contents on the client side.
private final String defaultArgumentListString;
* Pairs of offsets and lengths describing 'defaultArgumentListString' text ranges suitable for use
* by clients to set up linked edits of default argument source contents. For example, given an
* argument list string 'x, y', the corresponding text range [0, 1, 3, 1], indicates two text
* ranges of length 1, starting at offsets 0 and 3. Clients can use these ranges to treat the 'x'
* and 'y' values specially for linked edits.
private final int[] defaultArgumentListTextRanges;
* If the element is an executable, the names of the formal parameters of all kinds - required,
* optional positional, and optional named. The names of positional parameters are empty strings.
* Omitted if the element is not an executable.
private final List<String> parameterNames;
* If the element is an executable, the declared types of the formal parameters of all kinds -
* required, optional positional, and optional named. Omitted if the element is not an executable.
private final List<String> parameterTypes;
* This field is set if the relevance of this suggestion might be changed depending on where
* completion is requested.
private final List<String> relevanceTags;
private final Integer requiredParameterCount;
* Constructor for {@link AvailableSuggestion}.
public AvailableSuggestion(String label, String declaringLibraryUri, Element element, String defaultArgumentListString, int[] defaultArgumentListTextRanges, List<String> parameterNames, List<String> parameterTypes, List<String> relevanceTags, Integer requiredParameterCount) {
this.label = label;
this.declaringLibraryUri = declaringLibraryUri;
this.element = element;
this.defaultArgumentListString = defaultArgumentListString;
this.defaultArgumentListTextRanges = defaultArgumentListTextRanges;
this.parameterNames = parameterNames;
this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes;
this.relevanceTags = relevanceTags;
this.requiredParameterCount = requiredParameterCount;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof AvailableSuggestion) {
AvailableSuggestion other = (AvailableSuggestion) obj;
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.label, label) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.declaringLibraryUri, declaringLibraryUri) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.element, element) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.defaultArgumentListString, defaultArgumentListString) &&
Arrays.equals(other.defaultArgumentListTextRanges, defaultArgumentListTextRanges) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.parameterNames, parameterNames) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.parameterTypes, parameterTypes) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.relevanceTags, relevanceTags) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.requiredParameterCount, requiredParameterCount);
return false;
public static AvailableSuggestion fromJson(JsonObject jsonObject) {
String label = jsonObject.get("label").getAsString();
String declaringLibraryUri = jsonObject.get("declaringLibraryUri").getAsString();
Element element = Element.fromJson(jsonObject.get("element").getAsJsonObject());
String defaultArgumentListString = jsonObject.get("defaultArgumentListString") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("defaultArgumentListString").getAsString();
int[] defaultArgumentListTextRanges = jsonObject.get("defaultArgumentListTextRanges") == null ? null : JsonUtilities.decodeIntArray(jsonObject.get("defaultArgumentListTextRanges").getAsJsonArray());
List<String> parameterNames = jsonObject.get("parameterNames") == null ? null : JsonUtilities.decodeStringList(jsonObject.get("parameterNames").getAsJsonArray());
List<String> parameterTypes = jsonObject.get("parameterTypes") == null ? null : JsonUtilities.decodeStringList(jsonObject.get("parameterTypes").getAsJsonArray());
List<String> relevanceTags = jsonObject.get("relevanceTags") == null ? null : JsonUtilities.decodeStringList(jsonObject.get("relevanceTags").getAsJsonArray());
Integer requiredParameterCount = jsonObject.get("requiredParameterCount") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("requiredParameterCount").getAsInt();
return new AvailableSuggestion(label, declaringLibraryUri, element, defaultArgumentListString, defaultArgumentListTextRanges, parameterNames, parameterTypes, relevanceTags, requiredParameterCount);
public static List<AvailableSuggestion> fromJsonArray(JsonArray jsonArray) {
if (jsonArray == null) {
return EMPTY_LIST;
ArrayList<AvailableSuggestion> list = new ArrayList<AvailableSuggestion>(jsonArray.size());
Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = jsonArray.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return list;
* The URI of the library that declares the element being suggested, not the URI of the library
* associated with the enclosing AvailableSuggestionSet.
public String getDeclaringLibraryUri() {
return declaringLibraryUri;
* A default String for use in generating argument list source contents on the client side.
public String getDefaultArgumentListString() {
return defaultArgumentListString;
* Pairs of offsets and lengths describing 'defaultArgumentListString' text ranges suitable for use
* by clients to set up linked edits of default argument source contents. For example, given an
* argument list string 'x, y', the corresponding text range [0, 1, 3, 1], indicates two text
* ranges of length 1, starting at offsets 0 and 3. Clients can use these ranges to treat the 'x'
* and 'y' values specially for linked edits.
public int[] getDefaultArgumentListTextRanges() {
return defaultArgumentListTextRanges;
* Information about the element reference being suggested.
public Element getElement() {
return element;
* The identifier to present to the user for code completion.
public String getLabel() {
return label;
* If the element is an executable, the names of the formal parameters of all kinds - required,
* optional positional, and optional named. The names of positional parameters are empty strings.
* Omitted if the element is not an executable.
public List<String> getParameterNames() {
return parameterNames;
* If the element is an executable, the declared types of the formal parameters of all kinds -
* required, optional positional, and optional named. Omitted if the element is not an executable.
public List<String> getParameterTypes() {
return parameterTypes;
* This field is set if the relevance of this suggestion might be changed depending on where
* completion is requested.
public List<String> getRelevanceTags() {
return relevanceTags;
public Integer getRequiredParameterCount() {
return requiredParameterCount;
public int hashCode() {
HashCodeBuilder builder = new HashCodeBuilder();
return builder.toHashCode();
public JsonObject toJson() {
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject.addProperty("label", label);
jsonObject.addProperty("declaringLibraryUri", declaringLibraryUri);
jsonObject.add("element", element.toJson());
if (defaultArgumentListString != null) {
jsonObject.addProperty("defaultArgumentListString", defaultArgumentListString);
if (defaultArgumentListTextRanges != null) {
JsonArray jsonArrayDefaultArgumentListTextRanges = new JsonArray();
for (int elt : defaultArgumentListTextRanges) {
jsonArrayDefaultArgumentListTextRanges.add(new JsonPrimitive(elt));
jsonObject.add("defaultArgumentListTextRanges", jsonArrayDefaultArgumentListTextRanges);
if (parameterNames != null) {
JsonArray jsonArrayParameterNames = new JsonArray();
for (String elt : parameterNames) {
jsonArrayParameterNames.add(new JsonPrimitive(elt));
jsonObject.add("parameterNames", jsonArrayParameterNames);
if (parameterTypes != null) {
JsonArray jsonArrayParameterTypes = new JsonArray();
for (String elt : parameterTypes) {
jsonArrayParameterTypes.add(new JsonPrimitive(elt));
jsonObject.add("parameterTypes", jsonArrayParameterTypes);
if (relevanceTags != null) {
JsonArray jsonArrayRelevanceTags = new JsonArray();
for (String elt : relevanceTags) {
jsonArrayRelevanceTags.add(new JsonPrimitive(elt));
jsonObject.add("relevanceTags", jsonArrayRelevanceTags);
if (requiredParameterCount != null) {
jsonObject.addProperty("requiredParameterCount", requiredParameterCount);
return jsonObject;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(label + ", ");
builder.append(declaringLibraryUri + ", ");
builder.append(element + ", ");
builder.append(defaultArgumentListString + ", ");
builder.append(StringUtils.join(defaultArgumentListTextRanges, ", ") + ", ");
builder.append(StringUtils.join(parameterNames, ", ") + ", ");
builder.append(StringUtils.join(parameterTypes, ", ") + ", ");
builder.append(StringUtils.join(relevanceTags, ", ") + ", ");
return builder.toString();