blob: 77d6f543ea7317753a153fb911fd220b3bf9de09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/fixes/fixes.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'fix_processor.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class RemoveUnusedElementTest extends FixProcessorTest {
FixKind get kind => DartFixKind.REMOVE_UNUSED_ELEMENT;
test_class_notUsed_inClassMember() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
class _A {
static staticMethod() {
new _A();
// todo (pq): consider supporting the case where references are limited to within the class.
await assertNoFix();
test_class_notUsed_isExpression() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
class _A {}
main(p) {
if (p is _A) {
// We don't know what to do with the reference.
await assertNoFix();
test_class_notUsed_noReference() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
class _A {
await assertHasFix(r'''
test_enum_notUsed_noReference() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
enum _MyEnum {A, B, C}
await assertHasFix(r'''
test_functionLocal_notUsed_noReference() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
main() {
f() {}
await assertHasFix(r'''
main() {
test_functionTop_notUsed_noReference() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
_f() {}
main() {
await assertHasFix(r'''
main() {
test_functionTypeAlias_notUsed_noReference() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
typedef _F(a, b);
main() {
await assertHasFix(r'''
main() {
test_getter_notUsed_noReference() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
class A {
get _g => null;
await assertHasFix(r'''
class A {
test_method_notUsed_noReference() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
class A {
static _m() {}
await assertHasFix(r'''
class A {
test_setter_notUsed_noReference() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
class A {
set _s(x) {}
await assertHasFix(r'''
class A {
test_topLevelVariable_notUsed() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
int _a = 1;
main() {
_a = 2;
// Reference.
await assertNoFix();
test_topLevelVariable_notUsed_noReference() async {
await resolveTestUnit(r'''
int _a = 1;
main() {
await assertHasFix(r'''
main() {