blob: 7aa08c5903722ec169e6d868d68a9736eb245f04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--lazy-dispatchers
// VMOptions=--no-lazy-dispatchers
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
typedef R3<A, B, C> = (A, B, {C $5});
void main() {
var record = (1, "a", $5: true);
var dynamicRecord = record as dynamic;
switch (dynamicRecord) {
// Record pattern
case (int a, String b, $5: bool c):
Expect.equals(1, a);
Expect.equals("a", b);
Expect.equals(true, c);
case _:"Didn't match full record pattern");
switch (dynamicRecord) {
// Object pattern.
case R3<int, String, bool>(:var $1, :var $2, :var $5):
Expect.equals(1, $1);
Expect.equals("a", $2);
Expect.equals(true, $5);
case _:"Didn't match Object pattern");
switch (dynamicRecord) {
// Partial object pattern.
case R3<int, String, bool>(:var $1, :var $5):
Expect.equals(1, $1);
Expect.equals(true, $5);
case _:"Didn't match partial Object pattern");
switch (dynamicRecord) {
// Object pattern with extension getters.
case R3<int, String, bool>(
:var $1, :var $3, :var $5, :var $18446744073709551617):
Expect.equals(1, $1);
Expect.equals("3", $3);
Expect.equals(true, $5);
Expect.equals("2p64+1", $18446744073709551617);
case _:"Didn't match object pattern with extension getters");
// Add positional-like extension members.
extension Extension<A, B, C> on (A, B, {C $5}) {
String get $0 => "0";
Never get $1 => throw "shadowed";
String get $3 => "3";
String get $18446744073709551616 => "2p64";
String get $18446744073709551617 => "2p64+1";